Harry Potter (fluff)

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I sit up from my bed frantically breathing heavily, cold sweat coating my forehead. Though it has been a couple months, my memories from the war still haunt me in my dreams. I calm down enough to take in a view of the rest of the dorm. Everyone is still peacefully asleep. Thinking that I wasn't going to get anymore sleep, I step out of bed and walk out the door to the common room. The stairs creaked as I made my way down. As I made my way to the couch, I stopped short when I realized I wasn't alone. Harry Potter, my life long crush, was sitting on the common room couch staring at the fire oblivious to the fact I was standing there. I assumed that he probably wanted to be alone so I headed back up in the direction of my dorm room quietly. Lets just say the squeaky stairs had other plans...

"Y/N?" I winced slightly as I turned around to meet those emerald eyes that melt my heart entirely. "Yes?" I say, unsure what to do next. "What are you doing up so late? Aren't you tired?" "Bad dreams" I reply bluntly shrugging my shoulders "Why are YOU up?". "Same I guess... Would you like to join me?". I hesitated for a moment before nodding my head in response. I walk over to the couch and sit next to him, our elbows slightly touching. I can feel my heartbeat pounding as I payed attention to the flickering fire in front of us. We were sitting so close to each other, in such close proximity. Then I felt it. That feeing that someone is looking at me. I turn my head only to be met by his eyes. Harry's eyes. I gave him a questioning look before he said "What are your nightmares about?". You slowly looked down at your lap and responded "The war. I feel as if some of the people that we lost were lost because of me. I could've saved so many people if I hadn't been so set on protecting my own life and then I saw you dead and I broke down completely because it felt as if half of me was de-" I stopped, realizing what I had just said. I had started rambling and let my emotions take over me in front of Harry Potter, my lifelong crush who, up until now had been oblivious to my feelings about him.

I felt the weight beside me lift as the chosen one knelt in front of me, putting his hands on either side of my face forcing me to look at him, our faces mere inches from each other. "Now listen here Y/N. None of those deaths were your fault at all, if anything they were because of me. You survived because you fought for your life, to stay alive! You're incredibly tough and an amazing witch not to mention drop dead beautiful!" My heart skipped a beat and I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks as he continued "I was ecstatic when I saw you after everything was done because that meant that I still had a chance to be brave after all these years of being absolutely stupid." I gave him a confused look, not completely understanding what he meant. Harry closed his eyes as he took a deep breathed and said "Y/N, You're the most incredible person I have ever met. You're strong, independent, caring, smart, and as I mentioned earlier, absolutely beautiful. Any guy would be lucky to have you but I was wondering if could save you the trouble of looking by asking you to be my girlfriend?" He said, taking my hands in his and looking deep into my eyes. I felt lightheaded and my heart was going millions of miles per hour. Little did I know, Harry started to become nervous as you haven't answered yet, "I-I mean you don't h-have to if you d-don't want t--"

He was cut short by me crashing my lips onto his. He immediately responded and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. My hands moved his hair, messing it up even more so than it had been. We stayed that way for a while before he pulled back, suddenly gaining confidence, and moved his mouth to my neck biting and sucking before finding my sweet spot making me gasp slightly. He smiled against my skin as he pulled back and whispered in my ear sending a shiver down my spine "Is that a yes darling?" He asked. You pulled back an looked him in his brilliant green eyes smiling and giggled seeing his swollen lips and disheveled hair  "Absolutely."  

If you have any ideas or requests I'm open to doing them so please help me!

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