Neville Longbottom (fluff)

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(5th year Slytherin Reader)

I was now heading to my favorite class ever. Potions. Most students wouldn't like potions but that's mainly because of Snape but since I am a Slytherin I don't fear him. As I enter the classroom and go to my assigned spot I notice that my potions partner, Blaise Zambini, isn't there. 'That's odd. He's usually the first one here' I thought. I shrug and sit down anyways as class begins. Snape enters with flare as always and moves to the front of the room. "Today," he begins, "we will be making Versitaserum. As you all should know, this specific potion takes at least a month to prepare so whomever you are sitting next to today will be your partner to brew the entirety of the potion." He paused, looking around the room. 

"Y/N!" I look up from my paper at Snape, "Yes professor?" I ask. "Since your partner, Mr. Zambini has fallen ill, I am partnering you up with Longbottom. Good Luck." He then turns his attention towards the chalk board and starts writing ingredients down. I hear the chair beside me shift and look up only to find the one and only Neville Longbottom looking extremely nervous just to be in the presence of a Slytherin. While I get his fear, I also feel like I should tell him I am not like my peers, "You know," I start, "I'm not your average Slytherin." He looks at me confused but then looks down at his book. I start up again, "I'm not going to do anything to you. Or make fun of you or anything like that. I don't agree with the way my other housemates treat people of different blood."

He looks at me again but this time astonished. He said something under his breath that I didn't quite catch. "What?" "Oh-h n-n-nothing. U-m I'll go g-get the ingredients." and with that he made his way over to the cupboard. I shrugged again. 'At least he talked to me' I thought. For a while now, I've had a liking towards that Gryffindor. He's just so cute. Now I know what you're thinking... A Slytherin and a Gryffindor? How on earth would that work?? The answer is well I don't quite know.

 Neville was now heading back to the table, careful not to drop any of the items in his arms. As he set them down on the table, I reached out for the first ingredient and accidently brushed my hand against his sending sparks up my arm making me shiver. I feel the blood rush to my cheeks and turn away, taking what I needed. Out of the corner of my eye I see him smile, as if he saw the color on my face. I curse under my breath and continue with the potion, a small smile on my face.

As we went on with the potion, Neville tried to help me every now and then which I thought was sweet... until he added the wrong amount of something and it ended up exploding. "You foolish boy!" I jump as Snape's booming voice echoed in our direction. He started yelling at Neville and I didn't really pay attention until something caught my ear. "L/N will have to tutor you so I won't have another cauldron gone to waste!"

The class continued to work until class was over. I then turned to Neville who looked very down because of earlier. "Hey, It's ok. Everyone makes mistakes every now and then, its nothing to be ashamed of. Besides," I pause, causing him to look at me, "You get to spend more time with me!" I smile at him to try and lighten his mood which works. A small smile finds its self on his face and he starts to blush, "Yeah I guess that's a plus." I stand up and gather my stuff and he follows suite, "We could meet in the Gryffindor common room for our study session tonight. The dungeons are a bit cold and full of Slytherins" I laugh. "Yeah that works. See you then." And with that he left.


I made my way to the Gryffindor portrait. I heard that the fat lady, the one that is in the portrait, doesn't exactly like Slytherins so this should be fun. She sees me coming and looks at me confused. "What are you doing up here Slytherin?" she asks. "I'm here to see Neville Longbottom. Could you get him for me please?" I say with a kind and sincere smile, trying to win her over. She searches my face, as if to look for any bad intention and then she leaves the frame. Soon, the portrait opens and Neville's head pops out. "Oh hey. Come in!" he says invitingly. I gladly follow him in and am immediately surrounded by the warmth of the Gryffindor common room. I feel so at home and it feels incredible. It's so different compared to the Slytherin common room. There were lots of people in the common room at the moment and as soon as I entered, all eyes turned to me and that's when I came back to reality. A Slytherin pureblood in the Gryffindor common room. Neville must have seen my discomfort and decided to change the location a bit. He walked over to me and whispered "We can go to my dorm room if you want. Everyone's  down here right now." I nodded gratefully and followed him up to his room. 

When we got there I walked over to his bed and sat down, putting my books on the floor in front of me. "I'm sorry about that. I should've told them you were coming." he apologized, sitting next to me. "It's ok, really. I know that Slytherin and Gryffindor have some bad blood." I said smiling, "Now putting that behind us, should we get started?" 

We worked for at least 30 minutes. Me trying to get a point across that could help him in potions class and him not quite understanding. Currently we were laying on our stomachs on his bed looking blankly at the potions book. I turn over so that I am now on my back and groaned, covering my face with my hands. "I just don't get it! It's so complicated." he said, looking hopelessly at the potion book. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door startling us both. It opened and in came the chosen one himself. "You two have been up here for a while and I think its time you had a break. We are about to play seven minutes of heaven down in the common room and you two should join. It'll be fun." Harry said. Neville and I looked at each other and got up from the bed, heading down to the common room. 

Pt.2 is next!

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