Max: Tattoo

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POV Max:

I have this tattoo on my wrist and I have had it since I could remember and I have always wondered why I have got it. I have asked all my family members what the tattoo is for and why I have it but none of them have ever gave me an answer. I am keen to find out what it means and why I have it.

-the next morning-

I woke with a burning sensation on my arm but I just shake it off and think nothing of it until late afternoon when I was in school and it was burning again, so I looked at it and it was slowly fading away so I was wondering why it was fading away until I noticed and girl in my class also looking at her arm and she was also in pain. I go over to the girl and asks if she is okay and that can I see her arm.

"Hey are you ok?" I ask the girl.

"Oh yeah I'm fine my arm is just hurting that's all." the girl replies.

"Oh can I see your arm a minute" I ask her.

The girl passes me her arm  and  I look at it and she has the exact same tattoo as we and hers is fading away like mine as well.

"You have the same tattoo as me on your arm and yours is also fading away like mine." I tell her 

"Oh really you are my soulmate then." she says  to me.

"A what?" i say confused.

"Your my  soulmate. You have the same tattoo on your arm and it's fading away and so is mine and it means that we are soulmates." She tells me.

"Oh well I guess we are meant to be together then. I am Max by the way, Max Mills." I introduce myself.

"Hi Max I am Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n." 

"It's nice to meet you and I hope we can hang out sometime." I say to her.

"Yeah I would like that." 

A/n: I hope you liked this imagine.

Words: 351 

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