Darkness and Light

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Hey everyone, the name is Ephrem
I like deep thought, I am obsessed with them
But I don't know who i am
A deep thinker or deep seeker
i start to think like a person but as i go deep i start to lose my reason
Why do i have this friction
Deep inside my heart, deep in my mansion
Yeah NF said his mind is a mansion
But I don't even know what's my question
Man it is really hard for me to find my inner passion intention
Yeah sometimes i seat on my bed
And think about my life
There is a fight inside me
Just like husband and wife
For the people outside i look good and bright
Deep deep inside i know i have this weight
The darkness and light are stretching me oh God
I didn't even know when but all my faith is gone

Dude when u wake up in mornin'
Do u feel like ur dead
Like there is an active court deep inside ur head
The light and the dark standing on each side
Each of them begging you to join there own side
But you have to be the judge ur the one who decide
Will you take the light and live a happy life
Or flow with the dark and tear u life apart
But choosing isn't easy
Judging will make u dizzy
You want to choose the light and make ur life a bright
But u can't even do that cuz ur sin has hold u tight
But man i am way to lost to even see the light
God, this hard to tell, it's hard to write
I guess i have no choice but to let time show me what's wrong or right


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