Vivian Mills is Regina Mills daughter from her first love Daniel, the stable boy. Vivian was known as the Dark Princess, her magic was dark but her heart was pure. She hardly kills as her mother never wanted to ruin her daughter the way she was ruin...
Vivian walked down the street of Storybrooke and looked around to see vaguely familiar faces but the town didn't look right. She looked up at the sky and frowned, "Since when is the sky red?" She asked as she walked through the town, in the distance she noticed that the half the clock tower was laying on the ground with the time 8:15, "What the hell..." She whispered.
A sheriff's car stopped in front of her and she watched as David stepped out, "David?" She said confused.
"Nope, try again, Princess," He smirked at her.
"James..." Vivian whispered.
"That's Prince James, Princess" Jame closed the car door and walked to her, "You know, I didn't think I'd see you here anytime soon," He tucked some hair behind her ear, "Come on, I want to take you somewhere."
"Last time you said that I ended up at the docks," Vivian said frowning at him in confusion.
"Yes, then a few months later you met your pirate," James said as they got into the car, James drove them to the mayor office.
"Why are we here? Wait... Where the hell am I? I was in Neverland dying," Vivian said.
James chuckled, "You're dead, Princess... Welcome to the Underworld," James got out as did Vivian, "Come on," He said and he led her into the building.
Vivian followed him into the office and she saw her grandmother behind the desk, "Grandmother..." Vivian said.
Cora looked up, "Sweetheart... Thank you, James," Cora said and James left after winking at Vivian.
Vivian walked to the desk as Cora walked to her, "I...I'm in the Underworld?" Vivian asked.
"I'm afraid so, dear," Cora said and she hugged her, "What happened? You shouldn't be here."
Vivian slowly hugged back, "I got poisoned by Dreamshade in Neverland," Vivian pulled away from her and they sat at the table, "Pan... He's taken Henry, an arrow was going for my mom and I acted without thinking, pushed her out of the way and I got hit. At first, I didn't know, must've been a flesh cut and I didn't tell anyone not even Hook," She sighed and tears fell, "I told mom a few hours ago and she promised to let me die. Of course, she wasn't happy about it but I'm stubborn when I wasn't to be and I'd rather die than let Pan cure me but I'd have to stay on that island," Vivian said.
"And you and Hook?" Cora asked.
"There is no, Hook and me, not anymore," Vivian sighed, "Not because of the obvious of me being dead... Hook... He wandered to Emma," She looked at Cora, "Kissed her in Neverland... Not a peak on the cheek or lips, like full-on, lover kiss," Vivian said.
"That's why you're probably here, but I will do whatever I can to help you move on," Cora whispered.
"Why are you whispering?" Vivian whispered.
"Because I'm not allowed to," Cora looked at the window then turned to Vivian, "I think I know where to go," Cora stood up and held out her hand, "It's time you meet your dad," Cora said.
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