Part 10

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"Peter..." She spoke in a loving voice, concerned but still loving "Peter... I missed you so much" To hear that my sister missed me broke my heart.

I looked up at the clouds as I remembered my father figure, Mr.Stark. "I miss talking to him. He would give me amazing advice and probably give ice cream and hugs"

I smiled as my sister replied "Then let me help you... and you can have it all back"

I grabbed her hand "What if I can't be saved?"

I rested my head on her shoulder as she replied once more "I can save you and I will"

As I closed my eyes once again, Gwen walked up to us and spoke without hesitation "I love all this lovey dovey stuff but we have some problems that really can't wait- like Hollie"

As she spoke those concerning words, I remembered that when I left the compound- a bright blue light emerged from the windows. A light that had Hollie's scream along with it.

"She started to scream when you left- a deep pain inside her. As you left it intensified and we believe that if you come back, she'll wake from her screaming fit" Gwen said in an affirming tone.

I looked at my wrist again and answered Gwen's cries "I'll come but if anyone, and I mean anyone, gets hurt then I have to go"

I stood up and grabbed Sasha's hand, I pulled her into the log cabin that we had visited as kids. I dragged her to my room. I caught her examining the dreary house but I rushed to my closet and grabbed my torn up suit.

We both rushed outside and walked into the plane that they rode to get here. I held onto my suit in my right hand and I looked at my prison. I'm finally leaving it, finally with my family again, leaving this hell hole.

I take a final look at the stiff, red, pine trees that carefully swayed in the breeze, being careful to stay in their rooted stance.
Was this really happening? Am I really leaving with my family? Could I trust that this was real?

It would be easier to accept that this was reality, but the pain it would bring if this wasn't real would be unimaginable. I wanted to stay on one side of 'is this a dream or not' but my mind kept arguing. Repeating over and over that this wasn't real. But still dipping its toes in the water that said it was real. Would the cold ocean breeze prove that this was all a dream? Or would it simply stay calm with soft waves reaching to my knees?

I turned back around and faced the plane, a single dark blue stripe going from the nose of the plane to the rear. I always hated flying and the lingering feeling that someone would die wasn't helping.

So, I step on the plane. I sit down on the huge cushioned plane seat and bring a moveable table to me, resing it above my knees. I place my torn up suit on the table and grab some tools.

I look out the window, seeing the tops of the redwood forest, tiny pieces of grass being shown from trees being far apart. I gaze at the clouds as I remember the moon, how a tiny piece of me knew all the answers to the questions I so desperately wanted to be revealed.

My brain started to slowly connect the dots but a few were left untouched. I knew who the sun was and the earth too, but I couldn't quite figure out the moon. I had a hint of an answer that had been bestowed upon me days before, but never a full answer.

I shake my head and look back at my suit. I knew that a flight from the redwood forest in California to New York City would take a few hours, at our fastest speed. Luckily these planes go faster than any other.

I begin repairing my suit as Sasha looks at me with worry in her eyes. "Pete? What were you doing before we got to the cabin?"

I shifted my view to her, she sat in front of me. "Oh... um I was going to ask the moon some questions" I answered as I looked back down at my suit.

Seeing her, hearing her, being with her, that brought my fire back. I could feel those ashes turn into a flame again, I didn't think it possible.

I could feel her fearful glare, I couldn't admit what all transpired there. What transpired in that cruel house. I don't think I would ever be able to tell anyone, ever.

I quickly changed the subject "I can only imagine the pain that our dear Hollie is going through"

True me and Hollie didn't always get along or always agree on what the best course of action was but we still loved each other. We didn't have the same kind of relationship that me and Sasha do.

Me and Hollie were more like distant cousins, we fought a lot and couldn't agree on much but we still saw each other as family. We were not blood related either but we were a part of the same team, most of the time.

She does argue with me on certain views but we always do what we think is best for our families. I loved her and wouldn't trade her for anyone else, I mean who else would shoot me in the leg?

I chuckled as the fond memory of her shooting me popped in my head. How that one action changed a lot in both of our lives. How she was brainwashed, got married, and had adopted a kid after the day she shot me and how I protected my sister more and would give up anything to protect the world, to protect my family.

She loves her daughter and knows how much I want a child of my own. She had offered me once to take me to an adoption agency but I refused, I wasn't ready for a kid yet.

A few hours passed and I finally fixed my suit up, restoring its glory. I soon fell asleep, so maybe this wasn't a dream after all... but still, I didn't want to give my hopes up.

A simple yet cruel trick my brain could play.

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