Chapter 1

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"Alexandra Valarie Ortega! Get your ass down here now!" My mother shouts from downstairs. Oops, someone must have pissed her off.

I get up off my desk chair and head downstairs into the living room. "Yes mama?" I ask cautiously.

I'm not asking cautiously because I'm scared she is gonna hurt me. I'm asking cautiously because my mother is the scariest woman you'll ever meet. She loves me to death but she scares me to death when she is pissed.

"I told you to watch your little brother!" She points at Amelio who is crawling on the ground since he still cant walk. Oops, maybe I was the one that pissed her off.

"I forgot mama" I nervously reply. "Then I will forget that I told you that your allowed to go to Sylvia's tonight." She crosses her arms over her chest. "What no! You cant do that, me and Sylvia have been planning to go watch this movie for weeks." I get annoyed. "I don't care, now go take your brother to the park. Pedro will escort you there." She dismisses me and I nod.

Your probably thinking, why did I just walk away without arguing more. Well... my mother would never give in. She is the jefa (boss) of the Mexican mafia sooooo, yeah.

Good thing is that she is leaving to America for a year to deal with some business. Which means she is leaving me to deal with our turf in Mexico and anywhere else, except for America since she is working down there.

Don't worry, I am very capable of taking care of the mafia. She just scares the crap out of me, its like facing a damn lion without training or a weapon. That shit is scary as hell.

Anyways, enough about my mother. Even thinking about her makes my skin crawl.

I'm Alexandra Valarie Ortega, the mano derecha de la mafia mexicana. (right hand woman to the mexican mafia)

I am set to take over my mother's place after she retires or dies, which I doubt will be anytime soon.

My mama practically owns Mexico, no one dares to mess with us, not even the cops. Well half of them are dirty anyways.

"Miss Ortega? Are you ready to go?" Pedro knocks on my bedroom door. "Yes Pedro, and what did I say about the formalities when no one is around?" I raise my eyebrows and pick up Amelio. "Sorry Miss- Alexandra" he apologizes. "Dont apologize Pedro, I have known you since I was a baby. You are family, remember that Pedro" I smile and walk out of the room with Amelio in my arms.

We walk outside of the house and I get into one of the three SUV's waiting for us.

My mother always makes sure we are well protected, hence the three SUVs and a hand full of guards in them.


"So how is Talia?" I ask Pedro as we walk around the park keeping our eyes on Amelio who is playing around.

"She's taking the pregnancy well" he smiles. "That's good to hear. When is the next time she will come over for dinner?" I ask, "I will ask her for this week." I nod and we continue to walk in silence.

"Miss Ortega? Your mother wishes to speak to you." One of the guards hands me a phone. I take it and hold the phone up to my ear. Pedro nods and walks away with the guard to give me privacy.

"Mama?" I speak. "Alexandra," she pauses, "I must leave to America today, a few things have came up and I am heading down earlier than expected." I take a deep breathe and reply. "That is fine, I will grab Amelio and we will meet you at the jet to say goodbye." "Very well, see you soon darling" she hangs up before I could say anything else.

I walk over to Amelio and pick him up. "Time to go see mama" I smile at him. I walk back over to the guard and Pedro and hand the man his phone back. I nod at Pedro and he talks into his earpiece to tell everyone we are leaving.

We get into the car and I tell the driver to head to the jet and we do.


The driver opens my door and I walk out with Amelio. I walk towards the jet and wait for my mother's car to arrive and shortly, it does.

She walks out wearing an elegant black dress. Her hair was flowing in the wind and she just looked wonderful. My mother was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, I one day hoped to inherit her beauty.

"Darling" she smiles as she walks over to me. I place Amelio in Pedro's arms and hug her.

"I will only be gone for a year Alexandra, no longer, I promise." She promises to me. I nod and she takes Amelio out of Pedro's arms.

"Now you take care of your sister, she's a troublemaker" she gives a kiss on Amelio's cheek. I couldn't help but smile at the sight I was seeing.

My mother has always cared for me and my brother. We are her top priority and she has always made that clear. She almost gave up the mafia life when my papa was murdered but she wanted revenge so she stayed in the business.

Most mafia parents don't care much for their children, especially their daughters.

My mother frees up some of her time just to spend it with me and my baby brother. Most parents of mafia's wont, they think working is the most important thing. To keep their turf safe and to be able to do their business without interruptions. That's not how my mother works.

We are her important things, her life. She would take a bullet for me and my brother any day, aswell as I would for them.

Mama never wanted me to choose this lifestyle but she supported me. She always has and always will.

"I'll see you in 365 days darling." She hands me Amelio and I nod. "Take care of them Pedro." She adds. "Always Mrs. Ortega" he reassures her. "Its Lolita to you Pedro" she smiles and gets on the jet.

I sigh and walk back to the car with Amelio in my arms.


I sat in my mother's desk chair. The very chair where she ordered death upon people. The very chair that I will sit in for an entire year.

I opened some draws and they were all empty. She really is gone, she took all of her stuff and flew to America.

"How are you feeling?" Pedro walks in. He is damn lucky that he is family or I would have his head right now.

"Overwhelmed" I reply truthfully. "You'll get used to it Alexandra" he reassures me and I nod.

"Miss Ortega" someone knocks on the office door. "Come in" I reply and a lady walks in. "What is it?" I ask.

"We have a problem."

I swear the story gets better as it goes. Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment.

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