The One: Beel x Fem MC x Belphie

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Beel laid comfortably on Levi's extra futon, with Belphie snuggled into his side. MC had been asked to try a new game out by Levi. She didn't want to do it at first but she eventually agreed and ended up loving it. She sat in Levi's lap as he guided her through the levels. It was a perfect evening to a pretty hectic day. Mammon was up to his normal shenanigans, Lucifer was angry, and they had to finish the last of their midterms, but now it was so calm and relaxing.

"Heeeeeello my lovelies!" Asmo greeted as he barged his way into Levi's room. "Hey guys..." Satan waved as he followed behind Asmo with a book in his hand. "Uuuugh what are you two doing here." Levi grumbled. "Oh Levi, shush!"  MC giggled. "Hiya guys. You sick of the yelling too?" She asked. "Yes. I can't get any reading done. Levi was on to something when he soundproofed his room." Satan huffed as he sat down on the ground next to Levi and MC. Asmo fluttered over to the bed and stretched out on the other side of Beel. "Mmmm nice and cozy." He smiled as he wrapped his arms around what he could of Beel. Beel just sighed. He was too relaxed to fight it.

"What are you doing anyway?" Satan asked curiously staring at the TV. "I'm playing Recore. I didn't think I'd like it but its really fun!!" MC exclaimed. "She's really good at it too." Levi grinned as he watched her jump from platform to platform. Satan hummed as he placed his book down and watched MC play. "What's the goal of this game. Is there a storyline or something? What's that robot dog? He's kinda cute." He seemed genuinely interested.

"Yeah, so its about a girl named Joule and her corebots. The dog? That's Mack. Joule navigates the open world of Far Eden on foot equipped with rocket boosters on her shoes and her back, across platforms with the grappling hook or via fast travel. The scenery can altered by sandstorms, unveiling new areas to explore. Dungeons leading to progression in the story and containing resources that can be used for crafting are scattered throughout the world for Joule to unlock by way of collecting cores. She eventually meets a other person named Kai and together they discover an Evil corebot named Victor and find out he has done some terrible things and they have to defeat him and rebuild the planet. Its AWWWWEEESSSOMMMMEE!!!" Levi exclaimed. MC just laughed as she could feel the excited tension in Levi's body.

A few hours later MC began to feel tired. She let out a little yawn. "Hey, you getting sleepy, MC?" Levi whispered. "Hmm...yeah... I should probably go to sleep." She yawned again. Levi opened his arms to let her crawl off of his lap. She walked towards the door, opened it, and "MAMMOM, YOU SON OF A B- " she closed the door quickly and turned back toward Levi. "How about we all just stay in here tonight!" She urged. Levi looked at his brothers, who all woke up from hearing the yelling. "I guessss..." Levi mumbled. "Thanks Levi!" MC kissed him on the cheek making him blush. Can I share the tub with you?" She asked. He turned to see that his brothers had taken up most of the sleepable surfaces of his room and realized it was her only option. He went an even deeper red, but made room for her inside his bed and covered her with the blankets.


Beel, Belphie, and MC walked down the hallways at RAD. "Ugh, my neck hurts." MC moaned. "Well that's what you get when you sleep in a cramped bathtub." Belphie chuckled. "Here MC, sit down. I'll help." Beel sat MC down on a nearby bench and began to massage her shoulders and neck. "Mmmm Beel, that feels amazing." MC gushed. He smirked at his twin and Belphie rolled his eyes, groaning. The two of them both had feelings for MC, but neither would act on it for each other's sake and for their brothers' as well. MC seemed to have a hold over each of them in one way or another, even Lucifer. They did, however, have a small bet on who her favorite twin was.

"Hey! Wanna watch a movie in my room tonight?" She asked them. "Sure. Its been a while since just the three of us hung out. I'll make sure to bring lots of snacks!!" Beel said. "Yeah, sounds cool." Belphie added. "Great! We can order pizza and drinks. Oooo how about we wear our PJs and all cuddle up in my bed! We can all snuggle!! That sound so fun!" MC exclaimed. "That...sounds...amazing." Belphie yawned. "I'm tired just thinking about it."


Back at the house, Beel was rummaging through the pantry. He had stopped at the local store on the way home from school, but he was making a last minute kitchen run to make sure he didn't forget anything. He wanted to make sure he wasn't having to leave the room after he got there. He couldn't risk leaving MC alone with Belphie. He was too slick. He would try to make a move for sure. Yes, they would never make an emotional advance toward MC, but physical? That was always on the table.

Belphie made sure to get a shower, to smell nice and fresh around MC. Afterward he grabbed his favorite pillow from the bedroom and changed into his PJs. He slowly trudged his way to MC's room. If it weren't MC, he would already be out cold, but he couldn't let Beel get too much alone time with her. At least if he's in the room, they wouldn't feel comfortable getting busy or anything like that. Beel was too much of a goody goody for that.

MC was on the phone ordering 5 extra large triple cheese, deluxe pizzas with everything on it. Beel's smile widened. 'That's my girl' He thought to himself. That's one of the many things he liked about her. She could eat!! Yet she still had a body like a goddess! She covered the bottom of the phone with her hand. "Hey handsome." She whispered. He waved and went to take a seat on the end of her bed.

"Yeah, yeah.... Everything a human can actually eat. I don't think you want the death of one if Diavolo's exchange students on your hands... Yes, add that.... Oh! That sounds good. No, wait.... No pineapple. I'm allergic. Well... One 3 of the 5 can have pineapple.... Beel likes pineapple on his pizza..... Yeah Beelzebub...... Yeah! These are for him. Well for us..... Really!? Beel gets a discount?? Neat!" She winked and gave a thumbs up to Beel, making him laugh. "40 minutes?? Wow, for 5 extra large pizzas? That's a great time. Thanks so much!!"

She hung up the phone and flung herself at the red headed demon. "I love you!!" She cried happily as she nuzzled into his chest. "A 25% discount just because you order so much? Amazing!" She could feel his chest shaking with laughter. "I'm glad I could help." He leaned toward MC subconciously and nuzzled her neck. He could feel her grow tense under his touch. He was about to try something when the door opened in front of them. "Hey guys. Having fun without me?" Belphie mumbled. He looked rather irritated, walking in on his brother all cozy with his MC.

"S-sorry MC." Beel mumbled as he created some distance between them. When he looked at her, he could tell she was flustered. Her face and chest were red but he couldn't tell if it was from unease, embarrassment, or if she was turned on? "I-its okay..." She got up from her place and walked toward Belphie, pulling him further into the room and making him sit next to his brother while she went to turn on the TV. 'Oh my gosh... That was so close. What if he would have kissed my neck? His lips were right by my sweet spot... I would have caved. I would have exposed how I felt about them.' She thought to herself, trying to cool her body down.

She had strong feelings. Feelings for both of the twins. The three of them had so much fun together. Beel was so strong and sweet. He was always supportive of MC in volleyball and with cheerleading. He would help her with workouts and be her audience when she practiced new cheers. He was her workout partner and she was always so turned on, seeing his muscles bulging when he lifted. And Belphie? Well, he was charming, cool, and sensitive. He was a good listener and a great cuddler. She would always go to him to talk and he would pull her into his lap and stroke her hair. He was a bit grumpy at times, but she always found his broodiness extremely attractive. She had almost let her feelings slip on multiple occasions but she suppressed them as best as she could. She was flirtatious by nature and flirted with all of the brothers from time to time. She didn't want them to think she was attracted to any of them. She didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, especially the twins. How could she go out with one and not the other?


They watched the movie in a comfortable silence, the pizza was long gone and so were most of the candy and other snacks. MC lay right in between the twins. She had fallen asleep toward the end of the movie and the twins didn't have the heart to wake her. "She's so beautiful." Beel whispered. "Yeah, she really is." Belphie replied. They both shared a small smile as they wrapped their arms around their favorite human and fell asleep on either side of her.


A/N: This was a long one. I will continue with this. Also chapter 4 of "Break My Heart", and other parts of "Simeon's What!?" will be coming out soon. Stay tuned!!!

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