Caribou (wings of fire)

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Name: Caribou

Nickname: Cari

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Age: 26

Tribe: IceWing

Abilities: Normal IceWing abilities

Appearance: Pure white scales with a really pale light blue underbelly and wing membranes. He has dark blue eyes and a scar across his chest

Personality: He is cold and rude to those he has only just met, but kind and considerate to those he has known for a long time. He can be a little snappy sometimes if he's had a bad day, but that usually doesn't last too long

Likes: Snow, the cold, his close friends

Dislikes: Dragons he doesn't know, the heat

Fears: The unknown

Strengths: Can survive in really cold temperatures, strength

Weaknesses: The heat, speed

Family: Unknown

Crush/mate: Zirconium (@WingsOfBanana (if you want me to change this just let me know))

Backstory: Will do later

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