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Is this gonna be slightly problematic?? Maybe. Is this gonna be super very nsfw?? Yes.

You, the bakusquad, and a few others from UA have been taken hostage

And theyre watching like 👁👁 as you're like straight vibing getting pushed around like a doll

This was repeatedly asked for in many contexts, everyone's 18 or over, if you don’t like NSFW please DONT read it

Come for me and I’ll end you 

• Bakugou and Mina were not surprised, at all really

• same w kiri

• They're like 'yeah we been knew,'

• Mina's like 'the amount of times I've had to do shit so they could get off is super high. This is no surprise.'

• @ having her choke you until you pass out then continuing to use your body

• Bakugou is concerned though a little, because he knows in this situation, theyre not gonna stop. You don't have a saftey net.

• The woman in front of you was currently holding your face, eyes scanning yours

• But you didn't seem to particularly mind, given the fact you were leaning into her

• were you that touch starved??

• apparently so

• Bakugou guessed the attention he and Kiri gave you wasn't enough- or maybe it was and they'd just given you more kinks

• in any case, he, kiri, and Mina were not phased

• nd they watched the woman in front of you grow increasingly frustrated with your lack of compliance.

• there was a simple fix to that of course- interrogate someone else- threaten with that.

• you comply without a second thought if your friends were on the line

• but she and her partner seemed bent on getting it out if you

• And they didn't seem smart enough to threaten your friends

• "Have we established a safe word yet?" You grin through bloody teeth. "I think its really important to have one."

"You're literally a hostage right now." She seethes.

"What about Vanilla. I don't want any more vanilla, I think that sounds nice."

"Can you shut up!"

"Red light green light maybe? You know, green for go, yellow to slow down, red to s-"

• She's thrown you against the wall

• She's hit you, tied you up, called you names

• she held a fucking knife to your throat and you only looked up at her, "Rail me too?"

• it had bakugou cackling.

• Kirishima is torn- on one hand, you enjoying messing around with this chick, letting it be known very obviously you want her to blow your back out- is amusing.

bakusquad x reader oneshots Where stories live. Discover now