Chapter 10 Troublemaker

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"Woah- right in the middle! Impressive" Dream stared at an arrow shot into red circle of target.

"Thank you! I used to hunt for small animals with a bow. It has always been my hobby." Ant smiled as he moved his wooden bow up, ready to shot again.


"Ah.. almost" Ant mumbled.

"Still pretty impressive!" Dream cheered.

"Wanna try?" Ant handed Dream the bow, he took it hesistantly.

"Uh- I barely ever used bows tho" Dream took an arrow and put it on the bow.

"Give it a try" Ant smiled a bit. 

Dream looked at the target where two arrows were already shot. He stretched the string, ready to shoot. 


The arrow hit the wall.

"Aww, man.." Dream groaned.

"No you don't. Seems like you only suck at aiming. The pose and holding is right, but.." Ant gave him another arrow "try to aim slightly to other side and a bit up."

Dream took the arrow and did as Ant said.

"Like this?" He asked.

"A bit to the left- exactly.. Now try it, but don't strech the string too much or too low. Try to calculate it, how much pressure it needs." And said and looked at the target.

Dream let go of the string..


The arrow hit left side of the target.

"Very well!" Ant cheered.

"Woah, thanks dude- that really helped" Dream smiled a bit. "at least I hit the target"

"I'm Happy to help, maybe you will find it useful in the arena" Ant smiled, but immediately his smile immediately faded.

"Is everything okay?" Dream looked at Ant who seemed to be slightly off.

"Yes, ah- ... No.. not really." Ant sighed

"What's on your mind?" Dream put the bow and arrows on the ground and came to Ant.

"It's just, that I.. Well I don't know how to fight. I never did.. I was learned to use bow only and that was only for hunting. I don't think I will be able to kill someone.." Ant sat on the ground, his cheerful look turned into sadness.

Dream sighed and sat beside him "I.. Don't know what to say.. I'm so sorry"

"It's alright.. It just hurts me so much to think about my worried family, about my little sister.. About my sick mother" Ant's voice broke "I-I mean.. what are the chances for me if I will have to fight you? Or fight the others.."

"What do you mean? Why would I fight you, dude?" Dream looked at him sadly.. He knew he would have to fight him if there were only ones left.. but what if-

"Only one can win. There's even a bigger chance I will die instatly after games start.... Did you see those guys..?.. This is so messed Up" Dream saw Ant's depression from all of this.. Only if he knew how to cheer him up.. He didn't even know how to cheer himself much.

"Ant.. I will make sure to keep you alive.. Perhaps we can force them to make an exception. Don't loose hope." Dream at least tried to cheer Ant Frost up.

"Or maybe both of us will die." -A

"That's.. possible too.. Perhaps way too possible." Dream sighed, just sitting and doing nothing was the worst thing they could do now.

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