Coffee tripping

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The air was chilly and the autumn leaves crushed underneath my boots. I had to hurry though since Russ had threatened to chuck me out of the store on my ass if I showed up late again and I couldn't bear the thought of having to go look for a job. Yuck. I ran up the small stairs and the bell rang above my head as I stepped in and took in the warm familiar coffee smell of the musty place.

"Ah, I see someone's finally deciding to get here on time for once" He said giving me a glare "Yeah, you told me you wake up at 3:00am, what could you do all morning that could possibly make you late?" Noodle asked me skeptically "For you'r information I walk to the shop everyday AND I have house sorted and feed my cat" I say trying to think of something up on the fly. Truth is that I normally just sit on the balcony and smoke a fag after a raging hangover.

"Doesn't matter, get to work and try to sort out the books while you're at it" I groan "Why can't Noodle do it?" I snicker when I hear Noodle's mock offended gasp "Because she's been hear half'n hour ago and she's already sorted the dishes and dusted the place now get you'r lazy ass to work!" Rolling my eyes I walk over to the bookshelf and try to fit all of things in the right place.

Me, Noodle and Russel had all loved music growing up and had went to the same high school so when each of us figured we were great at playing instruments well we sort of just...stuck together. Russel had decided that he'd open up a coffee shop, which didn't cost much since it was pretty crappy when he bought it ,so that when he had enough money he could travel all over the world and meet rappers and singers and all that crap. Noodle and I, well we just sort've needed the money, and the job.

The shop was almost cramped but was cozy, lot's of CD's and records were on the walls and there was a giant bookshelf filled with music books and other weird stuff we had collected over the years. The whole cafe was filled with retro chairs and tables that looked like they had come from the 80's and heaps of magazines and coffee cups lay strewn across the shop adding to the messy feel of the place. There was always a warm orangish, yellowish tint that came from the window and casted a nice warm light across the place as well as the vacant smell of coffee and toast that came from the kitchen.
It was a charming little place which was one of the reasons I decided to work here but I wasn't too happy when I realized Russel would be bossing me around like he owns the place....oh wait.

The shop isn't usually busy, just a few people here or there which makes it light work for me. Russ and Noodle both complain about how I'm too rude to customers so I'm not aloud to do the cashier or take orders unless there doing something else so instead I just give them what they ordered and book it and tidy up the place from time to time. It's not bad really, the pays good and since we're all good friends we're all close so it makes it less awkward.

"Murdoc! I have to grab a few things real quick so can you mind the cash register for me?" She yells across the room after running outside not giving me enough time to respond and I grunt in annoyance as I sit at the desk. I'm playing with the buttons on the cash register before I hear someone clear their throat and I turn my attention to a tall boy who was standing in front of me. My eyes widened. The boy had long long legs with deep azure blue hair and two empty eye-sockets for eyes, his jeans were hitched up past his stomach and he was nervously fidgeting with his fingers.

I realized I hadn't said anything "Um, what would you like?" I asked. He kept looking around like he was paranoid of something so I clicked my fingers in front of his face and he jumped looking at me spooked. "What would you like to order?" I asked him again as I leaned back into my chair. "J-just a peppermint tea for me thanks" He had a lisp from his front two teeth being missing and I had to admit it was pretty cute. "Is that all?" He finally looks at me properly and nods. I sigh "Fine, that will be £1.80 , sit wherever you like, unless it's on somebody else and we'll get you you'r drink"

I turned around and wrote on a small sticky note his order before waiting until Russel had finished making it so I could bring it to this peculiar bloke. Finally after it had been made I made my way to where he was sitting.

"Here's your peppermint tea" "Thanks" I turn around but suddenly I trip and feel my face plant the floor as the pain explodes across my head and I sit up on my knees "Fuck..." I mutter as I take my hand away from my head and see a small trickle of blood smeared on my fingers. I look up to see the same man standing in front of me with his hand outstretched and I take it awkwardly "Sorry..." he mumbles and I laugh a little leaving him looking surprised "What are you sorry for? You didn't do anything" he shrugged "I don't know, I might have tripped you up on one of my shoelaces"
I laugh lightly again "That doesn't make any sense but alright" I bend down and start tying up the laces "W-what are you doing?" He asks looking nervous again "Tying you'r shoelaces dork, don't want me tripping again" I state plainly.

"Here, let me get that for you" I see him grab a cloth and he puts it towards my cut and I flinch "S-sorry" he mumbles "that...that's alright" he leans towards me and grabs the bottle of water off the table soaking it then wiping the blood off my face before gently applying what looked to be a hello kitty bandaid on my forehead and nose. He giggled "What?" I asked him grinning "N-nothing, what a weird first time at this cafe"He said smiling as he looked around.

His black eyes and blue hair were absolutely stunning and I couldn't help staring at him "umm, I guess I'll go now" I interrupt as I stand up but I feel a grip on my arm and the blue haired boy looked away awkwardly "W-when do you work?" He asks and I grin "All day, everyday...the names Murdoc by the way" "uhhh...Stuart...Stuart Pot"

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