Rejected? Screw you, i'm out. PEACE.

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Do you like the title? I looked for it to see if it was already a book, but it wasn't, so I was like OHH MAH GAWD I NEED TO WRITE THIS FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WOULD LIKE THIS!!! So here we are :D. I'll but little qoutes at the beggining of chapters too so, have fun with those too :D. But the qutes will have nothing to do with the chaptes, just saying.

Roses are red, Bacon is red, Poems are hard, BACON!

~Victoria's (tori's) POV~

"I don't want you. I'm soon to be Alpha, and can get any girl I want. I Nickolus Kole Amminghon, here by reject Victoria Ashton Walters. I don't need an omega's daughter." He nearly spat in my face, actually I think he did. Instead of wiping my face like i should've, because uh gross? Ex~mate or not, I don't like spit.

I buried my face in my hands, faked crying. I could sense a smirk forming onto his face, when I looked up to him, revealing that I wasn't crying, is smirk faltered. I smiled devilishly and looked him in the eye, his haired was dark brown and tousled like he just got out of bed, but it worked for him, he was muscular, like all werewolves, and he was my soon to be alpha, but I couldn't care less.

"And i, " still looking into his eyes, "Don't. Care." I turned on my heels and walked away, leaving him confused on why I wasn't on the floor crying, but hey, I'm not the kind of girl to show emotion. Being rejected by your mate was supposed to be extremely painful, but I only felt a pinch and my wolf just shrugged it off. We didn't really care what people thought of us.

I walked into the bathroom and glanced myself over in the mirror, my dark red and black hair glistened in the schools cruddy lights. My eyes were dark blue with brown streaks down the middle of them, weird right, I loved them. I was actually vary pretty, and no I am not being over egotistic, most of my pack was whores, men includes in that rank, and wore pounds of make~up and perfume or cologne as men call it. They just wanted a 'manlier' word for it.

I waked out of the bathroom and right into a hard wall. Wait, walls arn't usually warm. I looked up to see Jason, my BFF since forever, and soon to be 3rd in command. He looked into my eyes and noticed something I guess I hadn't. I looked at him confused.

"Why are you crying, little runt?" Jason asked me, usuing his nickname from when we were little, since I was smaller then him. I wiped my cheeks and sure enough, they were wet with tears. I relized how sad I was that my one true love, my one prince charming, the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and make sarcastic jokes with, rejected me for my status, and didn't give a shit about what he'd done.

I relized all the pain suddenly flood into me and I cried into Jason's chest, me being about that tall it was easy. His 6'0 frame towering over my 5'8. He pulled me outside, into one of the lounge area's. We sat on a bench while he let me cry. I told him what happened threw strangled sobs now racking my body. He just rubbed my back and listened, I never told him the name of my mate though, he respected Nick to much, I couldn't let their friendship be ruined over me.

Once I finished he growled, "Who's your mate?" He questioned. I sighed and took a shaky breath, "I'll tell you when I get back." I got up and started towards the parking lot to go home. His vbice stopped me from going any futher then a few feet away, "Where are you going?" curiousity and confusion written in his voice. I looked at him, tears threatning to spill again, "I'm going to fix mine and, his, problem." I carefully sirted around his name.

"I'm running away."

Jason was next to me in a heart beat, hugging me in a bear hug so hard I could barly breathe. "Please don't leave me, I need you hear to match my crazy. If I get put into a mental institution, I don't wanna go alone." he pouted, but I could see tears brimming his eyes. He didn't like the idea of me leaving, he thought of me as a sister, even though he had 3.

 I hugged him back and sighed, "I'll be back, I promise. And when I get back I'll tell you who my mate is. But for right now I need space and some thinking time." I slowly pulled out of his grasp, wiping tears from my eyes I walked towards the parking lot. "I'll leave everyone a note, one will be labled mate, don't touch it. Okay?" He nodded, obaying my last wish before I left.

I nodded and looked to the ground as the pavment moved beneth me, it didn't feel lie I was moving. Just watching the world go by, under my feet, untill I bumped into something. I looked up and saw my dad's old beat up truck he let me drive to school. I didn't mind though, I'd rather have a truck then some preppy ass 10,000$ car. I didn't need it.

I climbed into the truck, tossing my back pack into the passenger seat and pulling out of the parking lot. I drove steadily towards my house. I lived close to the pack house, everyone did. It was out in the middle of the forest, so it was kind of a long drive, but it gave me time to think about what I wanted to write to everyone.

I parked in front of my house and parked in the drive way. I climbed out, not bothering to lock it, and walked into my house. No one was home yet since it was the middle of the day and my parents were at work and my siblings were in school.

I climbed up the stairs towards my bedroom and locked myself in when I reached it. I for a large back back and filled it with clothes, toletries, and other nessesitis, I went down to the kitchen and grabbed some canned non~heatable food and went back to my bedroom and put them in my bag. I wrote a letter to my parents, each of my two siblings, Jason, and Nick, but labled his. mate.

I jumped out the window and took a pill that would make my scent masked. I tore off to the woods ith the bag on my back, I felt like Katniss from the Hunger Games, but moving on, she isn't werewolf. Once I was about thirsty minutes away from my house, I took my bag off and took all my clothes off and put them into my bag, no sense in ripping clothes, and shifted into my midnight black wolf.

I grabbed the bag with my teeth and ran again, I didn't know were I was going, how the hell I was to know were my territory ended and another began, and I didn't know if I could stop into a town or if werewolves would be there too and take me back. But I kept running, never once looking back, even though I knew i'd be back, but only when I was ready.

Rejected? Screw you, i'm out. PEACE.Where stories live. Discover now