Chapter Four: The Family Dinner II

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It became apparent that spending more than an hour with your family friends, your in-laws and your future wife wasn't really the best way to spend a Saturday night after coming back from a country that was thirteen hours behind the soil you were standing on right now.

Exhausted would be an understatement if you had to describe how you felt.

After a pretentious yet wonderfully-plated meals served on platters made out of authentic gold, you came to the conclusion that your stomach, as it turned out, was still a starving mess. You were able to figure that dishes served with caviar, foie gras and European white truffles were no longer satisfactory for your body — and instead, you found yourself craving a medium cheeseburger meal from McDonald's.

Through the passage of time, you had been able to engage with the notable members of your father's closest circle. Frankly, they were all crapping on about the same things: expensive holidays, the stock market, a new yacht and the latest Bugatti La Voiture Noire — primarily just things you didn't know a thing and care about.

You have been managing to carry the importance of ignoring the woman beside you, who had been clearly trying to flirt with you all night — and she was failing as it. As a matter of fact, you just had the pleasure of politely telling her to back off some minutes ago. To your surprise, she did.

Still, your mind couldn't help but long for her presence. As you turned your head to seek her in the crowd, you found her engaging in a conversation with Jennie, Jisoo and Irene by the bar. Her elbows were resting on the bar, a hand on her cheek as she carefully listened to Jennie...who was showing off her 15-carat aascher-cut design diamond ring for the fifteenth time this evening.

"You are one lucky star, Y/N," you recognised the voice as Jackson Wang's as he stood right next you, a glass of champagne in his hand whilst he gawked at the same direction as you. "The things I would do just to get a piece of that."

You paused momentarily, sheer disgust evident on your face as the sour taste in your mouth began to grew. If there was one thing you hated, it was when men began to objectify women right to your face, it didn't sit right with you, specially when that happened to be your future wife. You may not know a thing or two about her now, but you were raised well enough to know that nobody ever deserved that kind of disrespect.

"Back the fuck up, Jackson," you muttered, eyes darting towards his — the unfamiliar feeling in your chest only increasing in size. "That's my fucking fiancé you're talking about."

He scoffed, nonchalantly putting a hand in his pocket. "You're acting as if you want her. Do you even know what Park Chaeyoung is like? I'm warning you now, she is a wild one. Don't fall for her."

"You're reading this wrong," you clenched your jaw, feeling the heat rising to your chest. "Stop treating women like their objects you can just have, Jackson, I don't believe this is how you were raised."

"Calm down, man," he slapped your shoulder softly, the unconcerned teasing tone audible in between his words making you irk. "It's not that serious."

As soon as he left, you took in another deep breath to calm yourself down. Hearing those words come from him, a childhood friend you grew up with who you had once considering one of your brothers, was extremely disappointing. You watched as he quickly walked up to the same woman who was stuck inside your mind, flashing her the same toothy grin that everyone seemed to fall head-over-heels for.

To your astonishment, her bored gaze instantly caught yours as soon as he began to make conversation with her. She raised an eyebrow at you, the embarrassment from being caught begging you to look away. Out of sheer curiosity, you didn't, and without any second thought, she excused herself and began strutting in your direction; hips swaying harmoniously with her arms, the rays of the lights gloriously shadowing her well-sculpted face — it was an immaculate moment.

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