Part 1: The Overcast Sea

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Syd laid on the ground staring at the sky, his hands grasping at the sand underneath him as the wind blew through his curly hair. He closed his eyes and and sighed happily,feeling at peace. It was an overcast day, barely any blue in the sky,it seemed as if it was all swallowed up by a gray abyss...Syd still wasn't sure why Y/N wanted to come out to the beach on a day like this but, it seemed (he,she,they) (was,were) enjoying (himself,herself,themself), as Syd could hear (him,her,them) kicking the water as it washed onto the cold shore. Syd had not bothered to change his clothes as he did not want to get wet in such cold,melancholy weather. Y/N didn't bother ether...besides (his,her,their) shoes,those laid beside Syd.
"Syd!" Y/N shouted running over to him, sending sand flying in the wind. Syd opened his eyes and looked up at Y/N.
"Yes Y/N?" He asked curiously.
"Are you alright?" Y/N asked slightly worried. "You've been lying here for a while."
Syd chuckled a little. "Y/N it's been 5 minutes."
Y/N smiled. "Well that's long enough! Come on!" (He,she,they) joked.
"No thank you." He smirked.
"Fine then." Y/N smiled and plopped down on the sand beside him,causing sand to fly up into the wind. Syd jumped up rubbing the sand that just blew into his eyes out. Y/N stood up and hurried over to him. "Are you alright?! I didn't mean for that to happen!"
Syd finished rubbing his eyes. "I'm alright Y/N!" He said pushing Y/N playfully. Y/N pushed him back and he stumbled back and laughed.
"Watch out Y/N! Here I come!" He said with a playful grin on his face then ran towards Y/N to push (him,her,them) but Y/N moved out of the way and pushed him, the force from his running sent Syd to the ground laughing. Y/N walked over to him with a laugh going as well and offered him (his,her,their) hand, Syd accepted it gratefully and Y/N pulled him up. Y/N looked at Syd and couldn't help but laugh as his fluffy hair was more crazy then it normally was and it was covered in sand,like the rest of him. "It's not that funny Y/N!" He laughed.
Y/N kept laughing. "It is!"
Syd grinned at (him,her,them) then kicked his shoe off at (him,her,them). But it turns out Syd has fucking horrible aim and it landed in the water. Syd stared at the shoe floating above the water in annoyance. Y/N looked at him and smirked. "Go get it! It's your shoe!"
Syd pulled up his pant legs,kicked off his other shoe and wadded into the water to go get his shoe. When he finally reached it he grabbed it with one hand and held it up for Y/N to see. "I GOT I-!" He was interrupted by a wave that splashed over his head,bringing him down. Y/N ran after him as he came up from under the water.
"So much for not getting wet." He laughed. Y/N laughed hugging him. For a moment they stood there hugging with the sea splashing against them. Syd grabbed Y/N's hand and lead (him,her,them) to the shore. They sat down and watched the waves together and after a few moments of silence Y/N looked at him. "I can't believe you kicked your shoe into the water." (He,She,They) smiled.
Syd chuckled. "Shut up Y/N." He elbowed Y/N's side and (he,she,they) blushed. Y/N leaded (his,her,their) head against his shoulder and smiled as Syd took out a cigarette and started to light it. Y/N watched and all of a sudden Syd jolted and dropped it.
"You alright?" Y/N said moving (his,her,their) head up to look at him.
"Did you hear that?!" He looked at Y/N with a fearful look in his eye.
"Hear what?" Y/N asked confused.
Syd looked around and sighed.
"I guess it was nothing." He chuckled. He calmed back down and went to get another one when him and Y/N heard a sound that sounded like a squeak. Syd looked at Y/N in fear. "I wasn't hearing things! We need to go!" He grabbed Y/N's hand and stood up,dropping his cigarette and lighter in the process.
"What's going on?" Y/N asked staying seated.
"I'll explain later Y/N!" He pulled Y/N up. "Now come on!"
"Syd!" Y/N shouts being dragged along by him.
"Trust me we have to go!"
Y/N pulled him to a stop. "Syd tell me what's going on!"
Syd pointed to two small objects coming towards them. "There, lets go now!" He said urgently.
"Syd!" Y/N laughed. "It's literally a mouse and a Gnome!"
Syd grew pale,realizing this all wasn't just in his head. "That's not just any mouse Y/N...That's Gerald!!!"
"Aw! That's a cute name for a mouse Syd!" Y/N smiled,not knowing the absolute power of Gerald.
"Y/N you don't underst-"
"What about the Gnome Syd!"
"Grimble Gromble..." He whispered hesitantly, afraid the Gnome would hear him.
"Syd you come up with the sweetest names!" Y/N smiled walking towards Gerald and Grimble Gromble.
"Y/N!!!" Syd shouted.
"I'm just going to pet Gerald calm down Syd!"
"It's alright stay there!" Y/N replied looking back at him.
Y/N finally reached Gerald,against Syd's will and crouched down to pet him. "Hi Gerald!"
The mouse looked up at (him,her,them) and squeaked with sparkling eyes.
"Aw! Syd come look at him!" Y/N said in awe.
"Y/N get away from him!" Syd replied desperately.
"What's wrong with him! He's just a mouse!" Y/N turned to look at Gerald. "A cute one at that!"
Gerald padded over to Y/N and stood on his hind legs and Y/N noticed something was in his paw.
"What's that Gerald?" Y/N examined it closer and it seemed to be a tiny pocket knife.
"What's a mouse doing with a pocket knife?" Y/N chuckled.
Gerald then opened the pocket knife to reveal a blade that was about the size of him. Y/N reeled back.
"SYD!!! HE'S GOT A KNIFE!!!" Y/N screamed as Gerald ran at (him,her,them) with the now,not so tiny pocket knife. Syd ran to Y/N's side and picked (him,her,them) up B R I D A L S T Y L E and started running from the almighty mouse and his pocket knife.
"Syd!!!" Y/N clutched onto him. "Why's he got a pocket knife?!"
Syd avoided Y/N's glance and laughed awkwardly.
"Why are you laughing Syd?!"Y/N looked at him confused and scared.
"Well uh..." He started,looking down at Y/N. "He might have taken it from my drawer..."
"And you just let him keep it?!"
Y/N stared at him,wondering why he would allow Gerald,a mouse,to keep a pocket knife.
Syd kept looking at Y/N and laughed nervously. "Yeah it wasn't my best idea..."
Y/N then looked back at the sand and shouted: "SYD WATCH OUT!!!"
Syd looked up then screeched to a halt,as Gerald was quite a bit behind them at this point.
A small object stood before them. It was Grimble Gromble...
"G R I M B L E G R O M B L E . " Grimble Gromble boomed then ran towards them.
Y/N screeched and held onto Syd tightly. "SYD RUN!!!"
Syd looked left and saw Gerald and to the right was Grimble Gromble and behind them was only endless ocean...Syd had only one option...
Syd ran upwards towards the board walk as Y/N held onto him tightly.
"Where are we going to go?!" Y/N looked at him afraid.

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