Chapter 1

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To say I was excited was an understatement! Our plane landed a good 30 minutes ago and right now we're in LAX airport trying to find our luggage and get the hell out of here. Ivy and I slept most of the flight because we don't want to be jet lag, I mean we really want to enjoy our time here and we really want to see everything there is to see before we start Uni. I can't believe we've been accepted to UCLA, never in my life I thought I'd be able to start my life all over again in another country with my best friend. "Yo Destiny, our luggage our right there! Let's go I wanna see the apartment and I wanna go to the beach! PLEASEEEEEEE!" Ivy whined. We grabbed our luggage and left pretty quickly because I also wanted to go tan on the beach and sightsee a little. We got outside and Los Angeles really isn't like Sydney. Cars are everywhere and everywhere you look there's someone creepy looking at you. I mean I don't know what I was expecting but I wasn't ready for this view. Los Angeles is beautiful even though it's jam packed with people everywhere. As you can tell already, I'm not a people person. "There's a taxi right there Iv'z, let's grab it before someone else take it!" I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the taxi. 

When we arrived at our apartment I thanked the taxi driver and gave him the money. Ivy was already by the door waiting for me, I grabbed my suitcase and ran to the door. "Okay, on three. One. Two. Three"  Ivy said and opened the door. When I saw the apartment I fell in love with it immediately. The house was beyond beautiful, it was even better than when we saw it on the internet. There were two bedrooms, two bathrooms a beautiful dining room and a huge living room. It was a two story apartment and we had a beautiful view of the beach. "Oh my god, Faith this is beautiful! I love it!" Ivy squealed. And I couldn't agree more with her. "I know. I can't believe this is it. We'll be living here for the next 4 years!" I smiled, and it was true, I can't believe we're going to live here for the next 4 years or so and I can't believe I'm starting my life all over! "Oi, Destiny. Let's go to the beach, it's beautiful out and so sunny common." Ivy ran to the room on the left, so I took that as she'll be staying in this one and I took the one on the right, which so happen to face the beach, great! I changed into the first bikini I saw and decided to take my stuff out of my suitcase later. The first bikini I saw was a bright pink bikini which so happen to make me look tanner than I actually was and made my boobs look bigger. I put on my ripped shorts and my white tank top and waited for Ivy to get ready. I grabbed my purse with my sunglasses, my phone and a beach towel for me and one for Ivy. When Ivy was ready we locked the door and walked to the beach. Ivy was wearing a beautiful black and purple bikini and as per usual she looked amazing. 

When we arrived at the beach all I wanted to do was tan, so I laid down on my towel and I saw Ivy do the same. I don't know how long we've spent doing nothing and tanning but although I'm not a people person I was someone who needed to move a little from time to time, so I decided to get up and just walk on the beach for a little. There was a couple of boutique down the shore so I might shop a little or something. "Yo Ivy, I'm going on a walk, want to join?" I asked her and she shook her head. "Nah, I'm staying, you can go though, don't get lost and be back by 6. I want to go out tonight!" She smiled. I nodded and started walking. I was walking along the beach when I saw a volleyball net, and a couple of girls and boys playing. Man I love beach volley! I decided that if I was to live here I might as well try to make some friends so I decided to ask them if they wanted another player. "Yo, do you guys mind if I join?" I asked and a obviously dyed blonde boy looked me up and down and smirked, "You sure you know how to play princess?" he has an accent pretty similar to mine so I guess he's from Australia as well, and he's also cocky. Definitely Australian. "Yes, I actually do know how to play beach volley. Thanks for worrying though." I flashed him a fake smile and took the ball that was laying not far from where I stood. I served and the other team missed the ball. The girls around me cheered and the smirk on mister dickhead's fell off his face pretty quick. "Damn, you're good. I'm Daniel, but call me Skip." He took his handout for me to shake. "Faith. Now let's play." Everyone introduced themselves and we played for about an hour. It was now 4:30 pm so I decided to walk down the beach and keep exploring. 

While I was walking along the shore, I remembered that I had forgotten to text my parents to let them know we had landed safely. I took my phone out and texted them. Obviously clumsy me can't do two things at the same time, so that means I can't text and walk at the same time without looking where I'm going. Something was bound to happen, and of course I walked straight into someone. "Oh god, I'm so sorry!" I apologized. The boy was about 5'7, curly brown hair with not one but two lip rings and a nose piercing. He looked kind of badass and like daredevil. He kind of scared me. He looked at me and smiled a little, "it's fine, just look where you're going next time. People in here aren't all nice." I thanked him and kept walking. It was now almost 5:30 and if Ivy wanted to go out tonight we should go get ready soon, you know eat, take a shower and choose our outfit. I walked back to where Ivy was, once I saw her she smiled and started to pack our things. "Alright, ready for the night of your life Faith Martins?" 

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