12 Grimmauld Place

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Remus knocked on the door, entered the room and opened the curtains, it was a beautiful sunny day with no clouds in the sky. Victoria moaned. He told her to join him downstairs so as to have breakfast. She mumbled about being the first day of holiday and wanting to sleep. He smiled and told her to hurry because she will have plenty of time to sleep during the summer.

Short time after she joined him in the kitchen. She sat and opened a book next to her plate. He served her an egg and she took some bacon, she started to eat while reading her book. He sat in front of her and looked at her, the words were burning in his mouth but couldn't get out. Eventually she lifted her head of her book and looked at him with an interrogative look. Remus gathered his courage and started to speak.

"You know that You Know Who is back right?"

She nodded

"Well" he continued. "I've never told you that, but during the first war I was part of a group which fought against You Know Who and the death eaters".

She listened to him with suddenly more attention.

"This group is called The Order of The Phoenix, and Sirius is a member as well"

She smiled at the mention of his name. She never actually met him but Remus told her about him and by the way he spoke of him she had guessed that the link between them two was beyond friendship.

"According to the circumstances we decided, with the other members, to reform the Order. But that implies moving".

Victoria suddenly stood up.

"What ?" She said with a ton of panic in her voice. "We can't move, we live here for years! Besides where are we going to go ? For how long ? Will I still be able to attend to Hogwarts?"

Remus stood up as well and hugged her.

"I know it's hard for you, the change, but you will love it. We will move at the Headquarters of the Order in London". She started to relax, he continued. "The headquarters are actually at Sirius' ".

She lifted her head and looked at her Godfather.

"So we are moving with Sirius? Like we gonna live with him?" "The three of us?" She added with a smirk, knowing that Remus was more than happy to see him again and spend time with him.

"Yes indeed". He said barely hiding his smile" "But". He added in a serious tone "You must understand than despites the great joy that this announcement brings us, yes I know that you're craving to meet him, you must understand that this is a serious matter, You Know Who is back and we are reforming the Order so as to fight him once and for all"

"So are we the only one moving in with him?"

"No the Weasley are coming as well, so as Hermione, perhaps you heard of her?" She nodded and he continued. "And Harry Potter will joins us eventually at the end of summer".

She repeated the names while counting on her fingers, suddenly she looked at her Godfather panick stricken.

"Is there something wrong ?" He asked her.

"The Weasley, Hermione, Harry, Sirius and you, you are all Gryffindor".

"Yes indeed, so ?" He looked at her and he suddenly understood, he sat and asked her to do the same, he looked at her in the eyes. "You are feeling bad because you will be the only Slytherin right ?" She nodded. "Don't worry about that" He said putting a hand on her shoulder. "They won't judge you because of your house, besides, Sirius knows better than anybody how hard it is to be the only member of the family from a different house". He hugged her and advised her to go pack her stuff.

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