Merry Christmas

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A week passed and it already was the week-end. Victoria joined Duncan and Rachel at the Slytherin table. After breakfast the three of them left the Great Hall.

"I'm so glad it's finally the end of term, can't wait to go back home". Said Rachel. "Anyway I need to pack, see you later in Hogsmeade".

"Speaking of Hogsmeade". Said Duncan timidly. "Would you like to go with me ?" He asked blushing.

"I can't, I'm sorry". She said embarrassed. "I'm already going with someone else".

"You're going with the Weasley boy right ?" He snapped.

"Well...Yeah". Said Victoria

"He doesn't like you, don't you see ?" He said suddenly angry. "He has a girlfriend, he can't give you the love you deserve, he can't make you happy".

"Because you can ?" Snapped Victoria, now angry too.

"Yes". He said hastily. "But take your time, just know that when you'll realise he can't make you happy, I'll be here".

"I need to go to the library". Said Victoria.

She walked away from Duncan and, when she was sure he couldn't see her, she started to run, crying. She stayed sitting in the library crying and thinking for hours. She didn't moved for lunch. She kept turning Duncan's words in her head. He was right, Fred was dating Angelina and he was happy. But he did ask her on a date right ? She thought. That must meant something. That mean that his girlfriend didn't want to go so he asked you as his second choice, said a voice in her head. It was only to be nice after you saved his life, she said to herself.

"I know I'll find you here". Said a voice she could recognize between a thousand.

She turned to Fred.

"Ready ?" He said smiling, but his smile fade away when he saw her face. Her nose was red, her cheeks full of tears and she had puffy eyes. "Are you okay Vicky". He asked worried, sitting next her, putting his arm around her and slowly stroking her shoulder.

She took off his arm and stood up. She wiped away the remaining tears in her eyes and smiled.

"I'm fine". She said. "Perfectly fine, don't worry". She added with a reassuring smile. "Let's go".

Fred stood up and followed her outside. It was quite freezing. The snow covered the landscape. It was beautiful.

"So you're not gonna tell me what's wrong ?" Asked Fred as they walked toward Hogsmeade.

"I told you I'm fine". Said Victoria.

"Don't lie to my Vicky, I know when something is bothering you, you have that look on your face".

"What are you talking about I don't have a look". She said miming quote mark with her fingers.

"You've just done it". Laughed Fred. "You frown your eyebrow like this". He added pointing at her face.

"You're saying nonsense". She said rolling her eyes.

"Don't avoid the subject and tell me what's wrong, I want to help". Begged Fred.

"You can't help". She said.

"Let me try". He said stopping and looking at her in the eyes.

Victoria stopped as well. She looked at him for a moment, silently, thinking.

"You won't give up won't you ?" She asked with a small smile.

"Never". Fred said.

She finally decided to told her about Duncan. The kiss, when he asked her on date and what he said to her, taking great care not to mention Fred. He listened to her while walking, his jaws contracted but he remained silent.

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