The aftermath of a curse

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The worst with dying was knowing you would let your loved ones behind. Again in Luke's case. That sucked. The truth was he definitely had one regret now : going to this stupid Hollywood Ghost Club and shaking Caleb's hand. He wished he had more time. He had so much more songs he wanted to write with Julie and sing with her and their bandmates. That would have been awesome. But once again, Sunset Curve was disappearing without a word and just before becoming legends. That was definitely a curse.

So, of course, that's when they were living their last moments that Julie appeared with her magical hug and made them shiny and tangible. Not that he was complaining, mind you. He could touch her. He could actually, really touch her. Embrace her and caress her cheeks in order to dry the tears making her eyes red. They could have a real band circle. Damn that was nice. Alex was right, band hugs are good. Awesome even. In his joy he thought about writing a song about this first hug the four of them shared. Maybe Julie would be on board with the idea. It would be cheesy though.

So, while Julie was giggling with Alex and Reggie, Luke watching them with a smile so wide his cheeks hurt, the boy was also thinking about what these changes meaned for them. For the band. For Reggie, Alex and himself. For...Julie and he. Because...if they were really tangible now, visible even, then Julie and he could be a thing. Their "interesting little relationship" could become a simple "relationship". An amazing one.

"Luke, what are you doing by yourself ! Come with us !" their main singer exclaimed with her angelic voice. Well he couldn't turn Julie down when she made a request like that with her big brown eyes and sweet smile. Nevermind, he could never turn down a request from the girl but that was beside the point.

They partied like that for maybe ten minutes but that seemed like a joyful eternity. Until Reggie gasped, looking straight at the studio's door.

"So you were gonna ghost me !" an outraged Carlos screamed with his arms crossed over his chest. "You could at least present me your ghost friends you almost bail on me for !"

"Wait he knows ? He actually does know ? And he can see us ?! »

"Yeah Alex, he does ! I told you it was a great idea to teach his aunt a lesson !" Reggie rejoiced.

"So it was you ! You and I are gonna be so great for Halloween !"

"Okay, okay, boys, calm down !" Julie ordered before the boys went wild. "Carlos, these are my bandmates : Reggie at the bass, Alex at the drums and Luke at the guitar and mike. They were a band named Sunset Curve before their death and you can't tell dad about them. Guys, this is Carlos, my little bro".

"This is so cool" Carlos said while looking at them with stars in his little eyes. "Damn big sis, this is awesome ! We have ghosts in the studio ! You have a ghost band !"

"Yeah, that's awesome but don't tell them" she winked at him.

The siblings chuckled and the boys looked at them, so happy in this moment that felt so right. Luke watched them and wanted to sing for them because their bond was precious and inspiring. Julie would love this idea even more than the one for the band circle. Man, their new songs will be magical.

"As much as I would love to stay, I promised dad I would only take a minute and I've been here for like fifteen minutes already. I need to go to sleep" Julie reminded them sadly. Luke immediately panicked. What if when she is gone they disappear ? What if something happened and they couldn't say goodbye ? What if tomorrow morning they couldn't touch her anymore ? That would break his heart and Reggie's and Alex's as well.

While Julie wished them a goodnight and sweet dreams, leaving with her brother, Luke turned to his friends. They had the same grim expression on their faces. "We can't let her out of our sight" Luke whispered quickly.

After the near-death experience : taking a chanceWhere stories live. Discover now