A new beginning

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So here's the thing : Alex, Reggie and Luke are now capable of being tangible and visible to other people. That's already amazing in itself but what's even more amazing is being able to touch Julie. And boy do they take full advantage of that.

Alex's usually the most discret one. He will touch Julie's shoulder or high-five her when they share a joke. Reggie always hugs her when he can, throwing his body at her and embracing the small girl with all his puppy enthusiasm. He does the same with Flynn too because she's really good at hugs. They make a wonderful, crazy, touch-starved duo by Julie's opinion.

And then there's Luke. And it's a whole other level. He isn't exactly discrete but he isn't as expressive as the bassist either. He's just much more intimate. When Julie's in the same room as him, the singer will always be touching her in some way or another. He holds her wrist or her elbow when they walk in the streets, training the boys to stay visible for a long time. He plays with her hair when they have movie nights and she settles next to him. He plays with her fingers when the four of them are sitting in the garage, sharing jokes and ideas. His thigh touches hers when they write songs together, side by side on the piano bench, so close yet always with some sort of wall between them.

To be fair, Julie does let him touch her any way Luke wants and gives as much as she gets. She touches his dimples when he smiles, rests her elbow on his shoulder when they sit, puts her body weight on him when they settle on the sofa and even sits on the floor, in front of him, to rest her back against his legs. They are really cute in Flynn's opinion. And really frustrating because it's already been two weeks and neither of them confessed their feelings to the other ! The two of them are driving Flynn, Alex and Reggie up the wall with their cuteness and stubbornness.

So, of course, Flynn decides to take matters in her own hands. She's a good friend like that.

Although she can't do anything alone. Well, lucky her, she knows where to find two boys more than okay with the idea of helping her get her best friend and their best friend together.

They put their plan in execution when the band has plans to meet together at the cinema.

The first one to bail is Alex. He tells Julie and Luke about his thoughts on looking for Willie because he is worried for him. He lies the best he can and tells them he thinks he got an info about his whereabouts. Like real friends, the both of them insist to come with him, to help. Reggie has to step in, explaining that must be something Alex has to do alone since Willie is precious to him. It only half-convinces Julie but Luke eats it up so it's not too bad.

The second to bail is Reggie. It's harder because he doesn't have a good excuse like the drummer. He makes up a story about a girl he saw last time he went for pizza and how he wishes to try talking to her today. This time, it's Luke that's suspicious because he knows Reggie the best and it's not in the bassist's usual behavior to bail on a band activity for a girl. Whatever, Julie roots for him with all her mind and big smile so it works.

The only important thing is that Julie and Luke go together, alone, to the movie. Flynn's got the perfect excuse for herself. « I have the most awful fever » she complains on the phone with Julie. « It's horrible and I want to die, please don't make me leave my bed today ».

« Okay, take care of yourself disappointment » her best friend says softly with a little bit of worry in her voice.

« Have fun at the movie, crazy girl ».

Perfect. Her plan is just perfect. Now, she just has to make sure it stays on tracks. Packing her bag and putting on a wig and sunglasses, she leaves her house whistling. Tonight, the lovebirds will finally be together and they can stop frustrating her with their moon eyes and red cheeks. They're so cute they sometimes make her want to vomit.

After the near-death experience : taking a chanceWhere stories live. Discover now