Chapter 2

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It's been hours since Spike was left alone with his older brother, he mostly sat there quietly as his brother talked about their family. Spike was leaning against Torque as he had his tail wrapped around his long lost younger brother.

"Spike..." he nuzzled his scales

"...I have waited so long just to hold you in my arms. While everyone else lost hope and thought you gone forever." Torque held Spike closer

"I never gave up searching, I've always known that one day I'd find you."

There was a moment of silence before Spike finally spoke to him.

"S-so...What are they like?..our family."

"Well Dad...he's like a natural born leader, smart, caring, and kind. Ehehe but don't let that fool you when Torch gets mad he can be scarier than any dragon. He's purple with dark and light blue scales, he also has a few battle scars from his constant altercations with Astarot. Then there's Mom. Her name is Emerald, she got that name because of her beautiful green coloring. She's the kindest, most loving and I may be biased for saying this but mom is the most beautiful dragoness you'll ever meet. Then there's the twins Jet and Viper, Jet's the prankster of the family. She's green with blue scales, her twin sister Viper is purple with green scales but her coloring is a little darker than yours. She's the one who always knows how to start a party. Next is Spines, your twin sister, she's basically a female version of you with a real happy go lucky personality. Somehow she always finds a way to cheer up any dragon no matter how upset they are. She's the favorite among everyone. Lastly is our youngest sibling who is still an egg. Mom had chosen a gender neutral name of Blaze since we don't know yet whether it's a boy or girl."

Torque paused for a minute then chuckled

"You know what the funny thing is mom and dad were planning or naming you Spike. So it looks like the princess got your name right without even trying." His laughter slowly faded as he felt Spike wrap his arms arm him.

" Sob Hic I-I've wanted to meet you for so long!" Spike sobbed as he hugged his big brother close, as a small smile spread across his face.

Twilight couldn't help but cry as she watched the two.


After thinking about it for some time Spike decided to travel with Torque to meet his family. But it's not going to be just him, he asked for Twilight, Shining Armor, their parents, and the other mane 5 to travel with him so that his birth family could meet the family that raised him.

In the Crystal Empire...

Shining Armor was just finishing packing up when Cadence trotted in with Flurry Heart on her back.

"They're here, Shining are you almost ready?"

"Yeah." his response was so quiet that Cadence barely heard him

"Shining what's wrong?" she went to sit next to her husband as Flurry jumped into his lap. But Shining Armor didn't say anything he just stared blankly at his suitcase.

Cadence stared at him for a moment before the realization hit her and she put a hoof on his shoulder.

"You're worried that...he might want to stay."

Shining Armor just nodded as tears trickled down his cheeks, Cadence wrapped her wings around her husband pulling him into a hug as he cried. Scared that his baby brother might want to leave them.

And Shining Armor's not the only one pretty much everyone taking the trip is worried that their little Spikey Wikey might want to stay with his birth family. Twilight Velvet even argued that

"He's our baby! They can't take him away from us!"

Despite the fact that no one said anything about taking Spike away from them, which is what Night Light tried to tell her.

"It's his decision honey, no one's making him do it and no one said anything about taking him away. Please calm down."

Tears were streaming down her cheeks

"But...but we..."

"Honey, put yourself in their shoes. You lost your child, you thought they were dead only to find out they're alive and living with ponies who you know nothing about. Wouldn't you want to finally meet them, to talk to them, to know who your baby grew up to be?"

Velvet to a deep breath before answering

"Yes...yes I would."

Then she buried her face in her husband's fur as her crying slowly subsided.


Fortunately the Mane 6 were a lot more understanding and not as worried...or at least that's what they tried to make it seem like on the outside. While inside their hearts were breaking terrified that they might lose their precious baby dragon.

And because of that nopony really said anything while packing worried that the dam will break and nopony wanted to upset Spike or make him worry more than he already is.

Of course Twilight had put Starlight in charge of the school while they're gone. She too was worried that they might return without the young dragon. But kept her composure as she needed to be strong as not just a friend but a guidance counselor and temporary headmare mare.


Spike had just finished packing and was staring at his Heart's Warming doll. He had decided to bring a few things he liked to share with his birth family. But he was worried as to how the reunion would go.

"Will they even recognize me?"

A tear trickled down his cheek as he shook

"Will will I... whimper ..."

"Spike? Are you ok?"

He turned to see Twilight standing outside his door a worried look on her face

"I...I-I'm..." He choked on his words as he felt Twilight wrap a wing around him and he did the same nuzzling closer into her as he cried.

"I-I'm scared Twilight I'm so scared I don't know what to do!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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