Who are you?

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The rest of the day went by dreadfully slowly, even though it was my sixth hour. My head snapped up at every flash of red I saw, desperate to see the boy from earlier. As the final bell rang, I put in my headphones and started the journey back to my dorm. Of course my final class was the farthest away from where my dorm was, which didn't bother me on days like this, but when it was rainy or cold it really ruined my day. I pushed the door open and went outside, feeling the sun on my face.
I walked by the first dorms building, flipping it off on my way. It was in the middle of campus, close to everything, so there wouldn't be a twenty minute walk to get there like with mine.
"Well that's not nice," I heard someone say. I turned and saw the redhead boy leaning out one of the third story windows, chin resting on his arms folded in front of him. He pouted at me, and then smiled. "Hi, shortcake. I was wondering when I would see you again."
"I'm sorry I made you late, by the way. For your sixth hour? I didn't think about it at the time, but going to mine must have made you late for yours." I walked toward his window so we wouldn't have to shout as loud.
"You're ok. Wait there, I'll be down in a second." He closed his window, so I walked over to the lobby doors.
I stood for a couple of minutes before I saw the elevator doors open, revealing him standing with his lazy smile, a gray hoodie that managed to be big on him, light wash loose jeans, and blue Air Jordan Mids. I'm jealous. I want those so bad. He had some kind of bag over his shoulder, but I didn't pay it any mind. He waved to his RA, and opened the door, bowing to me and offering his hand. I put my hand in his and he spun me around, ending with his arm around my shoulder and me holding his hand.
"Thank you, teensy." He held his arm out in a 'lead the way' type of gesture.
I started walking toward my dorm, while he pointed out odd things he saw, talking with his hands. He has nice hands. Long and thin fingers, like the rest of him. His hoodie sleeves covered everything from his wrists up. I was distracted so I didn't even notice him pulling me into one of many campus cafes.
"Do you want something, shortcake? I'll buy." He said with a wink. I told him what I wanted and watched as he walked up to the counter to order for us. The way he walks is so fluid, and it's hypnotizing to watch him move. He moves quickly but very smoothly, eyes darting around, catching every detail of the world around him. He walked over to me and handed me my drink, gesturing for me to continue leading the way.
I found myself missing the feeling of his arm around my shoulder as we walked, but I pushed the thought away. How dumb can I be?
As we finally reached my dorm, I threw away our trash in a trash can outside and we walked in. My RA, being one of my good friends, winked at me as me and the redheaded boy got into the elevator. As the doors closed, he asked, "What was that little exchange?"
Of course he noticed. "Oh nothing, she's just one of my friends. It's hard for her to act normal." I joked. He rested an arm on my shoulder as we waited for the elevator to reach my floor. "You're really touchy, y'know?" I hummed a contented sigh and moved to lean my head against his arm, but he moved it away. Sad.
"Sorry. I forgot. I don't usually talk to people I'm not already familiar with." He shuffled his foot away from me.
"I didn't mean it that way. I was just announcing an observation, like I did with your height earlier." I nudged him with my elbow and he pulled away, pretending to be in 'severe abdominal pain' as he put it.
The elevator stopped and we got off, and he moved with such purpose I started following him, until he asked me what room was mine.
"End of the hallway, goof." I said.
"Right-o, teensy." he retorted with a laugh.
I unlocked the door to my room and went in, expecting him to follow me. He stood fixed in the doorway, his eyes wide. "What's the matter, beanpole, are you a vampire or something?" I laughed and he took a step inside, looking unsure.
"I, uh didn't expect you to want me to stay, I was just gonna walk you home and then go over to Ushiwaka's for a bit."
"Oh no, I didn't even ask you, I'm so sorry if that's uncomfortable for you I just wanted to be nice and hang out with you because you seem like lot's of fun and-"
"Relax shortcake, of course I'll stay for a bit." He came in, took off his shoes and set down his bag.
I sat cross-legged at the end of my bed and motioned for him to do the same at the other end. I felt like it was polite to give him the end with the pillows, and as he sat down he picked up a stuffed bear I had put there after making my bed today.
"WHAT is this delightful creature's name?" He asked, sitting the bear in his lap carefully. He looked up at me with wide eyes and his head slightly tilted, then tilted the bear's head the same way. His sleeves covered his hands in a cute way.
"I never actually named him. I've had him since I was tiny"-- at this he injected 'you still are'-- "but I never gave him a name, all I decided was that he was a boy."
"May I please name him?" He was sitting and making him dance, moving the bear's little arms around. He looked at me with pleading eyes and as I nodded I came to a startling realization.
"Hey, mister. I just realized I never got your name, and here you are trying to name my bear." He looked up at me before laughing.
"Maybe I don't want to tell you, shortcake. Besides, if you tell me what yours is then I'll have to actually use it sometimes." he pouted at me.
"I'll only let you name the bear if you tell me." I threatened.
"Tendou." He said, letting it sit in the air. He shifted so he was laying across the bed, his legs dangling off the side. He held the bear up in his hands and spun him around before settling him on his chest and draping an arm over him.
"Tendou." I tested, letting the name slide off my tongue. "Hi, Tendou. I'm y/n." He smiled up at the ceiling, a more intense smile than the lazily amused smile that always seemed to adorn his face.
"I do have a habit of calling people anything but their given name, poor Ushiwaka gets the brunt of it when I'm talking to him more than anyone else. So if you would not like that to happen then I will try my best to keep it to a minimum for you." He brought the bear up under his chin and arranged him so he was sprawled out on his chest with his head tucked just underneath his chin.
"Nicknames are fine. I've already called you beanpole, and in my head I usually call you Red." I glanced at his hair.
He fixed me with a wicked grin and announced, "Sa- To- Ri." gesturing with his hands to enunciate each syllable.
"What?" I asked. He whipped his head to the side to look at me.
"The bear will henceforth be called Satori." He smiled like there was an inside joke I wasn't a part of, but I ignored it.
"Shall we play a game?" I asked, not knowing what to do.
"What would you like to play, teensy?" He responded, with no small amount of amusement in his voice.
"I don't know. I just want to ask you questions." I admitted, and he gestured for me to speak. "How come I've never seen you?"
"Easy. I'm extremely unnoticeable." He laughed.
"What do you do for fun?" I wanted to unveil the mystery of Tendou as quickly as possible, but I couldn't be weird yet.
"I read manga, walk around, listen to music, visit new restaurants and and pick something absurd off the menu, play volleyball, and just generally fuck around." He dug in his pocket and pulled out his phone, checking the time. School had gotten out early today, so it was only just now around two. "I gotta go in about forty-five minutes, is that okay?" He asked, as if I wasn't gonna let him leave.
"I'm not holding you hostage, beanpole." I said as he sat up and winked at me.
"I wouldn't be mad if you were, shortcake." He moved back into a cross-legged position opposite me with our knees touching, making sure the bear is safely laid in his lap before fixing his gaze on me. "Any more questions?" He twisted his hands together.
"I just, um, tell me about volleyball." I reached toward him, and he offered a hand out to me. I took his hand in both of mine, turning it over and running my fingers over his, bending them and straightening them as he spoke.
"Well, I just enjoy the feeling I get when I play. I get to do whatever I want out there, and it's nice to have the trust of whoever I play with. I don't play much though." He smiled again, returning to an inside joke I wasn't a part of.
"What are you doing later? After you leave?" I asked, still fidgeting with his hand.
"I have plans with Ushiwaka at three, and we have to go all the way to the gyms to play." He took his hand back and offered me the other one in its place. "Would you want to come with me? I can point out who my friends are and maybe I can even introduce you later on."
"Are you sure? Ushiwaka seems scary, I wouldn't want to be on his bad side." As I said it he laughed and shook his head.
"Waka? Scary? He may look intimidating but he's one of my best friends. He just lets me sit and talk about whatever I want for as long as I want, and he reads my mangas after me. He's really a big sweetheart once you talk to him." I didn't notice him toss Satori over toward his bag.
He continued talking and talking until it was about five minutes until he had to leave. Since I had the room at the end of the hall, I had my own (very small) bathroom.
"Can I change real quick? I don't wanna have to use the nasty locker rooms down there." He stood up, stretching his arms up above him. I could see the pale skin of his stomach before his shirt went back down and he went to get his bag and change. I really didn't know what to do while I waited, so I just laid down on my bed, and breathing in I noticed how I could still smell where he was sitting, a mix of cinnamon and something homey, so I just closed my eyes and stayed there.
"You there teensy? Ah, hiya darling. Are you coming with me?"
"Mmmm, I'm so comfy." I responded, not opening my eyes.

ok hi 🥺 this is chapter two and it's a bit longer
i'm not really sure what i need to do to get people to read this but i'd like for people to see it 👉🏻👈🏻
side note i originally wrote this as a self insert for my own shits and giggles but then i decided to post it so i'm sorry if i leave bits in there that aren't in the y/n format but woohoo y/n got to touch his hands!!!!

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