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  "That's what I was expecting." I opened my eyes and saw him bent over me, his usual smile going strong. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up. "I have a hostage, so you'll have to come with me if you want him back." I turned and noticed Satori was missing. He started to walk away and I jumped on his back. To my surprise, he picked up my dorm key and his bag and ran out of my room, down the hall, and into the elevator.
  "Tendou I swear to GOD, you're lucky I have my phone and my key." I said as I got down from his back.
  He turned around, slouched again for the first time since I saw him at his dorm, no longer smiling. "Are you mad at me? Like actually? I'm sorry I keep forgetting that we aren't close, I just feel like I've known you for a lot longer than I really have, I'll work on my boundaries around you and..." He kept talking as he fidgeted with his hands. I took one of them and started playing with it again like I had earlier.
  "Hey, beanpole I'm not actually mad at you, I just wasn't expecting that." I curled his fingers into a fist and stretched them back out, one by one. I noticed scars on the back of his hands, and on his fingers. I would have to ask him about it later.
  "Do you promise?" He asked, his voice soft. I looked up, expecting him to be joking and my eyes met with his, sad and still wide.
  I curled my pinkie around his. "I promise."
  The elevator dinged and I led him by his hand out of the building. I let go once we got outside. He made a soft indignant sort of noise that sounded like 'hrmpf', and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
  "Is this okay?" He asked, guiding me in the direction of where we needed to go.
  "Yes." I said simply, reaching my hand up to meet his, toying with his fingers again.
  He started talking about a manga he read recently before I knew it we had reached the gym. He checked the time on his phone and it was five minutes before three. He led me up into the stands and told me I could wait there for him until after he was done, or I could leave whenever I got bored. I took out my phone and texted Kennie, my RA and told her about my bizarre day.
  As I sent the text, I heard the doors open and a bunch of voices filled the room. I looked over to see a bunch of boys in blue jackets reading Aoba Johsai. Then I looked over and saw Tendou, Ushiwaka, and a bunch of other boys I recognized but didn't know the names of. Wait, were they about to play volleyball? Like actual volleyball? A whole game? I watched as both teams warmed up, our team in black practice jerseys and the opposite team in a light blue. Tendou had odd sleeves on, like spandex things that covered his arms up to where the jersey sleeves were. He didn't look like a solid anymore.   Which is odd to say, but he glided and leaned and moved like a liquid, perfectly doing what he needed to do to get the ball to the other side.
  The ref blew a whistle and the players lined up on the court, Tendou was front and center. He had a wicked look in his eye I hadn't seen yet, and as soon as the game started I couldn't take my eyes off him. He managed to get in the way of almost every ball sent to their side of the court, and when Ushiwaka went up to serve I held my breath as the ball slammed into the other side of the court. He had a wicked arm, and there was something about the serve that made the blue team not receive it, even though it wasn't as powerful as their number one's serve. Ushiwaka went to serve again and I heard a familiar voice sing-song, "Another pretty serve, pretty please!" He glanced up to where I was sitting without moving his head, but I caught his eye and smiled. This time they received Ushiwaka's serve but didn't manage to get the point, courtesy of Tendou's amazing blocking.
  "That's our Guess Monster!" a player from off court shouted. Huh. I wonder why they call him that. I didn't have much time to think because the game was still in full swing.
  As the blue team called a timeout in the third set, I saw Tendou lift up his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face. Ok wait, when the fuck was he going to tell me he has abs? And did he have tattoos? He couldn't. I made a mental note to ask him about that later, and he looked up and winked at me. I held my hand to my forehead like the ladies do in those old movies before they faint and he smiled and turned his attention back to his coach.
  The game was over as quickly as it had begun, and after they bowed and the other team had left I saw a head of bright red hair bounding over to me. "Pretty cool, right?" He still had that animalistic look about him, but he was relishing in the win.
  "What happened to 'I don't play much'." I mimicked his voice and he laid down on the bench I was sitting on, resting his head in my lap.
  "I may have stretched the truth a bit, but I wanted to surprise you, and judging by the look on your face, you were pleasantly surprised." He said, taking my hand and putting it in his hair.
  "Ok clingy." I laughed and started to run my fingers through his hair. He was very fucking sweaty, but I didn't really care.
  He talked about specific parts of the match and kept going on and on as the other members of his team left the gym.
  "Hey, Tendou." Ushiwaka had come up into the stands to talk to him. "If you want to come over in a little bit you can, I'm making food and the movie we ordered came today if you wanna watch. You can bring your girlfriend if you want."
  "Oh, she's not my girlfriend." He said plainly. He didn't say it in a rude way, just like stating a fact. I looked down at him then back up to Ushiwaka, who cocked an eyebrow and walked away. "Anyway, would you want to go? Waka's a good cook." He offered, trying to persuade me.
  "That depends on what the movie is, Red." I looked down at his face again and he flashed me his wicked grin.
  "Oh, it's a surprise. I couldn't very well just tell you about it, what fun would that be?" He got up, stretched, and turned to look at me. I noticed he wasn't slouching- which means this is somewhere he feels safe, and he feels safe around me. The thought of that made me smile, since we had only met earlier today. I remembered that he had said something about forgetting we weren't already close, and I felt the same way. He had something about him that just made me completely relax, and if Ushiwaka invited him over, then apparently he made everyone around him comfortable.
  "Let's go, I guess. Do you need to stop anywhere?" I asked as I stood up and started walking toward the doors of the gym.
  "We can stop in my room, Waka's room is right above me." He said and fell into step beside me.
  "Of course both of you bastards got THAT building, and here I got the most inconvenient one on the planet." I grumbled and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, giving me a little squeeze.

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