Chapter Two.

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ENJOY!!xx {short chapter sowwie}

Joe (one of Harry's bullies) and Caspar ( joes boyfriend) to the side :)

    Louis stepped aside slowly, allowing the young boy to come in. He looked at the boy in confusion, his curls were disheveled and filled with dirt, the bottoms of his pants were ripped and torn, his face bruised, and his lips cracked.

"Th-thank you, Louis", Louis wanted to smile at how innocent the boy looked, but he didn't know that Harry was definitely not innocent.

*  *  *

    Harry took a seat on the couch and watched as Louis back retreated into what he guessed was a kitchen. He took this time to look around the room, staring at all the pictures on the wall. Confusion filled his body when he saw a broken picture frame underneath a coffee table. He bent over slowly and gripped the edge of the table, reaching over to grab the object.(DIRTY MIND HAHA) He grabbed the frame and pulled it up to sit on his lap, brushing off a few pieces of glass and grabbing the picture between his finger tips. He held the picture and inspected it as if it was some special ancient artifact, and as if he was afraid to break it.

   On the picture it showed two guys (one he recognized as Louis), arms slung sloppily over each other and huge smiles on their faces. The boy on the left was slightly taller than Louis and his skin was much  tanner, his eyes looked a little to big for his face, also. They stood on a beach, slightly in the water and both of them had their trousers rolled up into cuffs.

    Harry flipped the picture over and read the sloppy, cursive words--

Louis & Zayn
    Dear Louis, I cant believe your packing your bags, I'm trying so hard not to cry. We had the best time now its the worst time, but we have to say goodbye. But don't promise your going to write,Louis, and don't promise you'll call. Just promise me you wont forget it all.
    Cause you were mine for the summer, but now we know its over. I will remember you Louis, and please don't forget me.

     Love, Zayn xx

Ps: You were my Summer Love.

    Harry stared down at the photo, wondering how it felt to be in love. Not a family love, like he loves his mum, Gemma, and Niall. But he doesn't believe in love.

'Thats because no one will ever love you.'

   "What the hell are you doing with that?!"

     Harry turned to see a furious Louis, and stuttered to find his words as Louis came stomping over. He yelped in pain when Louis gripped his wrist and grabbed the picture, shoving Harry off the couch. Harry winced when his head came in contact with the corner of the table, tears springing to his eyes at the pain.

"I-I-I'm so-sorry!", Harry begged as Louis stepped closer to the boy on the floor, anger had filled his body and all control is out the door.

     Louis gripped the boys curls tightly and yanked his head up, his fist coming in contact with Harry's jaw. Harry cried out in pain, pushing Louis off and scrambling up, stumbling to crawl over the table.

'Im so sorry Baby'

"NO!", Harry cried out, feeling Louis' small hand wrap around his ankle and pull him back.

'I Love You, Baby.'


    Louis stopped his movements, suddenly realizing what he was doing and gasped, releasing Harry's ankle. Harry instantly curled up on the table, covering his ears and whimpering for the voice to go away. His head was once again pounding, beating like a heart in his mind. Crazy, that's what he felt, and he hated it-- No, Despised it. Hot tears poured over his cheeks, wetting the red skin.

        And Louis couldn't stand to see Harry like this, and, fuck, he didn't even know the kid. Louis slowly crawled over to Harry, placing his tan arms around his body, causing the younger to scream and push against Louis. Yet he didn't budge, just held Harry and take his weak punches. Sobs racked Harry's body, shaking Louis with each movement. And he couldn't help the tears that sprung to his own eyes at the sight in front of him, the small boy curled up in his lap crying out his eyes because of Louis.

        Yeah, Louis wanted to punch himself over and over again for hurting the young one, but its not his fault. Its hard to keep your cool when your bi-polar. Louis has tried medication, anger management, yet nothing has worked. His mum kicked him out of the house because of his attitude, only to soon discover his disorder and beg him to come back. Louis blew up on her, relieving pent up anger that has been hidden for years. But now that he sees the boy in front of him, he knows now how much of a monster he was. And he hated it.

*  *   *  *

        "Harry, Harry get up."

        Harry groaned and rolled over, curling up in the soft blankets that surrounded him and nuzzling into his pillow. Which now that he thinks about it is very hard, and warm. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and his hand patted around, touching something under the blanket that made his pillow moan.


Oh shit.

        Harry yelped and flew out from under the blankets, landing on the warm carpeted floor. The blanket was wrapped around one of his legs so it came down with him, revealing a very flustered Louis. The temperature seemed to rise a million degrees as Harry stood, stuttering out an apology to Louis, who was lying on the bed with his hand over his crotch. Louis' head was thrown back with his hand making subtle movements over himself, and Harry could feel his pant get a bit tighter.

" O-oh god, I-I im s-sorry I'm j-just go-going to leave-e!", Harry rushed out of the room-- Or, well, waddled out awkwardly.        

        When Louis came out he had his head down in shame, knowing he just got off with Harry in the other room. Harry blushed seeing Louis wear a different pair of trousers, and he awkwardly sat next to Harry on the couch.

"L-look, uhm I'm sorry.", Louis said, scratching the back of his neck," Uhm, so your parents are probably worried, I can drive you home?"

        Harry instantly shot up from the couch, attracting Louis' full attention. Harry nodded frantically and ran outside the door, leaving a surprised Louis behind. The door creaked open, banging against the wall as Harry ran out and tried to get into Louis' car.

        To say Harry was terrified would be the under-statement of the year, he was petrified of what Anne would do to him. Maybe she would just go easy on him and just rip his head off, because that's as nice as shes going to get, Harry was gone for a whole day and night. He was toast, burnt toast. Burnt to ashes toast ,actually.

        Louis hopped into the car, staring at Harry wide eyed and wondering why he was so worried. But started the car, the only the thing said was Harry's address. When they arrived the awkwardness was still lingering in the car, Harry was about to jump out but Louis locked the door before he could go. Harry turned surprised, meeting eyes with Louis who was holding his hand out and a scrap of paper laid in his palm. He grabbed it and turned it over, revealing Louis' number.

"Call me if you need anything.", Louis smiled before clicking off the car lock and allowing Harry to get out.

        Harry watched Louis' mustang speed down the road, leaving a light trail of dust behind. He sighed and stuck the number into his pocket before stating up the driveway. It was early and the lights were off, so Harry hoped his mum and Gemma were asleep. But, oh, he was so wrong.



 Oh my jeezus its so short, i apologize!!

E :)xx

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