Chapter One.

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(im the mere definiton of crap today lol)




* * * * *

'Get up loser.'

Harry groaned, feeling a sharp pain shoot through his head and knocking around his skull. When he opened his eyes he nearly screamed, It was dark. Really, really dark.

Harry and dark dont go well.

At all.

He whimpered and stood up, griping his head and looking around. Harry supposed he had fallen asleep in the woods, or passed out, basically the same thing. The blinking watch on his wrist was screaming for him to see what time it was, but he didnt want to. He didnt want to worry if his mum and Gemma was worried.

'Who would worry about someone as worthless as you.'

'Heres some advice, go fall off a cliff, fag.'

Harry shook his head as tears pricked his eyes, threatning to spill over. His wrist was burning, begging to be sliced and Harry craved to see the beautiful crimson blood hes come to love so badly. It was a sick twisted kind of love that satisfied the dark side of Harry, the bad side. The side he didnt want anyone to see. No one.

Bur Harry liked it like that, kept to himself. And that was it, bottom line. Thats the way it has always been and always will be. Thats the way is has to be, in his mind.

* * * * * * * * *

About an hour later Harry was still wandering aimlesly through the woods, the dark woods. Very, very dark woods. His body trembled in fear and he jumped with every sound made.

'Somethings going to get you Harry.'

'Its going to get you Harry. Its going to kill you.'

Harry whimpered and started running, yelping everytime his leg snagged a briar or a twig. Fear had taken over his body and his only mindset was finding a safe place, his brain worked on over-drive. Looking for solutions.

Harry didnt just jump when he heard a sound, he screamed and ran faster.

Every horror/zombie movie he had ever watched ended up with the person dying, and that is why he was afraid right now. Plus, that stupid voice wasnt helping at all, with all the horrid taunting and insulting.

A light shone in the distance, giving Harry a very small slither of hope that he'll get out of these retched woods.

'Good, Baby, thats good.'

'Go to the light.'

Harry shook his head again, more tears coming out as he ran faster.

Shut up.



The light was bright now, and it was right there. A house, hope filled Harry's body and he sighed in releif. His legs slowed to a walk as he neared the small cabin, although he didnt expect anyone to live out here-- He still kept his hope. He just wanted to get home and wrap up in his blanket, sip on a cup of tea and ignore the voices.

The old creaky steps squealed under Harry's weight, shifting with his every movment. And Harry couldnt help but think this was the ideal horror movie scenerio. He was one of those people that thought of all the things that could go wrong, rather than right. He had always been that way though, and he was okay with it-- for a while. Now he has way more things to fear, way more things to hide from, and more things to avoide.

He picked up his limp arm and let his fist fall against the door, four times before pulling away. A smile cracked on his face and more hope flooded his body when he heard shuffling inside the house, before a light came on. The light illuminated the broken porch, shadows dipping into the cracks and exposing what lies beneath. Harry's breath hitched when the screen door swung open,

"What the hell do you want?", the mans scruffy voice made Harry want to run and scream, maybe this wasnt a good idea.

"I--I got lost i-in the woo-oods and I was wondering w-where I am?", Harry mentally slapped himself for stuttering so much.

Harry couldnt bring himself to look away from the mans beautiful blue eyes, his sun-kissed skin, feathery brown hair, and overall beautiful. Although the man hadnt shaved in what look liked days, it added a attractive edge-y look.

"Your in the woods behind Toma Haawk Road,"

Harry nodded, taking in the information. Even though he had no idea where that was," What are doin' out here anyway?"

Harry gulped, scanning his mind for any possible excuses,"Oh--Uhm, I was walking and took a rest but ended up dozing off, now im lost."

"Hm, sorry kid.", The man shook his head, moving out of the doorway,"You can come in, Im Louis by the way."


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