Ch. 1 - Ms. Lauren

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That day was my first Auction. It was a day where people like me were sold for our quirks or bodies, so I met my first master. He was the leader of a Mafia and I was his pet, or so he called me. I was forced to follow him with a chain he kept around my neck. At night, I was to sleep on the floor next to his bed. For food, if I was given food, I was given dog food, and I don't understand how dogs eat that. It was disgusting, but if I didn't eat it, I would be punished. Thrown in a small cage that I had no room to move, in a cold and dark room for days at a time. It wouldn't be uncommon for them to forget I was there until someone walked into the room. I was kept unclothed and forced to use the bathroom outside. If I rebelled, it was the cage. I was commonly kicked and beaten for no reason, so I tended to fight back. Many days were spent in the cage with a muzzle on for biting. It was my only way to fight with my weak body, so when I could no longer bite, I could only mindlessly listen. Eventually I was sold to another trading ring for auction when I was 6. The mafia man had "grown bored" of me, so he sold me to the auction place. I was kept there for 4 months before I had another inspection by people in white then I was sold again.

My second master was the wife of the auction leader, of this particular branch. She was a nice lady, the best master I ever had. Around her husband, I was forced to call her master, but when it was just me and her, I called her Ms. Lauren and she called me puppy. She clothed and fed me and she even read me stories. She said she used to be someone to be bought off during an auction, but her husband fell in love with her looks and made her his wife.

"I've never liked him, but this is the closest thing to freedom I have, so I hope you'll behave and stay with me," she smiled. I hopped into her open arms and sat on her lap.

"I promise to behave Ms. Lauren," I answer. She smiled and booped my nose.

"Good boy, now what story would you like me to read today?" I hop off her lap and pick my favorite, Rapunzel, the story of a princess in a tower. She reminded me of Ms. Lauren. After the story, I asked her a question.

"Do you think one day a knight in shinning armor will save you Ms. Lauren?"

"You are my Knight in shinning armor  my puppy. You save me from boredom each and everyday and make me feel more free than I ever have," she pinches my cheeks. "Now, you should get off my lap, Uchiyama will be home anytime now."

"Yes ma'am! I'll start to clean up a little as well," I answer. I stand up and start to tidy up when there is a knock at the door.

"Madame, the Master is home and it is time for dinner," calls a servant. The jangle of keys is heard and the door to the large, luxurious room is unlocked. The servant opens the door and steps aside to let Ms. Lauren out, with me trailing behind her. Together we walk to the kitchen where she sits down near the middle of the table and I stand next to her. At the table there are are other woman who are also the wives of Uchiyama, as well as the children who serve the wives, some even teenagers. The two who sat next to Uchiyama, who was at the head of the table, where his favorite wives. They got the most jewelry and finest clothes. One od his favorites was the oldest woman there, but she still looked to be in her twenties while the other was newly bought at the latest auction. All together, there were about 17 wives.

"What another blessed day to have a wonderful meal with all my beautiful wives. Let us pray for this meal the lord has brought us!" Uchiyama cried out. Together he, his wives, the children, and all the servents bow their heads and pray the same prayer as we do everyday.

"Lord God, Heavenly Father, bless us and these Thy gifts which we receive from Thy bountiful goodness, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen." After, Uchiyama picks up his fork and begins to eat his wives follow suit. The dinner is silent besides the flirting if his favorites and the laughs of the large bellied Uchiyama. As the other women eat, Uchiyama and his two favorites drink, and they drink a lot, and that's when Ms. Lauren made a mistake. She looked up and made eye contact with Uchiyama's drunken eyes. He gives her a look and goes back to drinking. I thought that would be the end of that, but I was wrong.

That night, after dinner, Ms. Lauren was getting ready for bed when the jangle of keys could be heard and a drunk Uchiyama stumbles in. "LauRen -hic- mY moSt bEuoOootiful wife. -hic- ComE here." He beckons for her. She, with her head lowered, walks over to him. He takes a seat in her rocking chair and places her of his lap. "I've MisSed yoU my wiFe. -hic- DooO yOu knoW how mUch I've MiSSed yoUuu. -hic-"

"N-no, I don't dear."

"I miSsed yoU SoooOo much -hic-," he says caressing her face. She carfully grabs his hand to move it off her face. I stand and watch from a corner.

"Of course dear."

"DiD you -hic- miSs meE?" He said, hands trailing down her night gown.

"Of course dear." She says shifting uncomfortably in her seat. To her dismay, he pulls her closer.

"CoMe heRe," he goes to kiss her, but she pushes him away.

"Not in front of the kid."

"-hic- ExcUse mE?"

"No- not in-nfront of t-the kid," she stutters.

"I'll dO whaT I want wHen I waNT!" He says as he slaps her. She looks down. He picks her up and throws her on the bed. I watch in horror. Is he gonna hurt her? He stops and walks over to me and drags me right next to the bed. "Make sUre to wAtch close. -hic‐ got It?" He slurs. I just stare as he gets on top of her and kisses her as she tried to push away, but he's just to heavy.

"P-please stop. Don't make him watch!"

"I'll maKe hiM waTch if I WanT to!"

"P-puppy, look away! P-please!" She begs, but I can't bring myself to look away. She's hurting. He's hurting her. He's hurting Ms. Lauren! I start to get mad. Why would he hurt her? WHY!? I start to growl. "Puppy, no! Don't! Be a good boy!" Ms. Lauren pleads as Uchiyama starts to remove her clothes, ignore me.

"Stop," I snarl.

"HuH?" He says continuing to kiss her exposed body.

"I said STOP!" I jump on him and bite his arm. He screams as he throws me across the room with a swing of his arm. He got off Ms. Lauren and went over to my body, against the wall. I start to stand when he stomps on my frail 10 year old body. He kicks me and grabs my hair, pulling me up off the ground.

"YOU DaRE bITE Me?!" I struggle against he hair as he does me away. I can't bite him at all. "I SaVED YoU ANd THiS IS hOW YOU RePAY mE!" With me in his grip, he drags me out of Ms. Lauren's room as she calls out for him to stop, but he ignore her. He drags me down the flight of stair and walks to the kitchen. There he opens a door that only opened when he bought someone new and he drags me down another flight og steps. Still struggling he refused to let go. We reach the floor of the basement and he tosses me in a cage and slams the door. "SaY HEllO TO ThE AUCtIONeER!" He yells before storming upstairs. Three years with Ms. Lauren all gone. I'm sorry Ms. Lauren. Forgive me.

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