Chap 4

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A/N i need help with a cover. I have no idea what to put so please, if you can send an image or drawing or anything that can help as a cover for this story.

Harry 1 POV
I woke up on the table again. Bill was sitting next to me in a chair.
"Hey Bill. How long have I been out?"
"Well. You passed out 2 minutes into the procedure, it took about 22 minutes to take care of your blocks, and I finished about 5 minutes ago so about for about 25 minutes."
"Damn. It felt like a lot longer."
"Now. I fixed your eyesight, and charmed your glasses. Since you have mage sight, you will always be seeing auras and magic in the air, as well as invisible creatures. Because of that, I charmed your glasses so that you will be able to control when you want to see the auras or not. To see them just take off the glasses and to not put them on." I nod greatfully and take my glasses off. I see his magic swirling in him, and tiny flying creatures around his head.
"Alright then. You're fine now so I'll just lead you back to Griphook, and then I'll have a chat with my family."
"Actually, I'd like to take care of them. Not all of them are at fault but I will be calling most of them out. I suggest you be there. It will most likely be funny. Maybe invite Charlie too? I'd love to meet the great dragon tamer." I say with an evil grin.
Bill smiles brightly and nods. We reach Griphook office.
"I'll go get Charlie now. By the time you're out if here we'll be outside and we'll take you to headquarters" he said that last word with pure venom in his voice.
I nod and he leaves.
"Hey Griphook. Is everything in order?"
"Well I have your inheritances here and the lordship rings for you to claim along with the black heir ring. Let's do that first and then deal with your vaults. There are some disturbing facts that I've found out and am infuriated by."
"Alright. Let's get my lordships."
He pulls out a box with eight rings. They all were a simple black band with the house crest on top. One has an black eagle in a field of blue. One has a black badger in a field or yellow. One has a golden lion in a field of red. On had a silver snake in a field of green. Those were obviously the founders rings. Then one with an elegant silver P on it representing the Potter house, and an identical one representing Evans with an E instead of a P. Merlins lordship ring had a Dragón with a staff in its mouth. The LeFay ring had some potions ingredients on it.
"Slip all of these into your left middle finger. They will morph together into one ring. It can show either all the crests combined, or one crest of your choosing at a time. Just think of what you would like to show and it will appear."
I placed all the rings on and thought of all the crests together. I looked at the ring and saw it had combined them all. It was the Hogwarts Crest without the H in the middle and with the Potter crest on the left, the Evans on the right, the Myrddin crest on top, and the LeFay crest below it.
"Now this is the black heir ring. Put this on your left ring finger. It should accept you as heir by resizing to fit your finger perfectly."
I did and it accepted me as heir.
"Now. All these rings give you a protection against all curses thrown at you and no one but you can remove them. Now. Onto your accounts. It's suffice to say that I am enraged at the audacity of that old man to do this."
I look at him questioning. Not understanding.
"What's wrong with my accounts?"
"It appears that Dumbledore has named himself your magical guardian, illegally, after your parents death. He the. Used that as an excuse to go and steal from your vault. Originally, the Potter main vault had around 50 million galeons. Albus has taken 1000 a year for himself, since your 5th birthday, and 600 A year has been deposited into the molly Weasley accounts and has been used for her kids schooling and supplies. Another 200 a year has been taken to add to Hermione Grangers account when she learned about the Wizarding world, but she was told that the Headmaster has set it up for her especially and didn't tell her where the money came from. Don't worry I'll make sure to retrieve every single Knut taken."
"Actually id like to deal with this myself. I plan on confronting them and this will just add to the list."
Griphook smiles proudly and proceeds to go through the vaults. In the end I stopped listening.
"Ok. So here's what I want. Put all the trust vaults and combine them. Then do the same with all the main vaults, and all the heirloom vaults. Leave the Hogwarts vault un touched, and the vaults that the founders had for Hogwarts combine with the main Hogwarts vault. Is that possible and if so how long will it take?"
"Yes Harry that is possible. And it will take about a week, considering they are all very large vaults."
"Alright. Then before you get started can you lead me to them? There are some things I'd like to get from them. Also in the le strange vault, there is an heirloom of mine. Hufflepuffs cup. Voldemort turned it into a hocrux and I'd like it back and the soul removed please."
Griphook nods and leads me to my vaults while barking at one of the goblins.
"Fanghook. Go get the Hufflepuff cup from the lestrange vault" he yelled in goblidook
~~~ LINE JUMP~~~
After 20 minutes of going through the vaults, I finally finish. I've collected my mother and fathers wand, along with the founders wands and Merlin and Morganas staffs. I also got mum dads Merly and Mori portraits, the Potter family grimour, the other families didn't have any, the wand holster from Mori's vault, a 7 compartment chest of my mum's diaries, helgas bow and arrow quiver, Merlins satchel, Rows jewelry box, Rics sword sheath, and a shocker egg from Sal's vault with a charm that is supposed to hatch after I say hatch in parsletongue. I put everything in Grandpa Merly's satchel and walked out.
"Now then, Harry. By next week we'll have your vaults combined. Your titles are now Lord of the most Ancient and Noble Houses of Potter, Evans, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, LeFay, and Myrddin. Heir of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black. By being lord of not just one but 8 houses, you are in all purposes an adult in the wizard if world. And the restrictions on magic no longer affect you. You know your properties so what will you do with them?"
"Well. Godrics Cottage, Helgas Grove, and Rowenas Library will stay as they are. The four manors though. I think I'll turn the Myrddin and LeFay manors into orphanages, and the Slytherin manor into a school for before Hogwarts, for muggle raised kids to learn Wizarding etiquette and traditions and be at the same level as magic raised kids. They'll be able to get in as soon as they show signs of accidental magic Or 5 if they show magic before that age. Evans manor I was thinking of doing the same, but for wizard raised kids. This can teach them more about how muggles grow up and what they are like and how they are different and similar to wizards."
"An excellent idea Harry. If this works then we can prevent another Voldemort from rising."
I beam at him and we finish our discussion.
"Well Harry. I'll owl you when we've finished combining your vaults. Until then, Harry, May your gold always flow."
"I have a final surprise for you Griphook."
He raises and eyebrow and I continue.
"And may your enemies fall by your feet" I reply in goblidook with a bow. He stares in astonishment and I smirk, heading out.
In the entrance I see Bill with a red head who I assume is Charlie Weasley.
"Charlie I assume. I've heard of you and your dragons. Pleasure to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too Harry. Bill told me what our family did and that you plan to say some things to them. I could not refuse an offer of a front row seat to seeing Molly Weasley be put in her place." He says with a grin.
We laugh and walk out of gringotts.
"By the way. We need to stop by the ministry and get Arthur, if he's still there. You wouldn't happen to know where Percy is do you?"
"Also at the ministry. Mhm and dad are furious at him right now"
"Great." I say with a smirk worthy of the Mauraders. " now let's go get them. Your dad should be leaving about now, right? I claimed my lordships so I can now use magic. Bill, aparate me to the ministry? I still need to learn and get the license."
With a nod we land at the ministry in second.
"Bill go get dad. I'll go with Harry to get Percy." Charlie says and we split up.
Five minuets later we're standing in front of Percy's desk.
"What are you doing here?" He asks
"Get up now. We're having a meeting and you're gonna want to hear it. Maybe it affects you. Maybe it doesn't. Depends on whether or not you knew of what your mother has done to me with your two youngest siblings." At that he raised an eyebrow.
"What have they done?"
"You'll find out if you come with us. And I suggest you do. This is a once in a life time opportunity. Harry here is going to put mum in her place."
Sack da later Percy had everything organs and was waiting to leave.
" let's go. Now. The shows gonna start soon"
"Bill went to get Dad. He's meeting us at dads desk so we're going there."
Five minutes later we got to Mr. Weasleys desk.
"Percy." Arthur says calmly.
"Dad." Percy replies.
"Lets go." I say, cutting the tension.
And then we aparate to a muggle street. I look at the buildings, they go 10, 11, 13, 14. Wait. That can't be right. They forgot 12?
Arthur hands us all a piece of paper. When we read it The Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix is held in Number Twelve Grimauld Place it burnt up. Then we could see a building push itself between 11 and 13.
Mr. Weasley leads us in and I'm tackled by a mess of bushy hair.
"Hermione get off of me" I say, sternly.
She looks confused at my tone but brushed it off.
"Is every Weasley here? With Sirius and Remus?" Hermione nodded and pointed to a room at the back.
"They have a meeting in there right now."
"Ok." And I walk to the door and throw it open.
Everyone shuts up and looks at me.
"Everyone that isn't a Weasley, Dumbledore, lupin, or black by relation get out now." They look confused at my command and Molly looks furious.
"HARRY JAMES POTTER. HOW DA-" her voice is cut off as I raise my hand and place a silencing spell on her.
"Harry my boy. You can't use magic outside of Hogwarts. I'll excuse you this tim-"
"Shut up old man. I went to gringotts, claimed my inheritance as lord Potter, and am now recognized as a legal adult and can use magic out of school." I said showing my ring off to show only the Potter crest. The black heir ring stayed invisible.
With that Albus stood shocked.
"Now. As I've said get the hell out now."
Ten seconds later the only people remaining are Sirius, Remus, Albus, the weasley twins and adults, and Hermione. And a pink haired girl who I don't know.
"I don't know you. Who are you?" I tell her.
"Names Nymphadora Tonks. Call me Tonks. I hate my first name. I'm Sirius's cousin. My mum is a maiden black but was cast out. Sirius here is going to reinstate us when he's no longer a wanted man." She said. Smiling at Charlie.
"I'm guessing you know Charlie. She telling the truth?" Siri and Charlie nod.
"Ok. Now. I'm calling a meeting for everyone in this room. And Ronald and the twins and ginerva better be here in 3 seconds or I'm dragging them by their ears." I say the last part loudly. The twins aparate into the kitchen and sit down and I hear the youngest weasleys run down the stairs. I turn to Bill percy and Charlie and tell them to sit as well. Now I'm the only one standing, and everyone's eyes are on me.
"Today I went to gringotts to get my inheritance. What I found out was that I'm lord of 8 houses, heir of the black house, thanks padfoot, and some other interesting things.
First off I'd like to say Bravo Albus. Not only did you manage to block my magic and place me in an abiding household, you also stole from a child. Because that's what any leader of the light does.
So. As it appears. Since I was five the headmaster here has stolen 1000 galeons from the potter family main vault for himself, and has started taking 600 galeons to molly for her children's education along with 200 for Ms. Grnager over here when she started."
The weasleys except for Ginny Ron and molly looked ashamed. Hermione is shocked. Remus looks pissed. Tonks' hair changed colors from pink to a burning red. So she's also a metamorphmagus. She's teaching me then. Sirius is fuming with rage. The thieves all look worried that they were now getting caught.
"Also, Sirius is like you to see this list here. These are all blocks put on my by our esteemed headmaster. Luckily Bill here removes them. Thank you bill."
He nods in return, clearly still shocked at the theft.
"Now. I have something to say to each and everyone of you. First with the nice things. Tonks" she looks surprised. "I see your a metamorphmagus. So am I. But I'm having trouble controlling it. I'm making you my new teacher in that art. It's not an option." I say with a huge grin on my face.
She looks startled for a second the grins madly too.
"Of course. But just know I will adopt you as a brother now." She says and grabs and holds me against her, hugging me from the back. I lean in.
"More than fine. Next. You two. Mooney and Padfoot. Get the fuck over yourselves. I can see it. Hell. My parents and Merlin can see it. HOOK UP ALREADY. You're driving me mad with the obliviousness." I say and they both blush deeply.
"Arthur. You've been like a father to me wince the summer I turned 12. One thing I wish from you is to start speaking up for yourself. You're a pushover. You even let your wife walk all over you and do things she shouldn't without you knowing. Please I just want you to be more confident and less of a pushover." He smiles and nods.
"Bill. Charlie. I just met you two. You've been great so the money that was stole for your education will not be needed to be payed back by you. Percy. You were kind of an ass when you were at school. I won't ask for the money your education costed from you either but dude. Seriously. Be nicer to your family and less of a pompous dick and I won't unleash hell on you." The three nod greatfully and smile at me. I grin and turn to the twins.
"You two. Supposed Prankster Kings. First off your not the best pranksters. Padfoot Moony Prongs and sadly the traitor were the best. Padfoot is Siri, Remus is moony, my dear old dad was Prongs, and petigrew was the real traitor and goes by wormtail. Meaning I am the king cause not only is my father Prongs, and my godfather Padfoot, Mooney is my honorary uncle, and Lily Marie Potter nee Evans was my mother and brightest witch of the age. Meaning I got the prank genes with her brains." The start fawning over my feet and calling me my lord and crap.
"Get the hell up, idiots. Now. The two of yours education also won't be payed back to me by you. And George go get someone to date cause I'm stealing Fred. Fred. Your taking me out later tonight so when we're done here get ready." I wink at him and he blushes and smiles.
"You. Bushy head. Do you know where the money in the account that Albus set up for you comes from? Along with the books?" She shakes her head.
"I thought the headmaster let me some of his." She says quietly. Her voice shaking.
"Nope. Its coming from my family vault. Now, as you're still alive I see you haven't opened the books. Don't do it. They kill anyone not of Potter blood or given permission who opens them. I'll read through all of them, and give you the ones I choose. And for you're education, all that money will be returned but you won't have to pay it back. Albus will repay everything back to me."
"I'm sorry Harry. I didn't know. But, how will I now pay for Hogwarts?"
"I own the castle, since I claimed the lordship of all four founders. So from now up until you finish, you and the twins go to school for free. And I'll personally buy you three all the books and materials until you each finish school. Now. Go upstairs, take a nap, and I'll explain everything to you tonight when I come back with Fred."
She nods and hugs me tightly, still sobbing, before she runs upstairs to her room. I turn to Tonks now.
"I'm adopting her too, and possibly three to seven others. They'll be my siblings in all but blood."
She just nods and I turn back to the others.
"Albus I'd say you're fired but I'm taking you to court and there's nothing you can do about it. Stealing 1800 galeons annually from me is not something I'll forgive. Molly I expect what you've been given to be returned to me or you'll also be taken to court. I'll allow the twins free tuition but you'll have to find some other way for Ronald and Ginerva."
"That is all. Now. Albus, since I'm sure you're goin to go to Azkaban, I'll have Minerva replace you. Remus. Would you please be the new Transfiguration professor? And Siri. Please be the new defense teachers." They nod and grin.
"Hey Harry? You're going out with Fred later. Canwe make that a double date and have me and Siri tag along?" I look at Fred and he nods smiling. And I nod too.o
"Little brother, my mother is good at potions. She's working at getting her masters and is a good healer. By the start of school she should get her masters done."
"Thanks Dora. I'm calling you Dora by the way. And I'm the only one allowed to. Maybe Fred too. Let's see how that goes." I say.
"I like you kid. You got spunk." She says and laughs.
Ron is furious.
"How could you do this to us mate? After everything we've been through? Hell you dragged us into those situations. YOU OWE US!" Ronald decided to be jealous.
"You mean I should just let you to continue stealing my money?and what have you even done to help, Ronald? First year you were the reason we fought the troll in the first place. Then you knocked yourself out to get out of facing Voldemort. Second year you almost got us killed by making me drag that idiot Lockhart to save your foolish sister. Third year you bitched and moaned about your damn rat who turned out to be the reason I'm famous and an orphan, and did nothing to help me in the end. Last year you had the nerve to turn your back on me when I was entered into that deadly tournament and get pissed when I Was fighting for my life. Ronald I don't owe you a damn thing. Your sister is nothing short of annoying and has been following me around school more than Colin creevey. Now Albus go get ready for court, Fred, go pick out where we're going tonight, and your outfit, we'll leave at 8 pm. Remus go plan with him. Sirius and I will talk for a bit here. Everyone else go do what you were doing before this meeting or go relax somewhere else."
Remy and Fred happily walk out talking ideas for the date, George mock glares at me with a smile on his face, Tonks leaves with Charlie into the other room, Bill follows. The thieving Weasleys. Albus finally flooed to his office and now it's just me and Siri as Arthur and Percy went back to the ministry as this was their lunch break.
"So. Siri. I have somethings to say but I'll tell you later at the double date. Right now I just want to talk."
"Sure prongslet. Anything."
"I'm scared paddy. Multiple reasons. Last year I had a boyfriend. Cedric the other champion. He died in my arms and I don want that to happen to Fred too."
He holds me close and let's me cry for a while it's been a couple minutes and I'm still sobbing in his chest.
"I'm done. Now. Firstly I want you to make them stop cleaning this place. It's not Molly's house it's yours. When I get you free, which will be soon, I want you to claim the black lordship legally, reinstate Tonks family, and banish belatrix lestrange. And maybe get Narcisas marriage to Lucius annulled? He tried to kill me in second year with the killing curse. Except dobby used his house elf magic to send him down a flight of stairs."
"I'll do that the second I'm cleared."
"Great. Now. I've got to go and floo some people. I can floo call any magical house, right?"
When he nods I walk over to the floo.
He calls Neville Longbottom, explains the situation with the others and the blocks, apologizes for not being a better friend, and promIsed to always be there for him.
He then floo calls Draco Malfoy.
"Hey Malfoy."
"Potter. Why are you floo calling me at all."
With that he explains everything that's happened today, and about the hatred potion Keyes to him.
"I know you only reacted badly because you wanted my attention. Dumbledore keyed hatred potions to you in me so I hated you without getting to know you. And for that I'm sorry. I'd like to speak with you also, about some more, personal matters though. Is that alright?"
"Sure. And no need to apologize Harry. You weren't at fault. Dumbfuck is. I'm just glad they're out of your system so we can be friends now. Mind if I come through though? Personal matters are always risky through here since they can be intercepted." I nod and he floos in.
In person I notice some things off about him. Then realize something.
"You look different. You had your creature inheritance didn't you?"
"How'd you know?" And I start explaining the full story. Even the part about the founders and my parents and explain about Cedric. And about my creature blood.
"Wow. You never do anything in halves do you Potter."
"It's my speciality, Dragon."
"So. You're part Veela, vampire, werewolf, neko, and angel."
"Yes. And I'm guessing you're part Veela, I sense the allure, same as fleur from last year, and maybe part angel and Neko?"
"How'd you guess?" He's really surprised.
"Mage Sight. I can see you're true form when I take my glasses off."
"Ah. Makes sense."
"Ok. The real reason you came over. Do you get along with your father well?" I asked seriously.
He sighs. "No. He's a tyrant at home. If it isn't what he says he'll turn into hell. Mother and I are stuck with him because she can't divorce him by herself." He seems like he's shaking. As if he's about to cry.
"Draco. Does he..."
"Does he hurt you?" Now he's full on crying and shivering. I move to hug him and hold him as he lets it all out.
"It's alright. It'll be ok."
"How can you promise that?"
"I'm working on clearing Sirius's name. Once that's done he can annul Narcisas marriage, and I can transfer the black heirship to you, so you Sirius and make you live here by way of Ancient Family Law, instead of with him, and he won't be able to do a thing."
He crushed me in a hug, letting his true self appear and thanks me repeatedly.
"Would you like to come over for my birthday? You and your mother could stay for a while with me Siri Remy and some of the weasleys. Nevilles also coming too." At nevilles name he blushes madly and looks around.
I grin darkly.
"You know. If we're to be friends, you'll have to get along great with my other friends. I mean to befriend a little girls whose being bullied ravenclaw. Some hufflepuffs that believed me last year, and daphne and Blaise from your house.
Also, Neville will be a big part of my life. He is my god brother after all. Is that fine by you?"
He blushes even harder.
"That's more than fine Harry."

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