Chap 8

363 8 2

Harry POV

Harry and Fred decided that they should go out again. When the got back from their date,  they found the Bones owl sitting outside Grimauld place. Harry took both letters attached to the leg. The owl then left immediately.
"Whats that, Har." Fred asks while encircling harry from behind.
"Its just Susan Bones and Hannah Abbot saying that they and their families will come to the parties im throwing for Nev and I."
Then Harry noticed the pictures in the back. He could see his infant self playing with the other children. He recognized them all, as if he'd known them from birth, which, according to these, he did.
He watches as the enchanted photos move and sees all six babies playing around a pregnant woman.
"Thats Selene Lovegood. Shes Lunas mother. She died about six years ago in an accident. Poor girl witnessed her death. The lovegoods live close to the Burrow if you want to invite her."
At freds words Harry turns around and him hugs him tightly. Fred just holds his emotional partner for the moment.
"Lets go inside. It's a chilly night."
Feeling harry nod against his chest, they walk back into the house.
They walk over to the living room to find Tonks with the hogwarts students that are staying in the house. Neville was also there, bright red next to an equally tomato faced Draco.
"All the adults are in the kitchen talking. What happened? How'd the date go?" George asks.
"Oi. Not all the adults are there. Im an adult." Tonks exclaimed.

"Dora you barely count as 13 with your childishness. Which is a good thing because to be honest, i lost all faith in most adults."

"Whatever LITTLE brother. What happened?"
"At the trial i asked Amelia if she'd like to bring Susan and Hannah over for my birthday. Their responses came. Both agreed. But apparently weve been friends before when we were toddlers and susan sent some pictures. Mostly of us two, some with Neville. Others with Hannah Tracy Davis and Daphne Greengrass. And theres one with a pregnant Selene Lovegood, which has us six playing around her with baby luna still in the womb."

"We just got back and found the owl sitting there. Harry got emotional so natural I led him inside."

"Dont. I would've been the same way in your position."

Harry lifts his head from Freds chest and kisses him. Both blush at the fact that its their first kiss, but decide to talk about it later.
Turning back to face the others Harry continues speaking. "Draco I know daphne and Tracy are in Slytherin with you. Could you invite them? And if you'd like to invite someone else I'm fine with that too."

"Sure Har, I'll go owl floo them later today. Also Daphne has a little sister a year below us."
"That's fine. Fred. George. Could you two contact Luna? Fred said she lived close to you two."

George's nod signals his decision to help.

"Alright. Thanks. Now I still have to go owl some more people but I'll do that later. Right now, we have other things to discuss. So I will be reviewing the staff. As you know Sirius will be the transfiguration teacher now that Minerva is headmistress, Remus will be the defense teacher, Tonks I asume you've spoken with your mother about being the potions teacher. Good. I'll announce everything on September first in front of the whole school." He said at Dora's nod.

"Everything else will be a surprise. Now. Neville you will be coming by on your birthday it is not excusable. And grow some balls already damnit. We see the two of you blushing at the slightest things. Ask Draco out before I force you both in a room for a week with nothing but each other."

Neville blushes deeply and nods before scurrying away.

~~~~time skip to July 29~~~~

Harry 1 POV

Everything is ready. Draco and Neville finally got together. Tonks is getting more aurors for more protection. Sirius is baking with Remus, Amelia and Susan are here. So are the Abbots.

It's almost midnight. At exactly 12:00 Neville will go through his inheritance and then he'll be brought here by his gran.

"Thank you for inviting us Harry. It's been so long since I've seen you." Maria Abbot says while hugging me. I hug her back slightly.

"Thanks for coming. I wanted to celebrate Neville birthday, and celebrate mines for once."

They nod and go to the other adults sitting in the living room. Andromeda and Narcisa are catching up and rekindling their sisterhood. Hermione walked in, with her parents behind. They look amazed.

"Wow. This place is so... Wow," Mr. Granger is at a loss of words.

Everyone arrived by now. The only people missing are Neville and his Gran. The Greengrass's and the Davis's had arrived a while back and are in the living room with Xenophilous and Lovegood.

After a few moments, the clock his twelve.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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