Chapter 14

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Rebekah walked out of her house gasping for breath, she didn't know what to do. She loved Elijah and she wanted him to be happy with Elena, but then she also loved Klaus and she wanted to see him happy. 'Stupid doppelgänger charm,' Rebekah thought to herself. She stood near a tree and sat down against it, she finally knew what she had to do, she had to let Elena decide, it was her life after all. 'Caroline and Elijah? Ew!' She thought to herself.
After 10 minutes of thinking about who should be with who, Rebekah stood up and walked back into the house, she bumped into Elena and Elijah on the way to the door.
"Oh, sorry," Rebekah said not being able to look at either of them.
"What's wrong, sister?" Elijah asked.
"Nothing, just...expecting a call and I'm nervous, that's all," Rebekah sighed.
Elijah nodded and motioned for Rebekah to go in before them, she nodded and walked in. She felt so guilty and bad, even though it wasn't her fault what was to come, she still thought she could of had a say in the matter.

Elena's POV
When me and Elijah bumped into Rebekah she couldn't look at either of us, she looked upset for some reason. Elijah asked what was wrong but she just said that she was nervous because she was going to soon receive a phone call, Elijah believed her but I knew she was lying, I could see it on her face. But me and Rebekah have wiped the slate clean, so I don't understand why she kept what was wrong from us, especially from her brother.
Me and Elijah walked into the house after Rebekah smiling and talking, we walked into the room where Caroline and Klaus were. They were talking but when we got in they stopped immediately. Me and Elijah looked at each other but then walked over to the other couch, I went to go to sit next to him but he pulled my wrist so I fell onto of him, I giggled and got off of him, but he just pulled me back. So I gave up and sat on his knees instead of sitting next to him. In the corner of my eyes I could see Klaus staring angrily at Elijah and Caroline staring at me. I took out my phone and texted a message to Elijah.

They're staring at us?

He took out his phone and looked at my message, he smirked and replied.


I looked at him confused and he just laughed and kissed me, I kissed him back but we stopped when Caroline cleared her throat.
"Okay, Elena. No matter how much I love you two together, can you save this for later?" She asked.
Me and Elijah quietly laughed and nodded. Klaus was still scowling at Elijah, I couldn't think why.
"Klaus, Elijah told me that you started painting again," I finally said.
"Um, yes, Would you like me to show you some?" He asked.
"Yeah, sure," I said as I got off of Elijah.
Elijah pulled my wrist and he looked scared, I kissed his cheek and he let go. I walked up to Klaus and he smiled, I smiled back and we walked into his study.
"Wow, these are amazing." I exclaimed as I went through his paintings.
"Thank you, Elena," he replied shyly.
I walked up to a painting, it was facing the wall and the back had a little red paint splashed onto it. I went to turn it around, but Klaus quickly ran up to me and put his hand on mine.
"No, not that one, it's not finished yet," he said quickly.
I giggled and nodded, he smiled at me and then I looked down to our hands touching. I quickly moved my hand away and put it in my jacket pocket. I walked away from him and continued to look at his paintings.

Elijah's POV
When Elena went off with Niklaus I could feel anger rise up in me, I grabbed her wrist and looked up to her. She looked at me with love and passion in her eyes and bent down to kiss my cheek, all of a sudden all my anger had gone away. Niklaus was bound to try and impress her, but Elena explained earlier that day that she never really had feelings towards my brother, so I knew I could trust her.
I was left alone with Caroline and she came up to the couch I was sitting on and threw herself next to me, I looked at her with confusion and raised my eyebrows.
"Relax, Klaus left me so I'm talking to you now," she said.
"Right, of course," I replied.
"So, you and Elena, huh?"
"Yes, I love her very much,"
"That's so sweet! Does she love you back?"
"Good. It would be stupid if you loved her and she didn't love you back, right?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Well, Klaus told me that you usually get your heart broken by the Petrova doppelgängers?"
"Elena's different,"
"Yeah I know. But don't you think you deserve a change?"
"Elaborate, please?"
"Well, you've always ended up with a doppelgänger. Why don't you go with someone who isn't?"
"Because I love Elena?"
"Right, of course,"
I didn't reply, I was to busy processing the whole conversation. 'Was Elena's best friend trying to get me to be with someone else?' I thought to myself.
But then all of a sudden Caroline came closer to me, her face barely inches away from mine. I pushed her away and she quickly came up to me and tried to kiss me. I pushed her away once again, but this time with more strength.
"What on earth are you doing?" I asked trying not to shout.
"Oh come on, I know you want to!" She said seductively.
I stood up and walked away but she quickly blocked the door and pressed her lips on mine, I pushed her off again and went to slap her, but Elena came running in and pinned Caroline to the wall.

Elena's POV
Klaus asked me to choose a favourite painting, but I couldn't they were all so good! I laughed as he asked me once again.
"Surely there must be one that you love!" He said whilst laughing.
"I do, I love them all!" I giggled.
He came up to me and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear,
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"You're beautiful," he replied.
"Thank you, but do you think we should go back to Elijah?" I asked as I backed away from him.
"Elijah," he said as he sighed.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, love. But answer me this, okay?"
"Yeah, sure,"
"Do you really want to be with Elijah?"
"Of course I do, I love him!"
Klaus clenched his jaw and nodded. I walked up to him and threw my arms around his shoulders, he hugged me back instantly. But when I tried to pull away he pulled me tighter, he raised my head and tried to kiss me.
"Klaus, what the hell?" I shouted as soon as I got out of his arms.
"I want to prove that you should be loved by someone who actually loves you for you!" He replied.
"Excuse me?"
"Why do you think Elijah loves you? He loved Tatia, Katerina and you. Surely you must know that he loves you for them?"
My eyes stared to fill up with tears and he finished what he was saying, he looked at me with so much guilt and worry.
"Of course I know that! But I will do anything to be with him, I love him, Klaus. Even if he loves me for Katherine, he still loves me," I said as I burst into tears.
Klaus ran up to me and hugged me, I cried into his shoulder but stopped as soon as I heard a bang. I heard Elijah's muffled voice saying, "What on earth are you doing?"
I walked out of Klaus' study and walked to the room where Elijah and Caroline were, I saw Caroline blocking the door and then she kissed him. He pushed her off but before he could do anything else, I ran in and pinned Caroline to the wall.
"What the hell do you think you are doing?" I screamed as veins appeared under my eyes and my fangs appeared.
"Get off of me, Elena!" She shouted back struggling to breath as I gripped her throat tighter.
"Not until you tell me what you were thinking!"
"I love him, okay? I want to be with him, I want him to love me back, I want Elijah!"
"You bitch!" I screamed as I gripped her throat tighter and threw her out of the window.
She was back in a few seconds later, she ran to me and tried to push me. But I grabbed her throat again and sped out of the house with her, Elijah and Klaus not that far behind me.
"Get out of here, now!" I shouted as I put her down.
Caroline growled and threw her hand into my chest, where my heart was. She gripped my heart tighter.
"Caroline, no!" Shouted Elijah and Klaus.
Caroline was seconds away from ripping my heart out of my chest before she screamed in pain and let go of my heart, she fell to the floor with a dagger in her back. I fell to the floor next to her screaming for her to wake up, I turned her over and watched as she turned grey. I looked up to her killer with tears in my eyes and saw a person I had only met once.
"Sorry about that, darling. I thought you might need the help," Said the man with a cheeky grin.
"Kol?" Asked Elijah and Klaus in sync.

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