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“I’m still mad at you,” Maria states when she enters the conference room, bandage free, her curls up in a bun, revealing all of her piercings. “Why?” Spencer exclaims and her eyes narrow, “You got me banned from work,” She says and sits as far from the male as possible, squeezing between Garcia and Rossi. “You dislocated your shoulder, you’re not supposed to move a lot with that for six weeks!”

“She’s dislocated it at least thirty times,” Emily says with a shrug and Maria grumbles, smiling at Garcia when the woman affectionately scratches her arm. JJ steps in and the moment she turns on the monitor, Maria goes still, “Couples?” She says. “Married ones. Wife raped, husband overkill. Viagra in the man’s system, but there is always a condom,” JJ states and Reid is the first to speak, “He’s protecting himself?” 

“The husband actually. The viagra seems to be a very key factor here since it is in all three of the male victims’ systems,” Maria’s brain instantly clicks, “So he’s impotent and now that the viagra isn’t working on him, he’s forcing others to go through his own fantasy?”

“Wheels up in thirty,”

“So something I’ve been wondering, which of you is smarter?” Derek asks as the plane lifts, looking between the youngest two of the team. Spencer and Maria look at each other and shrug, “I think it’s about the same, we just have different roots of knowledge,” Spencer says and Maria shrugs, “Anything I know and say out loud immediately makes him smarter because he’ll remember all of my facts. But, most of my facts can make most people-males-squirm.”

“Don’t ask,” Emily calls from across the plane, but smirks, knowing her daughter was about to send the boys into nightmare land. “I highly doubt you can say anything that will bother me,” Derek states and Maria smirks.

“Enterobiasis. One in every ten people has this disease and if you don’t have it now, there is a 50% chance of you getting it. Symptoms include itching, irritability, restlessness, abdominal pain. All caused by enterobius vermicularis pinworms that live in your digestive tract, specifically your anus. You constantly reinfect yourself in your sleep when you scratch and then bring your hand up to your mouth, the eggs travel through your system and restarts the lifecycle,”

Derek and Reid stare with wide eyes while the elders hold back their laughter. “You are a disgusting child,” Derek states and gets up to leave, “Oh, you don’t want to hear about the history of circumcision?” Maria asks with faux innocence.

“Emily, keep her away from me!” Morgan exclaims and rushes away. “So, want to play cards?” Spencer asks, avoiding the last question which makes Maria smirk, but nods. “Careful, Reid, she's better than you at cards,” Emily warns. “We’ll see,”

“It felt like playing chess with Gideon,” Spencer grumbles as they all walk into the police station. “I think my IQ is 185?” Maria says questioningly and Spencer grumbles, “We’re officially at war and we’re playing chess on the way back,”

“Cool, now on with the case.”

Everything was going decently until the mass shooting. When that happened, they were all on edge and as soon as they found out the wife was pregnant, they knew the stressor. Emily was the one that approached the unsub, but Maria was nearby and Maria caught her mother's mistake immediately. “Shit!” Maria growls, removing her jacket and gun holster. “Someone put a ring on and get acting,” She demands and when none of them respond, she transfers her rings to her left hand and puts her spinner ring on Reids.

“He only chose married couples, mom just said boyfriend,” Maria states and Spencer hides his gun under his jacket and walks behind her, putting on a drunken grin. “Why are you talking to this guy?” Maria giggles at her mom.

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