Part 6

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Terror POV

I was laying down in the bed as I couldn't sleep I felt like I didn't belong to anyone as I got up and walked out off the room I seen Encre She also seen me and walked to me and picked me up I just nuzzled into her.

Encre I don't feel like I belong anywhere as I said this I looked at Encre And she started to hugged me saying that I'll fit in with other's just get sometime with other's and it will be all fine I smiled and said okay mother.

As mother took me back to my room and lay me down in the bed she sat down on the side off the bed and reading a story to me.

It was so cool the story had a bunny and a Turtle as my new mother was reading I try to fight my sleepy eye's but the sleep won over and I fell asleep but not with out hearing mother saying love you terror.

Love you to mom.

Midnight POV

I watched Encre And terror as fallacy smiled at them we both left the two as I asked fallacy if he ever think off Encre Being his queen when I said this his hole face blushed like the sun and I chuckled at this.

Come on fallacy you are the baby's father the right time to move to ask to be your wife is now !

As I said this I seen fallacy glowing yellow and he try to say something but nothing come out it was funny as he looked at me and I noticed that I needed to run for it so I did.

I turned into my bat form and fly past daylight and her crush cross as fallacy also turned into his bat form and fly past them more faster.


While I was flying away from fallacy I was trying to find a hideout so fallacy can fly past me I seen the bathroom door open and I fly inside and shut the door as I seen fallacy fly past.

When I heard humming in the shower I noticed that kill's was in here the shower turned off and I seen kill's echo body as I blushed darker.

I had a nose bleed as I fainted I noticed that kill's was laughing she planed this oh when I wake up I'll make sure to punishment her.

Kill's pOV

I giggled at midnight as he fainted I got dressed into my night gown and picked him up and kiss him as I walked to my room I got under the blankets with midnight beside me I held midnight in my arm's and I said goodnight little midnight.

As I was asleep I felt like I was in a dream the dream was about every one but after awhile I noticed my best friend Encre She was fighting Ethan in the woods there was a war as I looked around me I seen everyone burning alive and fallacy trying to save his Villegas and love one's that's when I heard a voice I turned around and see midnight he was crying and telling me that he loved me.

After that Ethan chopped off midnight head I screamed and woke up in a cold sweat as midnight woke up and the others all ran into my room I was still in shocked I couldn't say anything I was frozen to the spot.

Midnight POV

Kill's was frozen to the spot and couldn't talk or tell what happened as I held her tightly the others was shocked and worried that's when she said Ethan war killed everyone and me.

I was shocked to hear that as she looked at Encre She ran to her and hugged her tightly I was in shocked I noticed that Encre Hugged her telling her it was a bad dream I looked down and thought it was my fault that's when Encre Said it was not my fault you don't control anyone's nightmares they get it themselves.

I just nodded and kill's walked back to me and cuddling into me that's when she said love you midnight and I smiled and said love you more kill's.

We all fell back to sleep after that.

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