Part 7

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I was watching midnight sleep and smiling at kill's those two should hurry it up and married soon as I got up and left them I felt like something was about to end in a sad way as I felt more and more un safe I started to run and get into a panic state as I ran out side I seen half off the forbidden woods on fire I had to stop this.

As I focus all my Spark's magic on the weather I summoned rain down to clear the fire as I did some off the village's vampire's was hurt and fallacy had seen everything that happened.

While I was running down to the vampire village's to healing the wounded fallacy called for the maids to go help me out.

After awhile I had to lay down I was getting to tired I was about to fall down but fallacy catch me a long with midnight and kill's.

S-sorry I just had to save our village's and home we can't let the mortal king try and burn everyone a love the king may be new but I'll protect everyone from them if they get hurt and I pass out into fallacy arm's.

Daylight pOV

After that little event I finished healing everyone up as fallacy told everyone to get a goodnight rest they only nodded there heads and went inside but some village's didn't have a house to stay in so I told them to come and rest in the castle and they did I watched the one's that didn't have a home to go to.

I seen fallacy looking at me saying keep it PG and I nodded my head as he went to go to see ENCRE with a blush on his face.

While I was finished up on the last village's I lay down and felt someone cuddling into me I seen cross and I blushed.

Hey cross are you alright he just nodded his head and sat on the bed as I did the same while doing this I pulled cross down on top off me as I kissed him deeply wrapping my arm's and legs around him.


That's when I felt cross was laying on me and face first into my breast as I heard him snoring into me I giggled and is really

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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