5 - The Party

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I'm waking to the Gryffindor common room. I reach the door
"Password" the fat lady asks
"Lions are red" I say
The door opens and I see Harry, Ron and Hermione.
"Hey Felicity" Hermione smiles at me
"Hi guys" I smile back
"How are you Harry" I ask it's Been a few days again after what happened to Sirius.
Harry smiled that didn't quite reach his eyes "I'm doing okay"
"There's a quidditch match later. Slytherin vs Ravenclaw you guys gonna go?" Ron asks
"I'm gonna go to my room and study for a bit" I say
"Gosh all you do is study Felicity take a break" Ron says
"I'm good" I laugh
"Well I'll come" Hermione pipes up
"I think I will too" Harry says
I smile and wave my friends goodbye

A few hours passed so I'm assuming the games over. I make my way to my friends common room once again.
"Hey Dixon" a voice behind me says.
I turn around and see Blaise I smile
"Hey Blaise" I said
"So obviously we won the quidditch game" he smirks and I laugh at it
"There's a party tonight in the Slytherin common room and if you wanna come your welcome to" he grins at me
"I'd love to this school years been far to boring" I smile
"I agree you can invite your friends as well" he says
"That'd be great thanks" I say
" see you around Felicity" he winks

"I'd love to about time somethings happened" Hermione says. I told my friends about the party Hermione loves it but Harry and Ron are still debating.
"Pleaseee" I flutter my eyelashes
They roll there eyes and Harry sighs
"Fine we'll be there" Harry says giving up. I grin at my friends and tell them I was going to get ready.

"So you coming to the party?" pansy asks. Me and pansy are civil friends and she's been nice to me since I got here. Daphne also.  I know my friends don't really like them but they've always been nice to me.
I smile and nod.
"Ughhh" I sigh
"What's wrong" daphne asks
"I have nothing good to wear at this party" I say frustrated
"Here" pansy throws me a gorgeous dress. It's dark purple with straps. It hugs my body and come just below my thighs.

I walk out the bathroom and daphne and pansy gasp and giggle "Oh Felicity you look Amamzing girl!" Pansy squeals"I agree come on let's get down there" daphne suggests

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I walk out the bathroom and daphne and pansy gasp and giggle
"Oh Felicity you look Amamzing girl!" Pansy squeals
"I agree come on let's get down there" daphne suggests.

We walk down the stairs and I see loads of people have already shown up. There's drink and people dancing everywhere. I scan the room for my friends but my eyes land on a certain blonde. Malfoy. I have to say he looks quite handsome. He's wearing some tight black jeans, but not too tight that they look stupid and also a black blouse with the top buttons undone and it's half tucked in half out.

As if he recognised me staring his eyes locked with mine. His cold face seems to soften and he keeps looking me up and down. After one final glance I look away and spot Hermione in the crowd. I make my way over to her.

"Hermione you looks stunning" I imply. She's wearing a black dress that hugs her too body but just slightly goes out at the bottom half.
"I could say the same Felicity" she says in awe
"Alright Enough let's drink and dance" I say
She laughs at me

It's been a good hour and my hips are swaying with Hermione. I feel eyes on me I look around and see Blaise staring at me. I smile and tell Hermione I'll be back now. I walk up to Blaise

"Hey Blaise" I smile
"Hey there Dixon, might I say you looks incredible" he smirks
I laugh
"Why thank you" i say
"Come on I want to show you something" he suggests
We leave the common room and Blaise drags me into a hallway. Without warning he pins me up against the wall and kisses me roughly.
I must say he's a good kisser so I kiss him back. I can taste the fire whiskey on his breath but I'd been drinking as well so my minds a bit slow. I feel my dress start to lift up and I break the kiss.
"Blaise stop" I say
But he doesn't and kisses me again.

(A/n I'll be doing dracos POV sometimes but not often :) )


Ive been sitting in the same chair for about an hour. I got bored so I decided to leave and go for a walk. I was about half way down the hallway when I heard voices. I decided to keep going until I heard a familiar voice
"Blaise stop" I recognise that it's Felicity's
I walk towards the voice and see her pushed against the wall with Blaise up against her.

I see Blaise lifting her dress almost over her head and she's trying to push him off with tears in her eyes but Blaise is too strong. I rush towards them and before I can think I'm pushing Blaise off her and punching him. I hear her begging me to stop but I can't.
"Malfoy stop it!" She shouts
But I don't then
"Please please Draco stop" her voice sounds like it's about to break and I finally stop

I turn around and look at Felicity. She's huddled on the floor crying and her breathing is fast and heavy. I turn my head again and see Blaise I think he's passed out.

"Please stop" she begs
"Can you stand?" I ask
But she doesn't reply and she seems exhausted. I pick her up bridal style and pull her dress down from where Blaise had pulled it up. He's lucky I only knocked him out.

"Where are we going?" I hear her tired voice
"To my room" I reply
"But what if other people come in" she asks again
" I have my own room it's okay" I assure her.

I reach my room and place her on the edge of my bed.
"Lift your arms up" I say
"Why" she asks uncertain
"So I can give you one of my tops I'm not letting you stay alone in your room after what Blaise done" I imply
I see her eyes start to tear up again so I bend down and wipe them away

"Thank you" she says "for everything"
" it's okay come on now arms up" I say
She lifts her arms and I take her dress off and pull one of my tops over her head. I tell her to climb into my bed and she does. I change into a pair of joggers and take off my top because tops are gross. I climb into bed and make sure to keep my distance.

I start to drift off but I hear her start to cry and sob again. My heart clenches and so I don't know why but I pull her to me and wrap my arms around her small body. I feel her stiffen at first but then she wraps her arms around my neck and bury her head in my shoulder

"I'm sorry" She sniffles
"It's alright" I reply "if Blaise ever comes near you again tell me okay" I say and she nods. After a peaceful silence she asks
"Why are you being nice to me?"
"I - I don't know but I can't stand Blaise doing that to someone especially you" I stutter
I hear her take a deep shaky breath and her breaths get slower so I know she's fallen asleep

I'm not entirely tired so I'm lost in my thoughts I'm not sure why I feel this way towards her but after I seen her walking down the stairs she looked amazing i cant deny that. Before that it got under my skin how she'd always stick up for herself. No one talked to me the way she does. But after seeing Blaise doing that I knew that I'd started to care for her.

I took a glance at her sleeping body her arms have fallen around my waist and her head is buried in my chest. I pull her tighter and eventually fell asleep.

There you have it guys an exciting chapter indeed that was a long dracos POV and I hope you enjoyed as you can see dracos started to care for Felicity but what does Felicity think. This chapter was a long one and I hope you enjoyed it!

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