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"That" Hermes started

"Was" Welf followed

"Completely" Hestia went next

"And" Lili trailed

"Utterly" Mikoto added

"In-" Haruhime was cut off

"Credible!" Wiene finished with a cheer as she leapt into Bells arms who happily caught her. She was grinning and laughing and humming the song to herself

The Familia was still in stunned awe of their captain. They'd seen him defy odds before and face down monsters that would fell weaker men at the mere sight of them, but to see Bell sing and play...

They were amazed. This gave credibility to what Hermes had said in Hestia's eyes

"Well damn! That was incredible Bell!" Welf accentuated

"Indeed, truly beautiful" Mikoto smiled broadly

"That was beautiful" Haruhime sniffled, wiping away a tear

"Lili thinks Master Bell is amazing!"

"See Hestia!?" Hermes waved his arms at Bell

"I-I see" the Goddess of the Hearth stuttered out

Who woulda thought that Bell Cranel, the Little Rookie, Rabbit Foot and Argonaut had such dexterous fingers and pipes on him

Hermes' patented smirk returned to his face and he looked sickly salubrious

He rose from his seat and left. Given the new life in the mansion, he slipped out unnoticed

Bell was complimented and encouraged by his Familia for a while

"Why haven't you ever told us about this?" Hestia asked

"W-Well, I thought it was kinda embarrassing" Bell rubbed the back of his head shyly "and I don't think I'm that good" spoken like a true attention whore...

Good thing I didn't play a love song. Bell though to himself, as he looked at Lili, Haruhime and Hestia out of the corner of his eye


Hermes' first stop after leaving the Hearth mansion?

The twilight Manor

He was given easy access and soon found himself in Loki's office, Deity to Deity

"Whaddya want mail boy?" Loki asked rudely whilst day drinking. Strangely, people are beginning to believe that Loki is actually a Englaland deity

Cryptically in his prosaic tone "tomorrow night, be at the Hostess by nine, all will be payed for by me"

Despite being a tricky and conniving Goddess that could sense a ploy from a mile away, Loki sensed no ill-intent and hastily agreed with a grin

"And bring your top executives" he said as he left, which was no problem for Loki. More time with the girls is time well spent


Next stop for Hermes?

The Tower of Babel. Top floor to be specific

Entering into a throne room, Hermes stood before the Goddess of Beauty

"Tomorrow night, be at the Hostess for nine. Don't worry about pay, I'll cover it"

Freya rose a delicate eyebrow

That was an odd request... there was obviously something going on

Freya could've very easily pried it out of Hermes, but a gut feeling told her to wait. Wait for tomorrow night

So she merely nodded and Hermes was on his way


Hermes ventured to the homes of various Gods and the Hostess of Fertility itself before returning to the Hearth Mansion

He entered freely once more and found the Familia in the dining room enjoying dinner

He announced his presence by clearing his throat, gaining the small Familia's attention

"So, what did you think of Bell's singing?" He asked, skipping pleasantries

"Amazing" everyone shouted simultaneously making Hermes smirk deepen

Hestia caught on to Hermes' smirk and inquired "what's the smug look about Hermes?"

"Oh well, I was so enchanted by Bells singing that I decided to... endorse him" Hermes all but grinned "tomorrow night, at the Hostess of Fertility Bell, you will perform"

Bell was of course mortified but everyone else looked delighted

"W-What!? I didn't agree to that!" Bell stood up to protest but was shut down

"Too bad Bell!" Hestia grinned "you're going!"

Bell looked scared now as the rest of the Familia began to edge towards him with evil looking smiles on their faces

Hermes looked far too pleased with himself

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