Chapter Eight: Luca Return

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Lucifer sat bend over several old books still studying about the old Kings, all of them and he decided to reread King Drayce's history, writing down any spells he had found just in case. King Drayce only invent three spells over his reign, his reign was mostly revolutionary the way fairies and other creatures lived together, ending many wars between races, killing any that could not live to his terms. His reign had span over 1,000 years' no one King or Queen has ever come close to this number, however most Kings and Queens were killed by nature or by they own hand trying to create spells.

The only spell Lucifer thought would be useful is the reincarnation spell but this confuse Lucifer. It stated that a person can be change after death from one form into whatever the caster wants but Drayce never wrote what the spell was only that a person had to die before being turn. Lucifer read and reread the same paragraph over and over for hours now, every which way he could think of when Florence came in.

"Hello" Florence call

"Oh, hello Florence" Lucifer head still in the book

"Still trying to find the answer?"

"There must be an answer staring me in the face, but I can't see it, I've tried everything I know, every spell and incantation, I even read it upside and back to front. I don't know what father wants me to find. Are you sure he didn't leave any more information?"

"No sorry, just read about King Drayce but it looks like you read about all the old Kings and Queens"

"I'm just wanted to make sure that there another answer in another book, plus knowledge is power in some situations"

"Yes, in King Drayce, power mixed with knowledge, the ultimate King, maybe that's why the King wanted you to study him. King Dhu probably just want to know the best bits from Drayce's reign, but I cannot speculate, I'm only a soldier not a ruler."

"Also, the closer thing to being my friend, I know that much. Can you keep a secret, even from my father? You must promise"

"Yes, he no longer bothers to read my mind much anymore only to check facts really, anything related to you he doesn't bother, I promise to keep it"

"I can see the future, or at least glimpses of it, I keep seeing this family, the girl and boy keeps wearing a crown and are sat in a throne room, I see them as a family with their father I'm guessing. The old man is with them, the one father wanted me to kill" all the time Lucifer is speaking he had a childlike expression, an innocence that Florence recognize in most of the children she had taken away after she lured them with false promises. Florence didn't know how to react to this, she knew that this is the so call Queen, the usurp of her King.

"I believe it's the new Queen, Gwidden descendant most likely, if the old man is there. I have an inform that was part of the protection the old man, he was told about the new Queen before leaving."

"I'm sorry I killed all of them."

"No, he flew away after your first shot. He wasn't part of the main group, don't worry however I have lost my contact in the council. I'm working on sending another worker in. Have you tried to control this power? Why don't you take a break from studying?"

"I don't know I need to keep going, father could be home anytime, and yes I have tried to control it with little success so far, I mean I succeed once, I saw a boy turning to a fairy but other times I haven't"

"I'll make you something to eat at least."

"Thank you, Florence,"

Florence flew to the kitchen, looking through for food only to find nothing there. The fridge had rotten meat in, no good even for the beasts Dhu had recruited, so she decided to travel to get some.

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