(Mark's pov)
I decide to subscribe to these two girls that seem to do the same thing as me but you know I could be wrong, anyway I have some new neighbors that I still need to say hi to and tell them that I might be a little loud.
Well at least that was until I hear two very loud squeals.
I knock on the door and I can hear some one running and then I hear a What sounded like a person fell.
I then see the door swing open and a girl with (H/L) (H/C) hair it fitted this girl perfectly and yet I feel as if I have seen her from something?
She then says "I am soooo sorry if we made too much noise!"
I then smile and say "not it's not that you made too much noise it's just I wanted to welcome my new neighbors!"
Her head then flys up and smacks me right in the chin......ow!!
I then fall to the ground in pain and when I open my eyes a little I see the girl on the floor also in a bunch of pain.
I then see I can only guess is her roommate.
She looks startled and then she says "what the hell?!?"
I then try to get up and then the roommate says "well let's get some ice for those"
I guess she was talking about my chin and the other girls head.
We walk inside the apartment there are a lot of boxes laying around but what do you expect they just moved in yesterday.
I walk through the door and the girl that bumped into me pulls out some slippers and tells me to leave my shoes at the door and put on the slippers with a huge grin on he face.
I put on the slippers and they fit me surprisingly.
I start fallowing the girls to the kitchen.
I then blurt out suddenly "so what are your names?"
Then one of them says "the one that is getting the ice packs is Misha and I am (Y/N) nice to meet you neighbor!"
I laugh at her happy tune.
Now that I have a good look at this place it's kind of like a Japanese home.
Misha then comes back and hands me a ice pack that is wrapped in a towel and I place it on my chin. and then applies the other one to (Y/N)'s head and tells her to hold it there.
Leaves the room and comes back with a scarf and wraps it over the ice pack and then ties it around her head so she doesn't have to hold it there the whole time.
I then realized who they were I had just subscribed to them.
I wonder if they know who I am?
I then remember wade and bob were coming over to do drunk mine craft!
"Um sorry to say this but I have to go I have some people coming over so I have to go but we should hang out sometime?"
I say as I get my shoes on and (Y/N) says " yeah that sounds great have fun!"
While waving to me she looked so adorable.
Hope you all liked it!!