Chapter 1

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I wrote this on my phone as I no longer have internet till January! I am going to try and actually finish it! Hehe! Tell me what you think please! Thank you.


Chapter one.


I felt the blood linger out of my skin, dripping upon the cold wooden floor. The stinging erupted from the slice, however the pain did not make me wince.

It made me relaxed!

Sliding across the wall onto the floor, my eyes stuck together, my long black lashes tangling together as the tears began to flow. The never ending waterfall of tears.

Thoughts flooded through my mind, thoughts that didn't belong to me, that belonged to the people that let me suffer, the people that have been wrecking my life since I was born. I can't take it anymore, I can't take any more of there nasty remarks and growls that echo through me everyday.

I grabbed the long sharp deadly object once more, pressing it into the soft tissue of my neck. The pain rushed through out my body making me tense. Then everything went black.

All I could hear is the low screams of my past life as my soul began to drift away. I was only sixteen when I died, thinking that all my life was already over. Only now do I realize it didn't even get the chance to start.


The blackness surrounds me, my body feeling like its spinning and turning in the moonlit sky.  

Little lights suddenly flash before me, like starts burning up as they break through the atmosphere. The lights appear every second, flashing away at themselves.

Abruptly a huge; bigger than the others, light snaps in front of me releasing a large amount of screams and cheers.

The noises rapidly become louder, sounding more like thunder hitting against my ear drum. They continue until they sound like the voices of those who are no more. Then the tugging begins. Thousand of hands grasping round both sides of me, pulling.

I suddenly get the sensation of being the piece of rope in the game of tug of war. Sharp hisses burst through my left ear drum, then I feel the coldness of there snapping hands. Like ice, many of them slip away, but re-gain the clasp of the left side. Yet on the right side I feel soft, warm gentle hands pull me against their soft, calm bodies.

Such a difference between both sides, the warmth of one side and then the freezing coldness of the other side. The left side is almost completely silent apart from the little delicate groans and sighs that seem to flutter around me. Then I hear them. The sound of my dead, brutish, sinful family.

There voices as harsh as the day they died, the anger still held with in there voices. Visions of them coming at me with the blood soaked whip that they hit against my back with such force, ripping my skin into shreds, all the monstrous memories of them beating me constantly through out my life.

A gut wrenching scream flies from out of my lungs, the scream doesn't seem to cease. I wait to loose breath, mouth still open carrying on the high pitched sound, until I realise that I have no breath, I am dead, I realise quickly what's happening, that I am in the after life, and the hands that pull me are the hands of angels from both heaven and hell. Hope rushes against my skin, embedded in rows of little goose bumps, I want to go to heaven, not the burning dark pit of hell.

I scream once more, calling out for help, but the tugs just become more rougher, shaking me violently from side to side. The bruised voice of my father overpowers me, cutting of my sobs. "Ebony!" he says in his low voice, the voice that instantly reminds me of pain. I begin to panic, attempting to shake my way out of the hands than hold onto me. Nothing works.

The volume of his voice began to increase, his footsteps banging loudly on the floor. A mass amount of hands released from the hold of my swollen body and then his face appeared on the left side looking down on me in pity.

A sharp cruel laugh emits from his mouth, his lips turned up at the sides as he watches me struggle. Then the war begins. He violently grabs the side of my body, pulling me so hard. His back bent and his face frozen in one position. Other hands clasp round his helping him to retrieve me. A loud hollow bang injects into the air, and all hands freeze in motion.

A huge golden glow flies towards me and with in seconds I'm standing in a white, musky room. Alone.

Trapped I fall hard against the floor. Looking down at my body I realize I am no longer in the bloody school clothes from when I was alive but in a beautiful long elegant dress that slides across my newly pale, silky, angelic skin.

I clench a large amount of my hair in my hand, looking at the dainty little black curls that seemed to have formed. I remember having curls before but not this beautiful and intact.

My hands gently press against each other, admiring the softness of them both, as fluffy and velvety as petals on a rose.

I began to feel things I have never witnessed before. Feeling like I have the strength and power to accomplish anything. I feel indestructible! Like nothing will ever be able to hurt me.

Then I realize the nightmare events that I have just been apart of. All the things that are only seen to be fantasy and legends.

The soft clouds of heaven and the dark burning fields of hell are real. Angels; of both evil and good really exist, though scientific research has claimed otherwise.

I start to remember all the hands that tugged away at me: like I was the winning lottery ticket. The icy-ness of the angels from hell's hands that all grabbed the left side of my body.

Amongst them were my family. In hell, where they belong! The reason behind why I drastically slit open my through, letting the air absorb my last breaths.

All because since my life began, I have been tortured by them, both physically and mentally. The way they used to crush my bones under the weight of there evil bodies. How they used to throw glasses at me for humour and how they all made my life hell.  

My mum, brother and dad. All three of them beating away at me, like I was just a piece of scrap lounging in the street at every chance they got.

I thought the nightmare would end when they died, in that tragic accident! Yet, it didn't! It seemed to get worse.

I began to hear their voices in my mind, began to see them hiding in the shadows watching me sleep. Watching me live my life without them.

When I was happy, either at school or with my new family, they would find a way to darken my mood, daunting me with gruesome thoughts that no one should have to behold in there full lives.

I couldn't find a way to talk to someone about it, with out them thinking I was insane, that I needed to be put into an asylum, no one would ever be able to understand.

I just couldn't handle it anymore, I knew it would never stop, my life would never be ordinary. So instead I handed it over to the afterlife. Snatching myself away from that cruel, violent world.

Only to be held more against my will as the descendants of afterlife argue for my soul.

Now, my soul is taken, and I do not know where the key may be.


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