Chapter 2

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"We booked a room for two nights with three futons," Hitoya said to the receptionist. Something moved in the corner of his eye. "Sorry, just a second."

He turned around just in time to grab Kuko by the back of the collar before he bolted into the lobby.

"Gack! Lemme go!" Kuko spat. "I see that Mad Trigger Crew fuck over there, I gotta get at 'im!" He was struggling against Hitoya's grip, to the point that Hitoya wouldn't be surprised if he slipped out of his shirt and ran.

"Yeah, he's here on vacation," Hitoya said. "To get away from rap battles. Christ, kid, let the guy have a weekend. We haven't even been here for five minutes."

Kuko stopped struggling, and Hitoya figured it was a 50/50 chance whether he'd stay put or lunge again. So he let him go. Kuko stood in place and grumbled. "What's even the point of coming out here if I can't test their mettle..."

Hitoya sighed. "There's two things I hate... kids who bother adults for no reason, and kids who bother adults for stupid reasons. So cut it out. Jyushi, make sure he doesn't run off while I get us checked in."

Jyushi proceeded to hover awkwardly around Kuko, who continued pouting the entire way through their tour of the grounds. When they had their room, he flopped onto the floor facedown like a child throwing a silent tantrum.

It would've been a perfectly nice vacation if he stayed like that the whole time. Maybe Hitoya would even get to relax. Kuko had roped him into paying for this trip, so he should get to have a nice long weekend.

But this was Kuko, so the chances of getting through the weekend in peace were slim. Hitoya drank his tea and savored what would probably be his last moment of peace and quiet for the trip.

He heard shuffling. Oh, Kuko had gotten up and was putting on his yukata, how nice. Was he changing his tune? Was he going to have a pleasant, joyful vacation?

Kuko shoved his hypnosis mic into his yukata sleeve.

"Kid, what in God's name are you doing," Hitoya asked.

"Hmm, kinda heavy, but it works," Kuko mused, waving his arm around. The sleeve dangled like a sock full of coins.

"Get that thing out of there. Didn't I already tell you not to go challenging people to battles?"

Kuko recoiled, holding the bulky, awkward sleeve against his chest. "This mic is my lifeblood! I'm not leaving it here unsecured. Jyushi, too! How's he gonna get any practice in if we don't have our mics!?"

This stupid brat. Hitoya got up and looked in the room's closet. "Should be here... Ah, there. Look, we've got a safe." He held his hand out to Kuko. "I'll lock all our mics up, so you won't have to worry."

Kuko stared at his hand like a feral animal meeting a human for the first time. Hitoya wouldn't put it past him to start growling. Eventually, Kuko relented and dropped the mic into his hand.

With that sorted, Hitoya could at least be confident that Kuko wouldn't go picking fights with the other guests. He turned back to the table, and then noticed that Jyushi had gotten changed, too. Hm... The front of his yukata looked awfully bulky, though...

"You, too," Hitoya said, holding his hand out to Jyushi.

Jyushi pulled Amanda out of the front of his yukata.

Kuko groaned as he sat down at the table. "Well, this fucking sucks. How'm I supposed to size people up now!?"

"There's more to sizing up a foe than challenging them to pointless battles," Hitoya said, sitting down across from him.

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