Chapter 6

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Sasara woke up with a yawn and a stretch.

Right. His plans (that Rei had done all the work for) would come to fruition this morning.

He looked over at Rei's bed. He was gone... Sasara hadn't heard him leave. Maybe he was taking a morning bath? Yeah, Sasara would go with the most charitable explanation. Rei had all his own schemes going on, and honestly, Sasara would just let him get up to those on his own. He didn't need to know!

Rosho was still asleep. He looked so different when he wasn't glaring... Well, Sasara had come to appreciate the glare, too, given how often it was directed at him.

Hm... what time was it? Oh, just about breakfast, actually. He shook Rosho's shoulder. "Hey, get up. You don't want to still be drooling when the staff come to take the futon, do you?"

Rosho grumbled. "Mngh... Sasara...? Cut it out..."

He was really asleep. "Was gambling last night that fun?"

"Wasn't gambling... Only lost 400 yen..."

"Contradictory statements there, buddy."

Rosho got up, so Sasara stopped hassling him.

Rei returned then. "Oh, good. I was worried I'd miss breakfast," he said.

"Nope. We're just waking up," Sasara told him. Rei and Sasara sat down at the table. Wouldn't be long, now. Rosho started to get dressed for the day, but Sasara stopped him. "Don't worry about it just yet."

"I thought we'd planned to go out to town after breakfast?" Rosho asked.

"We did, but... Well, you'll see in a bit."

So Rosho kept on his yukata and sat down at the table with them. Pretty soon, the staff came in with a cart. They folded up last night's futons and left a few bowls of rice and an envelope on the table. Sasara and Rei knew this was coming, but Rosho looked confused. No doubt, he was expecting a full breakfast.

"Why don'tcha read the note?" Sasara said.

With one look at Sasara and Rei's faces, Rosho figured out what was going on. "You two and your schemes..." He snatched up the envelope and opened it. Three colored slips of paper fell out alongside the note Sasara knew would be there.

Rosho glared at it with all the annoyed intensity he usually saved for glaring at Sasara. "Seriously? This is what you two were planning?"

"C'mon, c'mon, read it aloud! How'd they put it?"

Rosho huffed, but he still did it. "At the request of your benefactors, we humbly ask that you participate in a game this morning before enjoying your meal. Each of the three of you has been assigned a color. One other guest has also been given that same color. Somewhere on the inn grounds, a capsule of that color has been hidden. Please work with your partner to find this capsule, and return it to the reception desk to receive your breakfast. ...This is beyond stupid."

"Who doesn't love a good scavenger hunt!?" Sasara asserted. "I told you, I want to see how everyone gets along! This is a perfect chance to sit back and observe. And it's fun, too! It'll add some spice to everyone's vacations. Who could be mad about a fun start to the day like this?"

"Me. I'm mad about it," Rosho said.

"You're always mad at me, you don't count."

Rosho put his face in his hands.

The three of them had their rice to tide them over, and then headed out to the lounge to find their partners and get hunting.

Seemed like the other teams had had the same idea. There were quite a few people in the lounge already, though some groups hadn't shown up yet. Hm... There was Matenrou, that was Mad Trigger Crew, Bad Ass Temple was over there...

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