Luke just home from the studio and you were lying on the couch. You were on your period and you had the flu so you felt like complete shit. You lye on the couch watching tv and Luke starts questioning you.
"Y/n what are you doing I asked you to go to the store and get water and soup".
You had only a whisper left but you told Luke you were sick and you couldn't do it.
"I don't care" he said.
" I had to work all day and you just sat here all day" he said again
"Luke I could barely get off the couch to go pee never mind trying to go upstairs and actually sleep in bed" you replied
"Your such a lazy ass" Luke said again.
You tested Ashton to see if he can come and talk to Luke and he said yes.
Ashton knocked on the door then let himself in. Just as he walked in Luke started going off on you about how you haven't gotten up in 2 days and you physically couldn't get up so you just started to cry.
"Y/n babe come here" Ashton said as he made his way over and held you tight.
"Luke calm down Mate she's burning up and she's super sick" Ashton said as he stood up, and started carrying you to the kitchen. He put you on the counter and got you medicine.
"Luke don't you know she has the flu, your being such a dick"
Ashton yelled at him