CHAPTER 20 " You look beautiful."

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CHAPTER 20 " You look beautiful."


"what the hell happened to you." Pansy scuffs an amused smile on her face. I ignore her nosiness and stare at the ceiling, she gives a small huff and leaves the room, slamming the door. I don't blame her for asking, I look like shit. My nose is broken and bloody and both my eyes are black, I have cuts on my cheeks and my forehead and I'm pretty sure my arm is broken. I was in the Carrows office for a whole week and nobody even noticed. The Carrows have a raw hatred for me, part of me regrets helping Ginny, they only would've kept her for an hour.



Pansy walks into the common room, her usual stroppy self. She slumps into the sofa in front of me and folds her arms.

"What's the matter, Parkinson, has Blaise finally come to his senses and called things off." I laugh winding her up even more. She sucks in her cheeks and glares at me, the reflection of the fire dancing in her eyes.

"That spiteful bitch of a girlfriend of yours. That's what. I only asked her what had happened to her face and she completely ignored me, all she ever does is ignore me or make sarcastic jibes."

"Her face?" I ask ignoring the rest of her rubbish, I hadn't seen Willow for over a week and thought she'd left to go back home. I feel slightly guilty that I didn't even look for her, after all we are meant to be working together. Pansy looks at me bewildered.

"You're telling me you didn't know? She looks half dead." Pansy laughs. I jump up from the Sofa and head straight for her dorm, ignoring the glares from the other girls. I walk into the small room. Willows bed lay right next to the window, showing a breath-taking view of The Black Lake, her emerald silk and silver sheets wrap loosely around her small body. Her eyes are shut, she doesn't even notice my presence.

"Who did this?" I snap, making her jump. She looks even worse than the night I found her in the bathroom which I didn't think was possible. Her face Is gaunt, and her skin is pure white. This is my fault. She ignores my question, still staring at the ceiling, singing quietly to herself.

"Grayling! This isn't the time for petty games, who did this."

"Like you care" She snaps, she stumbles to her feet and grabs her robe wrapping it around her tight, she slips into her black boots and weakly walks out of the room, I try and grab her but she moves out of the way. Before I can stop her, she's gone. If I hadn't of left her when she needed me the most if I hadn't of broken her heart, she wouldn't have been so reckless, this never would've happened to her. It's all my fault.


I head for the Ravenclaw common room, my head hung low, shadowed by my hood, I remember one of the many stories Luna had told me, the story about mending Potters nose after Draco broke it on the train. That was the only story of hers I listened to because I remember Draco doing that to the insufferable Potter. I reach the top of the spiral staircase. I knock the Golden eagle that centres the royal blue door. After my third attempt to answer the riddle the door swings open. As I enter the Ravenclaw common room I'm met by shocked mouths and stares. Everyone chatters amongst themselves, about my face, I can hear them, but I do not care. I see Luna perched on a stool reading a book about unicorns.

"I need your help." I hiss, grabbing her arm and dragging her from the common room. She scurries next to me, with a look of concern on her innocent face. We sit on the brick windowsill and I remove my hood showing the true horror of my injuries. Luna's eyes are wide as she scans my face.

"I told Malfoy to be concerned." She says quietly looking through her bag for her wand. She told Malfoy? He knew I was gone and did nothing? I feel tears pool in my eyes but I swallow and shake them off, this isn't the right time for a girly heart to heart.

"What you did for Potter, I need you to do it for me." Luna nods.

"Please." I add realising how rude I must sound; Luna finally find her wand and raises it to my face. Moving her hand in a hexagonal motion she whispers "Episkey." I feel my nose click back together and some of the smaller cuts heel. I look up at Luna who has a small smile on her face.

"Thank you, Luna." I smile back at her, as annoying as I found her in classes, I have grown to like her and can't help but feel a little bit grateful that she was concerned for me. I get up to leave but Luna grabs my hand.

"You must eat, you look painfully thin, I have food in my dorm and stuff that will clean you up, I might even have some black clothes somewhere that you can have." I try not to laugh at her remark about black clothes, she's always dressed so bright, the complete opposite to me. I've never had a friend before, well at least not a kind one. I nod my head and follow Luna into the Common room.


I enter the Slytherin common room wearing a pink silk dress, its short and strappy, the bottom of it hangs from my waist in gentle thrills. I would never pick something like this, it was all Luna had that wasn't completely bonkers. For the first time in days I feel good, my hair hangs in bouncy curls down my back and the only thing noticeable on my face now is a cut lip. Luna managed to fix my arm using the Brackium Emendo spell, a spell that I never knew existed. I think back to all the times I would've needed it when I was little, locked in the dungeon by my Parents suffering, sadness engulfs me as I wish I was given the chance to learn such beautiful Magic.

"You look beautiful." Draco's voice takes me from my thoughts, He's standing in the middle of the common room. Hi signature black suit outlining him perfectly, his hair was neat and brushed. His hands were in his pockets as he stared his perfect blue eyes into mine.

"Luna mended me." I whispered clutching my book and heading for my dorm.

"I see, She was worried about you the other day, look at you making friends." He quips, his usual sarcastic tone ringing in his voice. Why is this man so bipolar? I turn to look at him letting out a obnoxious scoff.

"At least somebody was." I spit. "You knew for a whole week that I was missing, and you didn't care. Despite what's happened between us Malfoy, I would always, always find you." He shuffles awkwardly in his stand looking at the floor, he feels guilty. He can never own his wrongdoings just like the Coward he is.

"I was going to, I just figured you'd-" I interrupt him, I don't want to listen to his bullshit.

"Tell someone who gives a crap." I shout slamming the door.

It's clear to me now how he feels, he never cared for me. He never loved me. He distracted me from who I was, what I was born to do. When The Lord comes, which he will. I will rain fire on anyone who tries to stop us. Even Draco.

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