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Half Blood Prince.

CHAPTER 1 "Grayling Girl,"


I stood looking outside the window of Malfoy Manor, my grey pyjama shorts hung off my hips and my bare chest felt cold in the air. The sky hung in dark grey clouds as lightening pulsed through the fog, I watched as various dark figures strolled eccentrically towards my Mother who stood at the door greeting them. My home has become a hive for swarming death eaters since the Dark Lord had arrived and my dad had ended up in Azkaban, no thanks to Potter, I took a deep breath and knew it was time to put my brave face on.

I hated this.

I swiftly get dressed in my pressed black suit with my black roll neck on underneath, I brushed my platinum hair and let it hang to the side softly, standing tall I reluctantly walk down the stairs, praying the dark lord is not here.

As I enter my dining hall my aunt Bellatrix violently nods at me to come over.

"Draco." she snaps fiercely, "Show some manners boy and greet the guests." She is anxious because we must be on our best behaviour since we let Voldemort down.

I scan the room and let out a sigh of relief when I see the dark lord is not here, the thoughts of what he has asked me to do haunting my mind. I hear roaring laughter as the death eaters compare notes on how they destroyed parts of the Muggle and Wizarding world.

Obeying my Aunt, I walk around the room dipping in and out of conversations, staying close to my Mother, when my Aunt, Bellatrix, pulls her away.

"Narcissa" she hisses through her black teeth.

My mother scolds her with a cold stare, "What is it?"

" We must go now Cissy, Severus wont be there for much longer"

My mother nervously pulls her blazer jacket down, clearing her throat she stands up tall.

"Very well then, let's go."

I know they are going to force Snape to protect me, I laugh at the thought of this, I don't need protecting. I'm standing in the corner of my huge dining hall when I notice unfamiliar faces enter the room.


Willow POV

I scowl as my parents and I walk into Malfoy Manor, muttering to myself about why we must come here and socialise with these peasants. I know the Malfoys think that they are some sort of royalty, but they are nothing compared to my family. My father has been a loyal follower of the Lord way before any of them were, he sees us as family and we very rarely associate ourselves with the other Death Eaters, they lack class, however Malfoy Manor has seemed to become a Death Eater head quarters in Mr Malfoys Absence.

I enter the room and wince at the lack of taste in décor, how can people live like this? And so proudly? My mother gives me a small smirk, I know she thinks the same.

"Elijah Grayling what a pleasure." Narcissa places her hand on my Father's shoulder, a big fake grin plastered across her face. I can tell she's trying to hold herself together after her husband's capture.

"This must be your wife, Arabella." My mother winces but politely bows her head, my father looks uncomfortable as Narcissa turns her attention towards me.

"And who might you be darling?" She stares down at me, does she really think she intimidates me? I bite my lip to refrain from laughing, my Mother pleading me to be polite with her stare.

"Willow, Willow Grayling, pleasure to meet you, I have heard so much about you." I try to hide the sarcasm from my voice as my mother rolls her eyes slightly.

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