The Letter

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Draco's P.O.V

I woke up to Ana's screaming. I quickly got up and ran to her room. There I saw here laying in her bed screaming crying, and sweating. She was obviously having a nightmare. It killed me to see her like that and not be able to do anything. I quietly went up to her and lay on her bed, trying not to wake her up. She started to panic when I put my arm around her, but when she realized it was me she calmed down.

She's so beautiful. She's the only reason I come home for the holidays, to see her and know she is okay. I know my mother would never hurt her, she is her only daughter after all, but my father is a different story.

Father won't tell me much about his relation with He Who Must Not Be Named, but I've heard him and other ex death eaters when they come over to the Manor. In his office, they talk about how it's almost time, how they can feel the mark moving. I don't know exactly what it means but I do know Ana isn't safe when they are around.
I don't mind that they are death eaters, it's bloody awesome, they are only trying to make our wizarding world better by getting rid of the mudbloods. But Ana shouldn't be apart of that, she should be at Hogwarts, far away from father's friends. Where they can't talk about her. Where they can't look at her in disgust. Where they can't accuse her for what happened to Voldemort.

I don't know everything that happened that night, i know what the tabloids say.
'The Girl who Lived' they story goes that she somehow weakened Voldemort so that when he went to kill Potter's parents he would fail. Others say that it was all Potter himself who took out Voldemort.

Ana started to wake up, pulling me out of my deep thoughts.

"Cmon booger, breakfast is ready" i say pushing her off the bed. She stood up and yelled, "Last one down is a rotten egg!"and with that she ran off. I followed her downstairs where Dobby was serving the food down at the table.

We started eating. Father had gone to work early because he had important "Business" to attend to. When we heard a owl tapping on our window, mom opened the it, and the owl dropped a letter in to Ana's lap and left. As Ana opened the letter she squealed in excitement. She practically rubbed the letter in my face to show me it was her letter from Hogwarts.

Ana's P.O.V

My letter came! I quickly opened it and read the words on the paper.

 My letter came! I quickly opened it and read the words on the paper

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Hey!!! Sorry it took so long to update!

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