The Sorting

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Ana's P.O.V

As we arrived I could see the castle. It was absolutely amazing, just like I imagined it. Hermonie said she would see me after the sorting, after I said goodbye I followed the first years since just like them it was my first time ever here. I got near the boats to see a giant man.
"Hi der' my Jolliness... You look jus' like 'em" He said bending down to look at me.

"Like who?" I asked
"Just like er' father! I shouldn't have said that... I should not have said that." He mumbled walking away only to have me follow him.

"So whats your name? I'm Ana Malfoy, nice to meet you!" I asked getting in front of him and extending my hand out. He took my hand and shook it slowly.

"Yer not like many Malfoy's eh?" He said eyeing me suspiciously. I shrugged and said "I'm different."

"Ye' have no idea." He said while shaking his head.

"Yer better get back over der' must've be waiting for you." He told me, as I ran off back to the first years waiting in by the boats.

I wasn't nervous about getting sorted, at least not until now. My palms were sweaty and i felt a lump in my throat. I looked towards the Slytherin table where Draco was sitting. He smiled and gave me a thumbs up, I returned the smile but i felt it quickly fade as my stomach felt into bricks. what if i don't get Slytherin? Father will be so angry and mother will see it as another excuse to compare me to Draco. 

"Ana Malfoy" 

I took a deep breath before going up. I sat on the chair watching all the faces looking at me. 

"Ah a Malfoy, you would be great in Slytherin, could unlock so much of your potential. But I see courage and talent, so much thirst to prove yourself, mm very difficult.... Better be.. Gryffindor!" 

The cheers from the Gryffindor table was loud, but the boos from the Slytherin table were even louder. I sat next to Hermione, smiling. 

Draco's P.O.V

I can't believe she got sorted into Gryffindor! How did that happen? The Slytherin table started booing and so did I. I saw Ana look back at me as she was walking towards the Gryffindor table. I just smiled a bit, but inside I was crying. (me at any social event)

Hermione's P.O.V

I can't believe she got sorted to Gryffindor! I already know we are going to be best friends. Ana sat next to me as Dumbledore began his speech. I smiled at her and she smiled back, if only I had known then that smile would slowly break..

"This year we have a different request. We want everyone to have three roomates, which mean 4 people per room, but they must be from your house! Enjoy your meal!" And with that, he smiled.

"How about all 4 of us in a room?" I asked Ana.
"Who's all 4?" She asked puzzled.
"We'll me, you, Ron and Harry"
"Oh right your friends"
"Yeah although they might've just ditched me and that's why they aren't here" I said feeling a pit in my stomach thinking that.
Ana and I went up to the Gryffindor common room, she seemed to be amazed by everything, just as I was on my first day here.
When we entered the common room Ron and Harry were both sitting on the couch both of them turned to look at the door when we entered.
"Hermione, you won't believe what happened to us!" Ron said getting up and walking towards us. "Who's this?" He asked confused looking at Ana who was walking almost spinning in the middle of the room looking at all the stuff in the room.
"This is Ana Malfoy, she's a second year but it's her first year here" I said
"Pleasure to meet you" Ana said extending her head towards Ron who gave her a perplexed look. "You must be Ron Weasley, Hermione told me you and my brother don't get along well" Ana said lowering her hand seeing as Ron wasn't going to shake it.
"More like he doesn't get along with anyone, that git" Ron said "You don't look like 'em" Ron said looking her up and down, and it's true Ana didn't have the blonde silky hair or the grey dark soulless eyes the Malfoy's had.
"Yeah I know, me and my twin brother don't look very much alike, and I'm also not like him.. I have no intention of doing anything he does" Ana said laughing almost awkwardly.
I looked back at Harry who had been quiet this whole time but was staring at Ana almost intensely.

Ana's POV

I turned to look at the boy still standing near the couch who I assumed was Harry. It was weird, those eyes they were almost familiar. "Ana Malfoy" I said extending my hand to him, hoping he'd take it and not leave me hanging.
"Ha-Harry Potter" he said taking my hand and shaking it

"Look at them, they're actually taking turns playing with the blocks" The red headed woman said grinning at the two babies playing on the floor. "Awh Siruis Quick take a photo of them" said the raven haired women.
Siruis took the camera out and took a picture of the babies.

I looked up at Harry and quickly let go of his hand. I don't know what just happened. It was as if I had a memory out of no where. But who were those people?
"You alright?" Harry asked
"Yeah, it's just a lot, it's so beautiful here" I said, trying to forget about what I had just seen.
"Is Malfoy angry you got Gryffindor?" Ron asked.
"Oh he'll get over it, plus i think red is more my color" I said smiling.

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