Taking The Risk

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Emily Byrne had taken so many risks in her life. She had always pushed herself over and over the line to get were she wanted. She slapped her boss, she flew to foreign countries following their enemy, she stole cars, things... she pretty much could say that risking it all was something normal for her. She was used to craziness, but never in a million years she could have imagined this...

It all started that same morning... or the previous day... it depends on how you see it. The room was quiet, dark, the sunrise's light was filtering through the white curtains, lighting up the surroundings . Her eyes opened slowly, looking around, trying to remember what happened the previous night; a smile appeared on her lips as she rolled on her side, finding a warm body right next to her. He had flew from the opposite part of the world just to meet with her, following a postcard that he recognized just for the handwriting on the back. He was definitely crazy. She looked at his face, lighten by the sunrise and she couldn't help her fingers from softly tracing his features. He had told her he usually didn't sleep that easily but for the second time he didn't wake up when she started to touch his face, he really should be warn out by the plane travel... and other activities. She smiled at the thought, gently leaving a soft kiss on his lips before cuddling back on his chest and close her eyes again; it was definitely still too soon to wake up.

When Cal Isaac opened his eyes that morning he felt a warm weight on his chest and against his body. Looking down he saw a still sleeping Emily cuddled against him, also trying to get some warmth. He tried to reach for the covers without moving, to not wake her up and he put it on top of their still naked bodies, leaving a kiss on the top of her head and wrapping his arms around her figure. He had told her he loved her, he did. He had found the courage to tell her that he heard what she said that morning on the train and that the feeling was mutual. He had missed her, a lot; but those months apart had just made his thoughts even more clear, he couldn't live without her, he didn't want to. His love for her was strong and pure, he had never felt something like that in his whole life.

He felt her moving and letting out a cute sound, a sign that she was waking up, he didn't know for how long he had been lost in his thoughts looking at her, could have been minutes or hours, he didn't even notice that his hand had started to gently caress her hair.

"Good morning" he whispered as he saw her eyes opening.

"Morning" she answered grunting and snuggling more against him.

They laid in silence, just enjoying each other's body warmth and his mind started racing. He thought that it was exactly what he wanted, having her on his side before sleeping and finding her still there when he woke up.

"You're thinking pretty loud" she said, raising her head to look at him.

"I was just thinking that I love you Emily, a lot" he admitted, watching as a smile appeared on her lips.

Her hand found his face, slowly caressing his now short beard.

"I noticed, you flew from the other part of the world to get here, it was pretty crazy... and I love you too" she answered, looking at him lovingly, leaving a kiss on his cheek.

"I can be even more crazy if you want" a thought crossed his mind, that was pure craziness, but at the same time it felt so right.

"What?" she looked at him confused.

"Can you leave the country? And come back to the US? Or you're stuck here?" he asked as her fingers had now started to trace random patterns on his chest.

"No I can leave the country, I'm just here for work, but I have a few days off since it's the weekend" she explained, she actually got there to clear her mind and work on something else, but she was free fo move.

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