Chapter 1

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Once upon a time, there was a handsome prince named Prince Kozume. He was set to be king by an arranged marriage with a princess he's never met. His parents thinks it's what's best for him to rule the land and have more 'power'. Prince Kozume has always listened to his parents about everything. He honestly couldn't care less and just went with everything because he knows that he can't do anything or control anything....... It was the month of his wedding and he wanted to have a little time to himself before being forced to live in a giant castle and 'rule the land'. Kozume knew that he wouldn't be the one 'ruling' anything. He knew his parents would do everything for him. Kozume was on his way to go and look at the city because that's his favorite thing to do. It's the only thing he feels free doing.
"I told you to call me Kenma...." The Blonde-ish boy said to the narrator.
"And stop speaking in italics, it's going to make the readers have a hard time to read." Kenma said sternly scolding the narrator.
"Ok ok...." The narrator responded. Kenma took off his princely wear and let out a sigh in relief. He hated wearing formal wear. It was too tight and stressed him out. He wished he was a normal person. He put on his regular modern clothes along with sunglasses and snuck out of the castle. They were currently renovating the gate so it can be more better looking. It was going to be way harder to sneak out now that there's so much people outside of the castle. Kozu- I mean Kenma managed to do it anyway. He snuck out from the back instead of the sides and put on his hood. After a few minutes of walking and exploring the city he got a little bored. He decided to go and check out the bridge construction that was going on that his father has been so focused on. He walked slowly going closer and closer to the construction and peeked over the tarp.
"Hey! Watch out before you get hurt!" Kenma jumped a little and turned around shaking. He turned around slowly to see an orange haired muscular tan-ish guy. The orange haired guy looked up and down at the prince. The blond gulped a little.
"I-i'm sorry....I just wanted to see...." The blond said softly looking to the ground to avoid eyes contact.
"It's ok! I just wouldn't want to see you hurt!" The orange replied with a smile that most likely brightened the blondes day. The blonde continued to stare at the ground fidgeting with his fingers.
"Hey I haven't seen you around here....what's your name?" The cute shorty asked Kenma. Kenma froze for a little, he couldn't tell the boy his name. Then he would treat him differently.
"I'm guessing you aren't much of a talker....I'm Hinata Shoyo!" Hinata said with a bright smile. Kenma mustered up all his courage and tried to reply.
"Ken-" He didn't care at that point if Hinata treated him differently he just wanted to get out of the situation. Even if it meant he would get caught outside of the castle without permission.
"Ken? Well nice to meet you Ken!" Hinata said to Kenma not knowing who Kenma was.
"BOKE HINATA BOKE GET OVER HERE AND ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING!" They both heard and turned to where the yelling was coming from.
"YEAH YEAH SHUT IT IM COMING" The cute orange boy yelled back. He smiled at Kenma and waved goodbye while running back to the construction. Kenma gave a little wave in return and watched as the sunshine ran back. Kenma decided to go back home after that so he can avoid being in that or any type of situation like that at all. He took off his modern clothes and threw his hoodie across the room. After that, the blonde plopped on the bed and laid there for a bit. He caught himself thinking of that bright orange haired boy with the cute smile. Kenma knew he was gay, but he didn't bother telling his parents because his parents couldn't care less of the blondes love life. For example, they are literally forcing him to marry a girl he never even met. He's seen the princess before, she's quite adorable. Sadly for her, he's not into girls. He genuinely feels bad for the girl too. Having to be in the same situation as him being forced to marry someone she has no chance with. He sighed, wondering if he would ever see the bright boy ever again.

"Mr. Kozume, someone is here to see you." The maid said to Kenma who was currently in bed not wanting to speak to anyone. But wait, could it be.... Kenma was curious as who it was and sat up.

"What's up pudding head?" He heard. Kenma groaned and plopped down on his bed with the excitement washing off his face. Of course it wasn't Shoyo, he didn't even know that he was a prince.

"Were you expecting someone else? I am your only friend after all...." The tall man who was only a year older than Kenma said puffing his chest up.

"What are you even doing here? Go back to your kingdom." The blonde said to the tall man known as Tetsurou Kuroo. Kuroo has been Kenma's best (and only) friend since they were little. Their dads grew up together so their kingdoms are quite close and at peace. Because of their dads friendship, they would see each other quite often.

"Meanie. Besides, it's your wedding month. So I kind of have to be here because I don't know, maybe because weddings are a big deal?" Kuroo said to Kenma who just rolled his eyes.

"I've never even met the girl. It's not special at all." He said grabbing his rubix cube. [This is placed in the old times. Kind of like Aladin setting so there are no games.]

"Ugh i'm tired of your negativity let's go outside and view the city." The taller one said dragging the shorter off of the bed.

"I'm not allowed to leave because of my dumb parents." The blond said lying. Well what he said was partially the truth, but he leaves anyways.

"Well the hood stuffed in the corner over there says different..." Kuroo replied pointing at the hood with a smirk. Kenma let out a "Tch" then went over to go grab his hood. The two teens put on sunglasses and hoods. Then they sneaked out of the castle from the back. They were pretty used to sneaking out from the castle since they were little and wanted to go play with the other kids. They always got sad when the other kids parents caught their children playing with two royal princes. Because everytime the parents seen them they would bow and then grab their child. Causing the two princes to be sad and mostly only have each other. They crept around to the front of the castle to see and hear the big construction.

"Hey what's going on here?" Kuroo asked the pudding head pointing at the gate construction.

"Hm?...Oh...well dad wants to make the gate 'better'" The pudding haired prince replied shrugging. One guy came out from the tarp area to grab wood from the trunk of a vehicle and carry it back in. He was completely ripped and had muscles for days. The darker haired prince smirked then started to speed walk towards the construction dragging the other prince along. When they got to the construction Kuroo decided they would get a better view from the side and they can tear a hole in the tarp. Kuroo pulled out his pocket knife (That he is not supposed to have) and tore a hole in the tarp. It was like heaven for the taller prince. A bunch of hot muscular men carrying wood and building. You could notice the drool from the side of the darker haired boys mouth. The smaller prince couldn't care less about muscles and things like that. Luckily he brought his rubix cube and was currently playing and trying to solve it.

"Look at that hot blondie over there!" Kuroo said nudging Kenma and pointing.

"Kuroo we should go befor-" Before Kenma could continue Kuroo started running. Kenma tried to chase after Kuroo but couldn't keep up. Apparently the blonde construction worker was leaving and going on a water break. Kenma looked for his friend and turned the corner to see Kuroo talking with the blonde. It looked like Kuroo didn't notice him so he watched from afar.

"Aside from being sexy....what do you do for a living?" Kuroo said trying to flirt with the construction worker who was just trying to have a water break.

"Ummm definitely not you." The blonde took a sip from his water bottle, lifted his glasses, then walked away. Leaving the darker haired prince to hang his head low in defeat. Kenma bursted out in laughter.

"Ken....?" The blond prince heard from behind him. He turned around to see an orange ball of sunshine smiling.

"It is you!" Hinata said relieved and jumped up and down in excitement. Kenma felt a smile form on his face.

A/N: Yayyy! Chapter one is doneee!! By the way because this is sort of like a 'Fairy tale' I made the beginning fairy tale like. I'm sorry it's short, but I just want to publish it already!! I'm so hypeddd to start a new storyyyy anyways.... Don't forget to vote, comment, and share! Kisses!

~ horrible author ~

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