Chapter 3!

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No one's POV:

"Ay Shoyo! Did you bring those crackers?" A short spiky haired boy asked rubbing his stomach. As short as he was, he still had amazing endurance and is actually extremely strong. He was one of the few people who called Hinata by his first name. One of those few people including Kenma of course.

"yeppers peppers! it's over there." Hinata responded to the spiky haired boy pointing in the direction of his lunch box.

"You know Nishinoya, you can't keep going through the day with just crackers. You'll eventually start to get tired." Hinata added.

"Yeah yeah whatever I'll bring my lunch tomorrow." Nishinoya responded walking over to the lunch box. He zipped it open looking for his favorite crackers that Hinata brought but didn't like. Hinata knew Nishinoya would always forget his lunch, so he would pack those crackers that Nishinoya really liked.

"Shoyo....Where'd you get this from?" Nishinoya asked Hinata lifting up a colorful cube.

"I....I don't know...." Hinata replied both of them analyzing the colorful cube.

"Aren't these extremely expensive?" Nishinoya asked playing with it a little.

"Yeah I guess....But I can't really afford to buy something like this. Money like that would go immediately to food or maybe a new doll for my sister." Hinata said while watching Nishinoya play with the expensive colorful toy. He then remembered Kenma having the toy and fidgeting with it on the way to where they ate.

"Wait I think I know who it belongs to..."

"That's sad. I really liked that rubix cube." Kenma said brushing it off.

"You aren't sad?" Kuroo asked looking in the direction of the shorter prince.

"Not really...I can just ask mom for a new one." Kenma replied shrugging.

"True I guess." Kuroo shrugged and they continued to walk around. The duo being spoiled wasn't anything new. They both got what they wanted whenever. They are still oblivious to how spoiled they are though. The two princes finally got bored of going around and wanted to go back to the castle. Kenma wanted to rest but Kuroo had other ideas...

"Where are you going? The entrance is this way." Kenma said pointing towards the door.

"That's boring let's play in the back." Kuroo replied with a smirk. Kenma sighed and followed. Kuroo picked up a ball and started setting it up in the air.

"What are you doing?" Kenma asked following the ball with his eyes going up and down.

"I seen some of the kids while we were walking doing this." Kuroo replied then instead of setting he started to receive it.

"I think i'm pretty good. No?" Kuroo added. Kenma scoffed and rolled his eyes

"Throw it to me." Kuroo said tossing the ball to Kenma. Kenma flinched a little but caught it. Kenma rewinded his arm and got ready to throw.

"K-k-kenma wa-wa-wait" Kuroo said nervously putting his hands in front of him trying to block himself. Kenma shot the ball right at him hitting him in the stomach and knocking the air out of him.

"......oops....." Kenma said shrugging while Kuroo is whimpering on the ground.

"I-i mea-n-n toss no-no-not bean the b-ball" Kuroo said trying to get up and catch his breath.

"What is going on out here? Mr.Tetsurou? Are you hurt??" A maid asked running outside with a worried look. She was a new maid, so she wasn't used to Kenma and Kuroo's playing.

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