Beneath others

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Chantal's POV

I get into the studio, all I really care about is breaking Michelle down, I need to start a revoulation, make allies, but with who?

Hye Tess I say

Tess: yea

may we please talk in privete? I ask

Tess: sure

So, I feel that you are doing something, I want to be apart of it I say

Tess: Okay,

Tess's POV

I let her join becuase we both want revenge, she wants revenge on Michelle and Giselle, I want revenge for all A troupe, combiened, we will destroy A troupe,  and make sure that they don't go to National's

Chantal: I got an idea

yea what I ask

Chantal: well, what if, me and you compete for the dance captincy together with Alexus, but it'll be you me and Alexis dancing, but just u and me competing for it!

GREAT! I yell

we start pratcing the final's routine for National's, 


Kris hit his head, something fell,  and hit Kris' head

James' POV

Hi I say to Riley

Riley: not even a chance

WHY! I yell

Please, I love you I yell

Riley starts laving me


all I want is to date her

Kate's POV

so far my son is in the hospital, and people are acting strange,

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