The Announcement PT 2

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Giselle's POV

I gop over to m y mail box, I get a letter from Eddie

Dear Giselle

Hi, It's you Boyfriend, I love you, and Also, look inside the paper, they mest it up, and wanted the letter to go to you

from Eddie

That is it, I have had enough, I want to bnreak up with him, I miss him so much, ever since he got debunked to  B troupe

I lok inside the paper

Dear Giselle

We hyave amaing dancers, and we watched you dance at a solo comêtition a  year ago, on live TV, we kloved your preformence, we want you to come onto our team, even though it is in america, it is a baording school o0f dance in america,  yes it is actaully called 'Boarding school of dance' we won Nationa;'s already, we saved you a spot for you if you want it, it is in claifornia

from ABSOD(American Boarding School Of Dance

OMG! I scream

I run to the studio

I got a letter I say

I read it to them

Kate: well you can only compete on one team!

Don't worry I'll be on here for National's, oh and I have to leave on Mrach first this year I say

Kate: that is the day of Natiopanl's final's,

Kate's POV

I am scared, what if she chooses to leave the studio for ABSOD, we will be screwed

You have to tell us on the day before National's bus comes I say

Giselle: sure I will

we hug and A torupe gets back to rehearsing

Giselle's POV

I walk over to b troupe

Eddie! I say

Eddie: yea

I feel sorry, but we need to break up, I say

We hug, Eddie agrees and I leave studio B

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