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Bruce glowered at his four sons, Jon, and Wally, who were all fast asleep on the couch. Though the entire JLA had presumed that they were still locked in the conference room for the past five hours, Hal had made the discovery that they were, in fact, free to leave whenever they felt like it. Of course, Hal had only made the discovery because he had been desperate for a bathroom break and had not been amused when his requests to leave had been met with a chamber pot being deposited remotely in the room. In desperation Hal had tried the door and found that they were free to leave. Upon exiting the room and consulting the computer, Bruce had discovered that the doors had been unlocked since they had started playing spoons. Of course, having not known that, the JLA had played not only Spoons, but also Monopoly and Twister (Bruce, unsurprisingly, won at Monopoly while Diana had easily cleaned the floor in Twister, a fact that the shapeshifters refused to acknowledge).

Now, Bruce was left glaring at his sons and Wally, as well as wondering how he could destroy all evidence of the little mishap.

"Boys," Bruce snapped finally. "Wake up."

"Five more minutes," Tim mumbled, laying an arm over his eyes.


"Do not tell me what to do, peasant," Damian hissed, not fully awake yet.

Ignoring the threat, Bruce grabbed the nearest limb and yanked. Unfortunately for the boys, the limb happened to belong to Jason, who was sleeping in the middle of their dogpile. As a result, when Bruce pulled, Jason came flying out of the pile and everyone ended up on the floor.

"Morning to you too," Jason grumbled.

"What possessed you boys to lock us in that room?" Bruce growled.

Dick, who had, naturally, ended up on the top of Tim when Bruce had unceremoniously interrupted their nap, just laughed. "It was funny."

"No, it was not," Bruce hissed.

"It actually was." Clark walked up and gently helped Jon off the ground. "Come on, Bruce, you had fun."

"Batman does not have fun."

"Yeah, but Bruce does." Clark gently patted Bruce on the back. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Dick, who had finally managed to get off of Tim, grinned. "See, B? Supes is going to keep your dirty little secret. Now all we have to do is keep it a secret that you are . . . you know . . ." he glanced around before continuing, "a sun-walking vampire."

Bruce sighed in defeat. "For the last time, I am not a vampire."

Jason narrowed his eyes at him. "You walk around pretending to be a bat, only go out at night, and can't seem to remember that this is the 21st century. Sounds like a vampire to me."

At this point, the other JLA members finally decided to show up.

"So, Bats, what's the punishment going to be for these guys?" Hal asked sadistically. "The rack? Hot boiling oil? Are you going to bite them?"

"Still not a vampire," Bruce muttered. "And there's not going to be any kind of torture."

"What?" Hal looked stunned. "You're going to let them get away with shaming the Justice League?"

Clark snorted. "It wouldn't be the first time. Remember when Oliver got turned into the "Pink Glittery Arrow" for a month because he couldn't find any suits not covered in pink glitter?"

Oliver, who had shown up pretty recently, whirled on the Robins. "That was you?"

Dick snickered. "Yeah, but good luck telling which one of us."

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